Possible mini-O? (c...
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Possible mini-O? (can only describe it as "kissing" the tip of the Euro with your muscles!)

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Possible mini-O?

Hi All…

Ok, so I posted here ~1 week ago (re: being new, being optimistic, yet skeptical) and I got some really good tips/advice (thanks). I had reviewed the “Do nothing…” thread and tried that out ~3-4 days ago… nothing really; was quite frustrated after the ~2-3 hr session.


I than started reading the “My first super-O” threads (2 of them: My first super-O and My first super-O and how I did it). Indeed, reading those stories and the descriptions of the feelings, well, it most certainly entices someone to keep trying!

Anyway, I decided to try again last eve and, well, I THINK I had a mini-O (and only because time was tight - had started the session ~10:15… and the mrs was going to be home ~12:30 – I was not able to just ride what happened and see if it went anywhere else). Based on a few posts in the threads I mentioned above, I arrived at the following ideas/plan for my session:

(with Helix, lubed with Vaseline on toy, and a little KY)
- started early in the eve (~5pm) for an ~1 hr “pre-session” (while watching TV)
(while sitting, nothing really happened; but was not surprised)
- took it out at ~6pm

(with vibrating wand)
- ~10pm I turned in and started another session
- did some basic stretching (lowering tension)
- lied down (on right side, right leg straight, left knee to chest)
- then tried a vibrating stick with a little KY (me and the mrs have a few) for ~20 mins
- sure, had some sensation and was able to fell vibrations deed inside (at prostate) but nothing really (and am not convinced this helped with the mini-O, but who knows)
- after about 20 mins I stopped that and took a break for a few

(with Helix, lubed with Vaseline on toy, and a little KY)
- more stretching/relaxing/breathing
- lied down (on right side, right leg straight, left knee to chest)
- DID NOTHING (for ~20 mins); though I think I tossed in a few “50% contractions” once in a while
- got a few minor involuntary contractions, but nothing to write home about
- changed position (on back, with pillow under butt); nothing really
- changed position (on floor chest on bed, doggy/frog-like), perhaps something, but nothing to speak of
- on bed, doggy/frog-like, perhaps something, but nothing to speak off


- after all of this it was ~11:15
- I decided it was time to call it a day (with a twist)
- I decided to remove Helix and swap in Euro (and just got to bed, thinking I would fall asleep with Euro in)

(with Euro, lubed with Vaseline on toy and a little KY)
- so, I clean up from all the Helix efforts! And get the Euro into position
- lied down (on right side, right leg straight, left knee to chest)
- within a min or 2 of assuming this position the Euro CRAWLS into me (not else sure how to describe it!)
- I wanted it to go in more, but it did not/would not, even with trying
- I thought “”hmmm… this is odd”
- After few mins of just lying there (doing nothing) I started to do some voluntary contractions
- count 8 secs as I pull it in like ~30% of what I KNOW it can do (count 8 secs as I let it glide out)
- I did this for ~3-5 mins (I forget)
- count 12 sec as I pull it in like ~60% of what I KNOW it can do (count 12 secs as I let it glide out)
- I did this for ~3-5 mins…


- the Euro and my muscles down there just started working together (as I they no longer needed me!)
- I was like… HEY THIS MIGHT BE SOMETHING (and that did interrupt the moment a tad)
- This kept happening and it one point (soon, did not take long) I felt as if the EURO expanded in size (feeling tight in me) and that the entire area around the EURO could no longer accept the toy (meaning it was too big for the space it was in).
- I then got a sense that (and I KNOW THIS WILLSOUND STRANGE) that all “I was” was/were the muscles around the toy (feeling as if the TOY itself was the SIZE of my body!) and my consciousness! Is if “I” as an entity was just this toy, the muscles around it and “thought” and that this toy and the muscles around it were as big as I (~6ft tall, ~185 lbs)… ? WTF??
- While this was all happening, I did my best to concentrate on the feeling DEEP in there and I would often try to STOP the muscle contractions (or at least slow them down, control them I little… see if I could fine tune the feelings)
- At one point I was able to ID just the smallest of a circle muscle I think and just slightly contract it (just a hair, just a millimeter, nanometer, picometer?!); Almost as if I were, well, using this muscle to (and this just occurs to me now) gently “kiss” the very top of the Euro!
- This all felt very odd… very strange… but, vaguely “good”
- At one point I did relax everything, take a small break and try to “kiss” the tip of the euro again and yes, that DID bring back some of the feeling of “fullness” (all muscles tight around Euro), but it was not as intense as the first time…
- No, I did NOT have anything WASH over me (like p-waves?), but I did get a sense that if I had more time (it was now ~12:00 and I KNEW the mrs would be getting home between 12:30 and 12:45 from visiting with her sister), I could make this into something more!

- So, after ~2 hrs (the first 1:15 hrs perhaps not useful/important, but who knows!) I did have what I will call a promising session.
- I have no idea if the sequence of anything I did (pre-session, stretching, vibrating wand, Helix first, all those various failed positions, more stretching) and anything to do with the success I had with the Euro.

[note: decided to finish manually ~12:20... thought mrs would be getting home ~12:45... just enough time to clean up, jump back into bed when front door opened! LOL at ~12:30... that one was close!]

- But now that I know the Euro did something, I may go straight for that, “do nothing” (aside from my very minor contractions) next time and see if I can further build that “kiss” into an outright deep throat engulfing of the Euro with ALL the associated bells and whistles!


So, would your experienced users agree that I had a mini-O?

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I don't think it was a mini O personally but i do think you experienced some nice feelings and you're well on your way.

I would say that you did a hell of a lot, it reminds me of my own sessions in the past, desperately seeking 'something' i.e. orgasms.

I would say 'think less' and 'feel more', I've just started learning the do nothing technique and I'm finding that in actuality you end up doing a fair bit, but its mainly your mind that makes it happen.

Dont get too overexcited with things, you will find your own path soon enough, if you start to long for orgasms from it, it may lead you astray.

But so far, so good!, keep going!

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Great descriptions, @Melsenior. I assume you mean eupho rather than euro though. Good that you tried several devices, rested and ended with the eupho, that helps prepare me for a good session sometimes. The sensation of the eupho not fitting inside you is your prostate engorging and muscles cradling it I imagine. It takes me a while to get to that point but it's a good sign. I've also imagined that the eupho was enlarging to fill my whole body, that I'm becoming the eupho. I didn't know anyone else had that image. It's helped me to let my imagination go during sessions, guided by my perception of the sensations. The "kiss" of the device head reminds me of my inward smile on my prostate. "Deep throat" also sounds hot and arousal amplifies the sensations. I'm not an expert so I may be off base but your experiences sound familiar on the way to more pleasure. Whether you call it an mini orgasm, pleasure waves or a orgasmic state sort of doesn't matter at this stage IMO. @Inhope is right to say to passively perceive the sensations your body is giving you and enjoy them. Best wishes. 🙂

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I tend not to label the various levels of pleasure. It felt good right? If you need to ask if it were an orgasm, than I suspect it wasn't. If you enjoyed it, keep going. Don't over analyze things. Just imagine a continuum of pleasure. Your body is responding and the feelings generated will definitely move you along that continuum.

I suspect it won't be long and you'll be advising others, too.

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thx for all the tips/advice/feed back...

i tell you, it WAS an odd feeling... Felt like i was a 6ft tall Euhpo with a "mind" -- LOL.

Thought i should go out on the town! Buy a hat and go grab dinner!

Am going to take a break for a few days... less i get over excited about repeating it and then, if not, getting frustrated...

i'll take it a tad more easy now... knowing that, indeed, something MAY be awakening down south!

thanks again!

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I believe you may have experienced an anal orgasm. I have had them by activating my core which pushes down onto the top of the unit. Once i fatigue that muscle, then a calming bliss overtakes me and I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. Makes me "tired" just mentioning it. X_X

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Oh... thanks for the info

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