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Prepping before and during aneros session

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I have a question for everyone in the form what are your practices before and during and Aneros session? Myself I will usually prep beforehand with a shower and then watch porn and edge some. Then I will insert then aneros and view pornography or look at pics of hot women and use the do-nothing method. Have not had a super or dry o yet but have had pleasurable feelings. I wonder if I would be better served by turning off the porno after its inserted and just close my eyes and think hot thoughts. The reasons I have gravitated to porn during a session is doing nothing my mind tends to wander.

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When I first started it would take me an hour to prep. I've cut that down to 10mins. Even my sessions are shorter because I'll try to focus on just the exercises.

Try just soft ambient sounds or music or use your favorite audio from a porn clip. Dim if not turn off the lights and just go with the flow. It is too easy to get distracted if you're trying for an exercise.

I understand though because some nights you just got to let loose.

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It's all about concentration. Use 'hot' thoughts if it helps but only to start off the feelings, and anything else you want to help you relax. Maybe you haven't got a dry O yet because you aren't concentrating on the pleasure feelings enough, and the only way to build those is through concentration.People talk about internal and external stimulation, this is all internal and done through thought and concentration, much like with meditation.

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I think that porn and "hot" thoughts can be more of a hindrance than a help because they are directed towards penile and ejaculatory sensations rather than the deeper sensations originating from the prostate. I agree with smudgefish that you need to concentrate on the pleasure feelings that you are receiving, however small, and build them up mentally.

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