Does practicing kegals help speed along rewiring? Been trying to a regimen of them everyday to see if it helps speed things up
Hey @aneros_user113188,
well... for me it was a major milestone and I recommend it everytime I get an opportunity ;). It really helps getting in touch with your pelvic muscles, not only control-wise but sensory-wise. And as you gain control over your various muscles, you also gain more control over relaxing them. Your body in general and your levator ani muscles in particular, are always in a state of tension rather than being relaxed. Getting your pelvic floor relaxed properly is much easier when you mastered to control the muscles down there.
Back then, I did Kegels 3 times a day with 20-30 reps. After ~3 weeks I started to gain more control over my muscles and began to seperate them. You may find my forum-entry )where I cover this subject in more detail) helpful as well as this wiki entry.
Like @Unfug, I began a regimen of Kegel Exercises even before I embarked upon my Aneros journey in early June 2012. I found that using the Kegels in various strengths with my various Aneros models helped me along with my Aneros journey.
You may want to refer to Aneros Directions for Use on the web site, especially section 2:
Section 2 gives you detailed directions on performing the Kegels in your Aneros sessions. You will develop strength in the various muscle groups which @Unfug gave in his post above.
Also you may want to purchase an Aneros Tempo, a fairly heavy stainless device which can strength and tone your anal musculature. Please read my review of Tempo on tumblr for more information.