prostate sides
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prostate sides

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how do you massage the sides of your prostate with the aneros

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Hi @darrenmynameis,

That is a good question. You may want to read the answers to an earlier question posted on this Forum a few years ago. The title of the question is "Stimulating the sides of the prostate":


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I swear that my Uro can reach all the way around my prostate and finger the front of it (not a good feeling at all.)

The only toy I have that can do much with the lateral surfaces is my conventional Helix which has its original tail and handle.

When the p-tab wanders off the center of my perineum the toy becomes skewed and the head tilts either right or left on my prostate. For orgasmic sessions I try to keep the p-tab centered but for 'threapy work' I'll intentionally shift the p-tab off into the 'ditch' on either side of my perineum.

Aside from finding a good, cooperative partner/wife/g/f with long fingers, you might check a local toy store. I found a 5/8" x 13" explorer wand with smoothly rounded tips. It can reach but is awkward to use and is probably not as safe as the Helix.


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I get the most movement (and enjoyment) out of the Eupho. Nothing I think is going to be safer and more medically researched for prostate massage and its attendant health benefits than the Aneros products. Yes, the urologist can reach all sides of a normal prostate inside--I'm a physician and have done many prostate exams and can tell you this is true, but I'll also go ahead and tell you it's almost impossible for an individual to examine his own gland that way. Once you get the hang of the involuntary contractions that drive the massager and the resultant super-O's and use a smaller more mobile massager, probably most typified by the Eupho in that respect, you'll experience movement all over your gland inside that will really feel nice and really relax your prostate gland's tension (the tightness within the prostate capsule from the gland and its fluids that can be experienced as prostate congestion).
