Progression guide?
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Progression guide?

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Hi All, 


So I was using mindgasm recently as a support tools for better muscle control/training in order to reach better sessions. Hopefully I can reach MMO/PO/Super O one day. In the mindgasm website they have a 30 days lessons that helps users to progress. 


I was just wondering if there is anything simliar for the Aneros journey. Perhaps it was in the forum somewhere. Maybe someone can share like a similar training plan or things like small tasks/missions to do everyday which will help new members to gain results with better efficiency? 


Thank you in advance. 

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If it's any where it would be in the wiki.

One tip I would like to share as it seems to be a recurring theme to how good my orgasms are. How turned on are you?

When I get a new toy that I have been waiting a week for, I usually can O in 30 secs. Usually so strong that I am done and if I am not, I can lose count of how many. e.g. I just got a magic wand and managed to orgasm on the perineum only in about a min once I settled in(I have never really did perineum alone before my mind was a little on the fence at first) Then had 2 prostate Os and then 3 or 4 penile Os(maybe 5 ;)) and 2 more prostate Os before cleaning up. On the other hand, if I have a session just because I am bored it usually takes a lot of work and focus to achieve anything and usually their weak and I can only get one or two before I am tired of trying.

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@poptrek That sounds totally true to me. 
i am glad to hear that others can cum so so quickly from almost ANY sort of touch down there! 

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I'm not aware of any particular training regimen for the aneros. The thinking seems to have always been "some men have success on their first try, while others may take longer". Beyond that, it's a case of feeling things out and troubleshooting where progress stalls.
I guess the theory is that if you're doing everything right and your mind is in the right place, then over time everything will fall into place through re-wiring.

I'm not sure I can imagine what an aneros daily training regimen would even look like. Kegels? Meditation? Periods of abstinence?
That's not to say I think there couldn't be training regimen... I just don't think the community has been trying to formulate one... which there seems to be good reasons for.

A lot of the breakthroughs I've read about over the years weren't as a result of a new pattern of behavior or regular practice, but as a result of device modifications, lube changes, and most of all, shifts in mentality. Drawing something from within, that allowed a person to not chase a feeling or clamp-down when they usually do, or to focus on some other aspect of the session than they normally would. These things are all so specific, individual, and nebulous that it's hard to even communicate about them.

People have come up with a lot of thoughtful threads over the years, which offer useful mindsets (or visualizations) to try out. These might address some road-blocks and be the very thing that helps the pieces fall into place for someone. Progress can be sudden too, so it's not even something that has a linear and predictable path. The wiki milestones made some attempt at mapping out what the progression might look like, but even that's not a firm set of waypoints.

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