proposal for an aud...
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proposal for an audio repository of aneros sessions

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Are any men willing to record their aneros session and put them anonymously on a web site to help other men to find their way through the aneros sessions and to the super O s? I propose this as an experiment to see if men's voices and vocalizations during arousal and orgasm will resonate with our memories of pleasure and guide us there. I would look at how to keep the site as private as possible and would use an anonymous system for keeping track of the files like a numbering system. What I want to know is how many men here would contribute to this site.

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As a newbie of two months or so, I got a great benefit from listening to Brines super Os with his progasm. I would hope that your idea materializes and additionally, it can become a teaching mechanism. I know for myself, I appreciated Brines commentary on what was going on as he was in a state of bliss.

I think this could become a great teaching tool.

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I recorded my Progasm session and shared about it on my blog several days ago:

I did that because I knew I would want to blog about it later, but had a feeling it would be difficult, especially in the throws of orgasm, to remember what happened. My purpose was to share it with my fellow Anerosians for their encouragement and maybe as a guidance. Many who listened found it to be exactly that. But, I also found it to be very helpful to me. It made me really focus on what I was feeling. And it made me articulate those observations in words. That process made the session quite terrific and it is now deeply engrained in my orgasmic memory.

I hope to do that more often for the benefit of all - myself included.

I think this idea is a great one and it would add a whole new dimension to our collective experience.


PS - Let me know if you'd like to hear it.

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I have also like @brine recorded my sessions before. I found it is more helpful to myself. I can actually hear the building and declining of a orgasm. It also helps me blog about it by rehearing it remembering the hot moment I just had.

I think this would be hot. Like @Rumel told me its all about the sounds and the fantasy that we come up with so the sounds I think will help many guys.

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Here is a tread on "audio porn" at Literotica that might provide useful sites to consider such a repository:

People there seem to be using, and

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I like the soundgasm site as it's simple and ready to go and has a lot of space for tracks. But when I uploaded a sample file, it went okay and without an error message and then there was no file listed on the "my audios" page. It also says that it's a future site implying it's not ready to use. Would someone who is using this site please tell me if it's operational?

I agree with@BigOluver about the fantasy connection. I was listening to my "loveme.mp3" last night and noticed that I really responded to it because it mirrors my wishes from my adolescence.

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I found where the uploaded file went. It's surrounded by advertising. That's okay since the site is free.

It looks like people have to use my ID and password to access the audios. The problem with that is that anyone can change the site. Maybe I'll keep the Google site as it's already set up. If I run out of space, I'll have to continue looking.

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Agree Turnrow!! Brine's is brilliant and beneficial!! BigOluver's emphasis on auditory seems shared by many, particularly young men here. Great idea euphemistic!! I voted Yes!

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Thanks too krissive!!

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I give credit to@Rumel for suggesting the idea.

I've set up another Google website to host these files: Aneros Session Download Site at . I had to close the other site because it was created under my real name and it stated my name after each file I uploaded. So I created a new Google account under the name euphemistic2 and used the pseudonym John Doe as creator.So any file I upload will have John Doe's name, not the author's or mine.

So I count 3 yeses and 3 maybes. Would @brine give me permission to post his recording since he's already ordered it to listen to? Everyone else can email their files as attachments to euphemistic2@ Make sure you save it as an mp3 file as wav's are often too big to send by email.

Go look at the site. It's barebones but at least legible. I'll upload the files as I get them. Try to make them in a quiet room so we can hear vocalizations clearly. @brine's was very helpful with his realtime commentary but not necessary. Maybe some clarification at the end about what you experienced. I know I wouldn't have the clear head to narrate during an intense session.

If anyone wants me to put the audio tracks for gay men, not the live ones but the engineered, let me know and tell me which ones you like. There's limited space on these free sites so I can't put everything there. I can make a new page for them.

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Thanks men for this advance in the learning curve in getting to the super O.
I think I can comprehend the difficulty of commentary when you are in a state of bliss and I was amazed that Brine was able to do this given all that I know from my limited aneros knowledge.
However, if any of you guys are able to give commentary and instructions, I think this would be a great step for aneros learners as seeing a guy flopping like a fish and moaning out of his head is one thing, but learning how he got there is quite another matter.
This is a forward move in learning for aneros afficionados.
Thanks, sincerely.

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Yes, you have my permission to put up my Progasm Audio Session. Thank you for no real names attached to the files.


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I think that's a great idea.
@euphemistic I'm looking forward to download those files from your Website, so upload them asap 😉

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Okay. I've got 2 audio files posted at One is @brine's and the other is a compilation of audio with a soundtrack from @rumel called MMO_Dream-01. Anyone else got something?

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Hey, @euphemistic -

The recording you posted on the Google site as mine ISN'T MINE!!! I believe it is BigOluver's recording.


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I fixed the files on the site. I got men's pseudonyms and real names mixed up. Sorry about the confusion.

@brine, I had not actually listened to your recording until now. I'll use it in my next session. I'm staying on an island in Maine on vacation and have been moving towards the big O, I can just feel it.

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Cool, euphemistic! Have a great time on your own Maine vacation. And, again, thanks for putting this site up.


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@euphemistic great job on the site man. Thanks for putting up mine. Since it's a little rough I will be sending you another one. I think it will help a lot of men out.

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I put a separate page on the site called "AUDIO TRACKS FOR GAY MEN" where I'll put the erotic gay-oriented audio tracks that were on the old site that I deleted. If anyone has an erotic/hypnotic audio track that may interest gay men for our aneros sessions, and wants me to upload it to the site to share, please email me at These aren't the liive session tracks like the ones on SESSION RECORDINGS DOWNLOADS PAGE.Let me know if they're useful or not.

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Very cool, @euphemistc!


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There's a new audio recording of an aneros session posted on the download website,, contributed by BigOluver. Thank you BigO.

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I uploaded a new audio track, "BreathingMeditation", but because it wasn't a session recording, I put it on the gay men's tracks page; However, it is of general interest because it is a hypnotic instrumental recording for meditation with the sound of slow breathing mimicked by the instruments. I used it in my session today and it is very good for slowing down and concentration on one's breathing with a hypnotic, moving melody in the background.

There's also a new gay men's track with hypnotic music and waves, gradually introducing gay men's voices; it's called "gay audio" at

I've been uploading recordings of men's sessions with their pseudonyms from this forum (like @euphemistic) to identify who made the recording. It didn't occur to me that some men may not want even their pseudonym posted along with their recording for privacy reasons. If anyone wants to upload their session recording without the name that they use in this forum, that's fine with me. I won't identify their name on the web site. As long as I know that they are participants in this forum. If anyone currently having a recording on the website, wants me to take their pseudonym off the website and keep the recording, that's okay as well. Just let me know.

Just to be clear, no one who has asked me to take their pseudonym off the website. I only thought it should be an option.

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I moved the BreathingMeditation.mp3 track to the session recordings page because it is of general interest. It is a hypnotic, meditative instrumental track with breathing cues.

Also, I added a new audio track for gay men called OceanWavesBoys.mp3. It is the sounds of boys having fun with ocean waves in the background.

Again let me know if any of these are useful to you.

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I just uploaded Brine's 2nd audio session file that he recorded recently. I had to delete an audio file from the gay men's page to make room but it was well worth it. It's at .

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Thanks, euphemistic!


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ive had my aneros for a year or so, n never had a super o, i had very great sessions but it never go to that point of euphoria. i downloaded @brine audio session n had my aneros in at the same time, and see where it took me, and i must say i had my VERY FIRST SUPER O, i was such in a state of shock i was in a new world, a good hour or so later i was just in a diffrent state of mind, all i have to say is THANK YOU brine for rec ur session, please please do more audio sessions

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It is a joyful thing to hear you say that. I am EXTREMELY happy that my little experiment helped you out.

This is a fantastic journey, my friend. If you allow, you will find that your whole person will be affected in a very positive way. I am a renewed man, you will be one too.


PS - I'll work on a new recording as soon as I can. Finding the alone time can be a challenge! 🙂

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Brine's 3rd audio session is now online for downloading at This is with the eupho. I labeled all recordings as 1st, 2nd, etc for both Brine and BigOluver for easier reference.

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Thanks, euph!


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I listening @brine 3rd one now. I got to record me a new one to show my progression.

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