I have a blue Progasm, and was thinking about getting one because I thought it could be put in the freezer. Is it only called ice because it looks like ice? Would I notice a difference up inside between it and my blue Progasm?
my first progasm was white - I broke a tab off that one and now own an ice
I think they are exactly the same size and shape.... just a different color
I had a black Progasm until the tab broke off from heating/adjusting the tab, and bought a red one, and the Ice came out a week later. [GRRR]
yeah ive found that the progasms tabs break really easy. they should look into this more
I noticed the cracks in the arms of my beloved First Progasm (feb 2009) fortunately soon enough to save it. It is now a desktop ornament 🙂 I bought the Ice, I think it is less prone to cracking. It feels slightly different inside though.
The "ICE" is a clear version of the Progasm having same specifications as the white and colored Progasms. That said, it is made of a different material that has a smoother feel to it. The name "ICE" refers to the appearance of the device only. It has no special properties for purposes of chilling it down.
BF Mayfield