Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows if this red model on amazon is the red ice version, or if it it just the normal one in red color.
@bubbaducky, your Amazon.com link brings up what looks like Progasm Classic red has a dull red sheen.
However, check out, Amazon link, https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_fapo?rh=n%3A3760901%2Ck%3Aaneros+progasm+ice&keywords=aneros+progasm+ice&ie=UTF8&qid=1471345412&fap=1
That brings up Progasm Red Ice which sells for $41.12. Hope this helps!
I don't think they make any of the regular Progasms anymore; I had my regular Progasm Red warranteed, and it was replaced with what appears to be an Ice. If I remember right, the regular Progasms were made of polystyrene, like your airplane, military, and car models. The Progasm Ice models are made of ABS plastic, or maybe polycarbonate.
The Ice is much better and durable.
@Badger, they do! In Progasm Classic in white which is sold on Aneros.com and other venues. I hope Aneros, Inc. keeps manufacturing the Progasm Classic because it has greater traction and delivers a more robust massage than Progasm ICE. While I appreciate the sleek feel of Progasm ICE, it tends to slip out more easily than Progasm Classic.