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Premature ejaculation worries

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Is it just me or does the aneros cause premature ejaculation issues? I never really had an issue with premature ejaculation before the aneros. However now I have been using the device for 2 months and I seem to be a lot quicker to cum lately. Not sure if it's in my head or what. Since I have started using this device, I finish a whole lot faster with my wife and god forbid I masturbate after an aneros session. I can't last more than 4-5 strokes and I'm usually pretty limp when it happens. Wtf. On the bright side I cum buckets after a session and it feels incredible but i don't last long at all.

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I've experienced no significant change for the worse after using Aneros for a year and a few months. If anything, I have been able to last longer under the same circumstances pre-aneros. The one thing that has changed for me is that I have reduced masturbation to only maybe once a week or sometimes two in order to clean the pipes. It used to be a once a day habit which helped me last longer when I was with the wife. Since I have reduced ejaculatory orgasms to a less frequent interval I still last about the same as before, whereas if I wasn't anerosing and only finished myself once or twice a week I would blow my load pretty quickly during intercourse. So all things the same, I am lasting longer I suppose.
Your situation may be quite different. Have you changed the frequency of your orgasms or is everything about the same? Lots of guys cut back some to help increase baseline arousal for an aneros session.

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I used to masturbate to orgasm at least once a day maybe more. I have been cutting back masturbation to once or twice a week sometimes after an aneros session. I'm thinking that's what the issue is. Normal masturbation I can last a little bit but after an aneros session forget about it. I'm like a 15 year old kid, 2 strokes and I'm done. Lol.

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Yeah, I avoid finishing myself after a session these days - however tempting it may be. The level of arousal is high and it takes only a little bit of stimulation to cum unless I edge it out, which I would normally do when I used to associate a session with ejaculation. I don't think you have anything to worry about. If you are going to be with a partner, just unload a round from the cylinder before hand.

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Thanks for the advice.

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