porn addiction
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porn addiction

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Hey everyone happy holidays.
I'm new here, but been reading for a few weeks. I'm 26, straight male and I love my aneros massagers so far 🙂

I don't want to make my first post long so I'll try to be easy haha.
So I've got a problem, and its probably gonna play a huge role in "the journey". I've been stuck on porn for about two years now. Like- 2hours every single day stuck. I hate it. But during that time I found I like anal play. Bought a couple dildos, they're fun and all, but not really what I was hoping. Then I read about prostate massage and found aneros. And wow, that sure sounded like what I've been looking for. So I got the progasm and helix, hence the username, haha!

First time I used one, which was the progasm, I got close to something. Very exciting but it didn't totally happen. But I was hooked. Been using daily since. So far it's been great- I actually was far less into the porn and more into the massager. About a month of pretty steady progress, moving right along the aneros milestones. Then I got this crazy idea to quit porn and masturbation, ya, as if aneros was the new 'in' and porn was 'out'. It wasn't bad the first night. Actually, I figured it would be the ticket to finally send me over the edge the next night. Nope- next night- no progress, first time I didn't feel/notice something new. Bummer. Next night, same. Since I went one day without masturbating in a year or so I figured I'd go for two, or three.

Well I'm on night three and this sucks, I've gone in reverse. I'm realizing how screwed up I got myself and that's putting a huge halt to the journey. Now that I've quit porn, I really don't want to start it again. But the last two sessions I got absolutely nothing out of. But a couple weeks ago I could be driving, do a few contractions and get pretty wound up. I didn't need porn for that, so I think the "ol' quitting a long time routine" is the problem here and not porn itself. I'm actually starting therapy next week, hopefully it helps.

Has anyone been in the same situation? Does quitting porn addiction and aneros work? Or at least, how long before I can enjoy a session again?

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Everything in moderation. Anything that can increase arousal is good for orgasm. If you desensitize yourself by using too much, it's not that you don't still get pleasure from it. For example I've been listening to slutty moans for years, my body is wired to react to it. However I do get a much better response if I listen less.
So in principle cutting out porn altogether is like pigging on food, throwing up and then declaring that you're cutting out food altogether

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Ive been wondering myself about the anti masturbation campaign going well on as it seems for me to slow down sensory for the next sessions. I have better results it seems when I do engage in clearing the pipes per say. I mean, think about it. High island health created this device to rid the prostate of old stale fluid and enhance new fluid production, doesn't it stand to reason without ejaculating it just engorged the cells? Mt opinion only of course. But I've noticed even with sex the first orgasm isn't very satisfying but what I feel is mass quantity of fluid release and decreased pressure. The second orgasm is the more pleasurable one for me in that instance. I've also noticed better an Eros sessions a few hours after ejaculating. I know it's not recommended during sessions but aft r we are done. There is nothing written in stone thou shall not cum. I believe this is more the issue and not the porn in sudden decrease sensation. Just a theory. Clean the pipes and try a session about 2 hours later. See what happens.

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Makes sense, thanks. I'm not necessarily addicted to porn itself, rather, its a coping habit, much like drinking or drugs I'd imagine. Now I've lost my coping method and its letting me know.

If I don't get something going tonight I will HAVE TO 'clear the pipes'. I was hoping that abstaining would get my arousal levels up so that I wouldn't have to use porn to get excited. But it seems I have no sensations anywhere except my member. Hell, hold out long enough I might be able to pull it off without porn haha

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Whatever you need to do. My suggestion though was clear it a few hours before. This will allow recovery tI'm to allow arousal again

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The only time I look at porn now is when I'm riding or having an a-less session to get aroused. The no masturbation thing doesn't help me beyond 24 hours. In fact, it seems to have the opposite effect just like you. If I go 4-5 days without ejaculating, I have terrible sessions. As soon as I rub one out or have sex though, it's back for the next session.

Also, keep in mind ejaculation is good for your prostate health so I kind of disagree with the premise of avoiding ejaculation all together. Just avoid doing it if you plan to have a session later in the day.

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They just did studies and porn is something that does not fit the traditional "addiction" categories. It lights up parts of your brain in different ways than other things, like sugar, drugs, nicotene, caffeine and the like do.

I look at porn all the time. I've been into it since I was little, going on at least 26 years or so now. I love sex and I love my cock and I love orgasms and I love to ejaculate. I love everything that's sexy. I love women. I think male and female genetalia are extremely fascinating. If given the chance I will have orgasms/cum as much as possible everyday I possibly can, which is like never. My wife and I have been highly/hyper-sexual since we started having sex in 1999. When I'm not with her I'm with myself; same with her, she plays a lot too.

I do not see porn as something that is addicting. If porn was addictive then sex would be and we'd all be on some kind of help for sex addiction. Nymphomania is a 19th century invention; how can you be overly addicted to something like an orgasm??

I say enjoy what you can while we're here on this planet and allow your body the freedom to experience orgasms as often as you can, in all of their delicious forms!!!

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Also I don't know where you get your porn, but if it's anything of the standard I get to see, I find it really disturbing you can be addicted to it. When I'm on pornsites I spend 95% just scrolling through, most is too shitty to jerk off to nevermind watch. I'm starting to give up on pornsites most is just flooded with trash.

And for me, more and more, the free content is also flooded with revolting advertisements, so most of the time I'm too disgusted by the lack of quality and the visual rape that I discontinue my search.

Not watching porn isn't a problem, it's when you come back and discover how much shittier it's become.

I really hate to think that someone can be addicted to that, that's seriously fucked up!

But at least at some time in the future when porn becomes good, they can't say it's addictive because it's good(although then it might be the case)

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Well the idea was to not masturbate/ejactulate to get arousal levels up, there's a thread on that somewhere, like 21 day challenge or something? But after day two it started to mess with me and arousal levels were actually decreasing.

I've noticed when checking out porn that I stopped concentrating on prostate sensation and it goes right to penis. It's very distracting. But without porn, arousal goes down and I get tired. Which makes sense because my sleeping habits have always been terrible from this whole porn thing. I think the reason arousal was high initially was because it was something new...

I don't have an answer for the addiction vs myth or whatever. All I know is when I start checking out porn, I don't stop for hours sometimes. But I know its not really about the porn, its more about feeling free from the problems. But I've yet to find what my underlying problem is, which is why I'm gonna try therapy.

It helps talking about this, thanks

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For me i am all in favor of masturbating to clean the pipes as someone mentioned and to satisfy your desire. After all not all Aneros sessions are a home run. I have found that my Aneros sessions have improved my overall health and vigor in the entire genital area. I have much harder erections, increased ejaculate and the desire to have sex more frequently now since using the Aneros. I have had some incredible ejaculation orgasms with the Aneros in and also with out. I dont think there could be anything wrong with masturbating after or in between sessions just dont make that your goal during a session.

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That's a good point. Porn in itself works dopamine responses and endorphin response qixh create excitment and pleasure in t he brain. Oxytocin and vasopressin and creates a bonding or feeling of "love". Chemistry plus neurologic activity equal learned response. You may feel a decrease in dopamine at the moment due to lack of visual excitation or it may be that you have a buildup of seminal fluids demanding release and the pressure is limiting pleasure sensory.

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Good summary yankeecowboy, I think that's exactly the issue.

So basically I've got to disconnect, at least partially, porn from penis.

Maybe the ultimate question is, how to get porn to prostate effectively, without it going straight to the woodyard. Ya, I think that's the real question..

General question-
During a session, I've been close to something a few times but its like I chicken out. I think once I finally hit an orgasm of some type, things will go a lot smoother from then on. Is that how it worked for anyone? IE The journey was long but once you experience some type of orgasm, it became much easier after?

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But I know its not really about the porn, its more about feeling free from the problems

So basically I've got to disconnect, at least partially, porn from penis.

Robin Williams said bloodflow can't go to brain and penis at the same time.
With good porn it's easy to become orgasmic, with shitty porn there's only one way and that is through the penis. So maybe if porn was good you'd rewire more easily, now you're stuck in the penis because the shittiest porn ever is keeping you there, coz only the penis doesn't give a fuck

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What the heck are you saying? It's all shitty porn, people doing basically the same things. And in itself can be like a gateway drug, leading to the more unconventional and strange. Suddenly you find yourself in the downward spiral looking for the things that at will raise your excitatory levels to that familiar level. And you wonder, how did I get here? One can ask how did we get here to aneros? I remember as a teenager going to my friends house and we would peruse his father's playboy's not the subject matter but the perception and thrilled expectation of it that gets people there. It's why shitty porn still exists. It's where some are on their journey. The sight of a pair of breasts may be enough for their charge. Others might be visiting the darker sights. What was that movie? 8mm. I ask myself now what am I looking for really. At the end of the equation I am seeking bo the power and intimacy. What are you seeking?

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IMO going for too many days without ejaculating can be counter-productive. Aneros is elusively subtle, so the frustration can rise quicker if there's a need to hurry. For me, the best sessions have been with a day, maybe 2, after the last orgasm. Long enough to feel horny, but not so long as to feel desperate.

Regarding porn, I find it dulls the imagination. I am still digging around in the mind for a go-to fantasy of the sort that Rumel talks of in Hypnaerosession.

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What the heck are you saying? It's all shitty porn, people doing basically the same things. And in itself can be like a gateway drug, leading to the more unconventional and strange. Suddenly you find yourself in the downward spiral looking for the things that at will raise your excitatory levels to that familiar level. And you wonder, how did I get here? One can ask how did we get here to aneros? I remember as a teenager going to my friends house and we would peruse his father's playboy's not the subject matter but the perception and thrilled expectation of it that gets people there. It's why shitty porn still exists. It's where some are on their journey. The sight of a pair of breasts may be enough for their charge. Others might be visiting the darker sights. What was that movie? 8mm. I ask myself now what am I looking for really. At the end of the equation I am seeking bo the power and intimacy. What are you seeking?

What am I looking for in porn?
Just the same that I look for any branch of entertainment. If it's a comedy I want it to be funnier than life, horror, scarier than life, etc.
Like all modes of experience I think human sexuality should be exulted, to make it more arousing, more sexy etc than life.
And like any other branch I'd expect some professionalism. Editing, special effects, non chronological, voice overs, and not to make it as real as possible but to make it as arousing as possible.
edit:- I also think aliens wouldn't be impressed if they saw the porn we were making, they'll mistake us for being lower lifeforms when they first may have been attracted by the music on the Voyager and thought higher than we are.The crux of the matter is that times change, we're no longer a humanity whose highest artistic expression is through music, inflation of numbers no longer warrants that at 7 billion and rising we're starting to resemble non-human, non-mamillian something more insectlike, say a technological information insect. What do insects do when times are good?
They breed like crazy, now since we don't want to inflate the human species and thus devalue the individual human spirit even more there's (going to be) a lock on breeding, or as I like to think about it a need for seed, driven by the urge to breed...and when this urge is foiled it goes into overdrive.

Anyway so at this time and place what should be the highest 'human' creative expression?

Think of any other genre and apply porn'standards' to it(imagine an action film with only one jerky cam, no special effects, no editing etc) I think people would lose the appetite for entertainment...not so with porn, coz it's jerk off driven. So the same thing that allows for people to escape their head also makes non-discriminatory viewing possible..and since blood flow goes to the penis, harder to rewire

Anyway as I said, I think anything that enhances orgasm is good, because orgasm is the gateway.
They say feeling good raises your frequency, orgasm is the closest you can get to ecstasy and the ecstatic is an otherwordly domain, what you receive in this frequency is of an other order.

There are also benefits to orgasm, because orgasm is a celebration of life

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Well I think I'm back on track! I banged one out, and, without porn :). Felt pretty cool to know I could still ejaculate in under 5 mins not needing anything extra. Had a session last night, went pretty good, should have called it quits after 2 hrs but didn't... Unfortunatly for me I get pretty into it, so close to something every time and I keep going. I usually end up horny as hell and jerk off a couple times. And no porn again! Well, at least not while jerking.

I guess knowing when to end a [productive] session is part of the journey..

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