Progress but confli...
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Progress but conflicted

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Hello All ive been doing my aneros sessions consitstantly. And ive had some good experiences. Mostly it feels good but, minimal pleasureable. Ive had it happen in one session that my whole ass buzzed. That was when i was stoned. I also defenetly noticed my nipples feel way more sensitive. After touching them a lot during sessions. Now whats intresting even tho it feels good when i touch diffrent body parts. They dont feel sexual. And even at times kinda distract me from my prostate. Only the nipples feel sexual. In a way. Seems like i only will be touching thoose during my sessions. Ive done some sessions diffrently. I clenched a lot more than i used to. And when i clench more and harder. It feels really good. But now im a bit conflicted. A lot of aneros users say you should be gentle and not clench hard. But when i clench harder sometimes like 60 or 70% it feels amazing. It makes me really horny, which i havent achieved trough gentle stimulation. I even get erections, which is not usual for me. It produces overall great feelings. I also started trusting my hips and thats something that also works really well. But now im really not shure what i shall do. It feels great to clench harder, but im worried my prostate would numb out from this. What do you guys think? Can i continue doing it like this? 


Helghast, Golfing1, Helghast and 3 people reacted
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You won’t hurt yourself or numb out permanently just from clenching hard. As long as you aren’t manually putting pressure on your prostate, you should be fine. In my early experiences, over clenching stopped all sensation, and I tried again another day. In the end I found orgasms early on in the 10-40% clenches, but nowadays things are different for me (and probably not worth giving as advice, because I am rewired).

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  • I try to do a permanent 10% clench which feels like enough for me. Sometimes a full power clench happens by itself, but it feels like too much to be good. Maybe this has to do with prostate size or position, maybe the pros can answer that one. Also the Eupho seems more comfortable for hard clenching than the Maximus. If you want to put less effort into clenches, maybe try a more intense model.
  • I've had similar experiences with nip stim vs other areas. Only the nipples send an electric tingle down the butt cheeks and thighs.

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Little thrusts are good too. Every guy is different. If the contraction power is what suits you,have at it.  What i say is if you are doing something that’s making pleasure,follow it. Keep doing it. You don’t necessarily need to change anything up. Get to a pleasurable rhythm and try sticking with it so your mind can concentrate on arousal.

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Posted by: @appronnygmail-com

I clenched a lot more than i used to. And when i clench more and harder. It feels really good. But now im a bit conflicted. A lot of aneros users say you should be gentle and not clench hard. But when i clench harder sometimes like 60 or 70% it feels amazing. ...It produces overall great feelings. .. It feels great to clench harder, but im worried my prostate would numb out from this. What do you guys think? Can i continue doing it like this? 

I agree with @divine_o, I don't think you will numb yourself just utilizing your own pelvic floor muscles to move your Aneros. Since you are new to this process the stronger contractions will produce stronger intense sensations but as you become more experienced you may find that as you tune into those sensations and mentally assign pleasure to them that you will need less intense contractions to reach the same level of pleasure. There are no 'rules' per se when it comes to each individuals Aneros journey but the guideline for practice is to 'follow the pleasure' as @Helghast suggested. Keep experimenting with various degrees of contractions but try to tune into the resultant sensations and not be too concerned with the contractions themselves, you'll work it out through practice.

Good Vibes to You!

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