I have used my aneros about 2 times now and feel absolutely nothing. Before I got my helix I tried with my fingers so penetration was not a problem but I actually feel nothing, not even the presence of the device itself. I always end on a super t- which is not that much better than regular orgasms, just lasts 2 seconds longer max. I get no erection and it doest feel like the helix bends forward enough to actually touch my prostate. How do I aweken my prostate?
@seby223, You cant force your prostate awake, this takes time and patience. Its normal in the beginning to feel almost nothing. Just keep at it and practice, eventually it will happen, everyone is different, so its hard to say for sure how long it would take. For me personally, it took about 6 months before things were very pleasureable. Keep in mind this is a journey, not a destination, you cant rush yourself there, that would defeat all the fun on the way.
@seby223 ineverknew said it! no rush just practice practice practice. Do lots of reading of this site too.
You should consider internal excercises to help speed up this process. I do agree with the two posts above me, However I think it should be said that you can get a better feel for your prostate by doing regular pc and anal contractions. There's 2 benefits to this. Firstly you can get good at rolling your muscle contractions and then apply Caveofmysteries rolling technique and the method of fatigue to produce involuntary contractions. This is a popular choice and I feel a great way to step forward when your ready. Secondly by doing these you are massaging the prostate via the muscles surrounding the prostate applying small pressure. This subtle approach to prostate stimulation should speed up the awakening in that you can do it in the car, at work, watching television with family. At these times you normally wouldn't stimulate the prostate and allows you to apply more focus throughout the day to your prostate that you wouldn't normally have done. Also without using the aneros model you also give yourself time to recover and prepare for another session. When I first became fully aware of my prostate I could feel it so strongly that it was fairly distracting but that died off when I became a bit more used to it. I was also able to bring myself to HFO just by focusing on the prostate ((without my aneros) at this time the feeling was very new and in turn created a sense of arousal) it's much harder for me to do it now so when you do get there I suggest practising this early as I believe this window is the best in which to learn.
What is the cave of mysteries? And I have already been doing kegels for a while I made a mittle sound when I released a contra action but just once they are not at all pleasurable but have made my regular orgasms much better
@seby223 Read this it will change your life It was written and started by CaveOfMystery
Thank you for adding the link xtimedt69. Unfortunately I am at work at the moment and have to view the forums on my iPhone which gets a little tricky
everyone here is correct, takes time..
oh.. and yeah, one more thing.. ditch the apple and get yourself some hard-core android phone that can do ANYTHING you want! Iphones are for kids and old-people!!!!!!!
waiting for the lynchmob .... ... .. :-w
To each their own, I have a droid and love it, my wife has an iphone and loves it. This argument will never get settled here. Though i will say this, i think the android devices are typically for smarter people since an apple products just work, no problems, android can do tons more but you tend to run into problems and application conflicts that need to be fixed. Hence smarter people like me and alex use droid devices! LOL :-j
Seems to me smarter people like your wife and me choose things that work! 😉
Ahaha if you guys saw the state my 4s is in you would laugh. I have to scroll the screen down line by line to read between the cracks in my screen. I'm currently financially challenged but will be switching to anything other than a 5. Although I don't think iPhones are bad, my one in particular has been a pile of shit since I got it. Took good care of it for a year or so, then stopped caring as I grew more hatred towards this thing.
@ineverknew I like things that just work.
@wired why didn't you go in an exchange it? Or use the warranty to replace it?
@if you like one phone or the other it's all good. I was just having a little fun
It got damaged badly like a week and a half ago, haven't got around to getting the warranty yet. However Im not sure that I want to. Might just get a new phone
@wired Probably a good idea. I have friends who got some new Android phone Samsung Galaxy and they love it.
I better quit now, we drug this thread off topic and gonna get yelled at!!! :bz
To each their own, I have a droid and love it, my wife has an iphone and loves it. This argument will never get settled here. Though i will say this, i think the android devices are typically for smarter people since an apple products just work, no problems, android can do tons more but you tend to run into problems and application conflicts that need to be fixed. Hence smarter people like me and alex use droid devices! LOL :-j
I, of course, second this elaboration and conclusion. 🙂
@sent you need to lie really quietly and concentrate on your prostate and any little sensations you get down there. After a while they magnify. I haven't gotten all the way yet but feel more now than in the first session or two