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@Zentai  Would this help me? I'm using mine and doing the Do Nothing method of aneros play. Feel a bit stuck and a bit clueless - I dont count breaths or force things, just let things happen but the most seem to be itches or a few involuntaries or feelings like i need to go pee.

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The way this method is supposed to work is that if you can't completely let go and stop thinking, at least you're concentrating your attention on something that is conductive to getting results instead of analyzing everything, or asking yourself why things aren't progressing, while at the same time tricking yourself into letting go. If you think that it can help you, go for it! 

If you don't get into the whole "conscious vs unconscious" concept, or if you think you're good enough at relaxing already with the Do Nothing method, concentrate on the "imaginary prostate" visualization and skip the rest. It works well for me as a sensation amplifier so it might work for you, too. Hope this helps, take care ! 


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 So this for some is normal? In a way I find the convulsions exciting, yet distracting, as I find it hard to keep track of how hard I'm contracting the mucsles' Not sure I should even try contracting, just let the convulsions go see where they take me. So far no where, funny thing all I have to do think about it and i have sympathy convulsions, anywhere, at any time.  I have deduced that they are or were originally caused by pressure on the taint, as this is where I have the most feeling so far. Also I bought a Helix on the weekend, which barely touches my taint, and I have much more control over convultions, which I'm not sure I like either{the control I mean)ha!  Sorry folks just thinking out loud, forgive my rambling. I invite all to comment on any of this. I know this is about a new approach to get one over the hump. For me I grew up in a very loud , crowded, small house,where in order to concentrate one had to learn how to tune everything out in the middle of a mad house. I myself have developped some simple ways to shut everything off to 1.focus and 2. find the joy where I'm at, as I may be there awhile.  



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Is it normal? I have to answer yes. Frankly I only know what's normal for me, as this is the only way I'll ever experience anything : as myself. The same is true for you, so no matter what anyone else is experiencing, after a certain point comparing yourself is fruitless. But from reading a lot around here and other places, your experience is not unusual.

At the end of the day, only you will get to see where you end up. For example, the perineum is where I have the less erotic feeling and my skin is sensitive. So it will not be my reflex to tell people to add more stimulation there, in fact I'll tell everyone to pad that spot. In your case, I'd be tempted to slip something over the tab to make it a little bigger for better contact, but it's just a guess... right there you can see that we'll be walking different paths and that different strategies are needed.

Also don't want to play at internet psychology, but since you talked about it I think you must be comfortable about addressing it at a surface level : do you think your living situation had an impact on how you can express your pleasure today and be spontaneous with it? That might play a part in how you approach all this... 

Hope you could make something of *my* ramblings, take care and keep exploring! 


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@zentai  Hey thanks man.

 I find your method, for me, has me thinking way to much. I am sure it will help many though. I thank you for helping me to plot my course. Its the little things that resignate with each individual, I find that I can use parts of all the forums, I've read so far. I can say after much reading that I'm really not stuck, if one does'nt think that an orgasm/super o, is success. Cause really folks the oragsm by hand fter is pretty damn good to. win/win Just enjoy your body, and you'll never be disapointed. 





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@tbob thanks for the feedback, yeah it's a lot to think about and will only help people that will think way too much no matter what. Finding out you're not stuck, that's still progress in my opinion, and getting a little closer each session is also progress and will build up to success, and is also to be celebrated as it's own thing. You'll get there sooner than you think. Take care! 


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