I have been using the Aneros for 2 years with no success in achieving a dry o/Super o. I have had good sessions at times though which felt good. When I have a particularly good session, I wind up extremely horny and the urge to masturbate is very very strong. Needless to say I give in to those urges a lot, and when I do, I cum rather quickly and a lot. By giving into the masturbation urges am I short circuiting my chances at a Super o eventually or is it beneficial to end with an ejaculation? And if i shouldn't be finishing up, what do you do to stop those urges????
I get super O's and most times it ends in ejaculation. Even after this when im done with my session i will get strong urges to masturbate and I usually do. I say it probably isn't hurting unless you're finding it hard to get aroused and experience pleasure during your session then retention would probably help.
I'd say that you are well developed (well along the journey) and 'clearing the tubes' whether by mentally going into Hands Free Wet or with some manual technique will have little negative effect on the solidity of your approach to our practices.
I feel that we tend to reach a point where we can Dry-O with an Aneros Tool, orA-Less (without the postural stability using an Aneros. I think the ultimate status includes the whole spectrum of sexual action (as long as it does not subordiate any child or individual who does not want to participate).. Enjoy !
@rook Dude, your second paragraph is out there man, (as long as it does not (subordiate) any child or individual who does not want to participate). Where did that come from? I doubt that it belongs (in any way) on this forum.
I think rook is saying that providing it is done with consenting adults, all sexual activity is good. I'd add "and that does no bodily harm" o something like that.
Just wanted to make sure in masturbating after a session isn't keeping me from achieving the Super O? It seems that I'm not the only one who does this after a session. The urge to cum is incredibly strong sometimes and I give in a lot to masturbating. Just wish I could lose control with the aneros in me like I seen in videos and from what I've read. Not quite there yet.
I recognise the urge. For me, i solve things by having a wet handsfree orgasm at the end of my session. It causes an ejaculation, though not a 'full' one (i'll remain excited afterwards, although less than before the orgasm).
However, I do believe that refraining from ejaculation and traditional masturbation during aneros use, will be beneficial to reaching dry o's or even super o's (I haven't had one of those yet). I once tried semen retention for about 2 weeks and it helped raising arousal levels and prostate sensitivity. Unfortunately, though, this hasn't led to anything else than a handsfree wet orgasm (which are, by the way, really good and satisfying).
Have you ever tried to get a handsfree wet orgasm with the aneros?
I have not had a hands free wet orgasm with the aneros. Not sure how to do that without actually masturbating with the aneros in?
What I used to do to induce the hands-free wet orgasm, is perform a very strong contraction and hold it for a couple of seconds. Then release it, enjoy the feeling caused by the strong contraction, then repeat. (Sometimes accompanied by watching erotic material). This would lead to such an arousal , that the ejaculation reflex would set in.
nowadays, I am able to induce it without much effort, when I'm very aroused I'm able to give in at my arousal at a certain point and ejaculate handsfree. I do need to be very aroused in order to be able to do it. I try to 'edge' on the brink of orgasm by withholding from ejaculation, rebuilding arousal, withholding again, etc , which is really nice 🙂