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I'm a very freaky guy and with me being with Aneros for over two years my freaky side has grown and it is ready to explore so much more. I have read about poppers and how they free you and just make you calmer and make you go deeper into sexual exhibitions. I really want to try them but i hear so many warnings and actually don't know where to get real info about them or where to buy them from. So if any of you have tried them or use them when you ride or bate I would love your input.

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Hello Big O ... You are indeed 'freaky' or are you?

I personally think you're more likely a very uninhibited, curious man who wants to leave no stone unturned where his physical being is concerned and self-explore (within the intelligent walls of safety) to the fullest extent. We have chatted on occasion and I think I understand your desires pretty well, (don't ask me how I should know that). Your question about 'poppers' is smart and I applaud you for seeking answers from others on this site before you take the plunge. I have used them in the past, way in the past. Poppers were first introduced to me by way of older men during my (legal) younger years. The effect from inhalation producers relaxation of smooth muscle thus providing easier penetration along with a short-lived aphrodisiac rush. At the time, it was fun and it was the only way I could be a passive player. As the years passed by I realized that I did not want to continue using poppers as a tool for attaining gratification and found they were masking over real feelings of pleasure. For instance, I had no idea how my prostate worked and responded to foreign stimulation because the aphrodisiac effect was stronger than my real physical response. Interestingly enough, I also discovered that, what I sought was NOT penetration by way of other men, for I was not attracted to living my life according to a relationship that included the presence of same-sex. What I desired strongly was plain and simple, prostate stimulation, and I slowly learned that I could master that on my own. However, even that was complicated and far from deeply satisfying until (as we all know on this site), the arrival of Aneros devices and the intense, deep organic pleasure derived from such devices. We all know (individually) how our lives have changed for the better because of our openness toward being in-tune with the unique energy we produce, nestled deep within our sexual engines. ENERGY – that runs rings around anything artificial, and that includes the use of poppers. I can't imagine how confusing and disruptive it would be to introduce poppers into pure and drug free, self-sessions of anal-gasms and/or prostate stimulation.

In my same quest over the years for information about poppers, I never really got an answer, nobody ever said: (no, don't use them) and so I would dabble on and off, until one day I asked my doctor for his opinion and he simply said: "well, they can't be good over the long term, it's like huffing paint." that was it for me. There was my answer and I've not unscrewed one of those little amber bottles since.

I hope this is of some help to you.

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Excellent answer, @Vic. I would only add @BigOluver, that I have used poppers often in my youth and stopped because of health concerns. It's indeed like huffing paint. (I've done that too). The stuff they sell on the internet is not the same chemical formula as the medication used for angina BTW. Gay men often use them to quickly relax their anal sphincters for penetration. But I think it's more fun to relax them on my own without a chemical aid, just with a little help from a friend.

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Having tried them myself, poppers do not give me nearly the pleasure that a good a-less session can or ever will! They give you a temporary high whereas a good a-less session can last for HOURS! So, I'll give up the poppers for a few Super O's any day!


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Big O, if you get a chance, skim over this, even skimming should be enough to answer any questions.

Stay Healthy


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Wow thank you @vic i will be like @theme_gasm and stick with my a less ad HFWO. That information i read freaked me out to not wanting anything to effect my health or sex drive. Glade I asked my brothers before I wasted my money.

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Confession. I was addicted to sniffing volatile fumes as a pre-teen. I would see hallucinations, which I read in Vic's reference above are called "gas buddies". I kept this secret. I eventually stopped because I was afraid of the gas buddies and voices, and knew that it was toxic. A college acquaintance died when he was sniffing chloroform on a cloth and the his hand didn't fall away from his nose! I later would sneek down to the gas tank storage with a friend and breathe in nitrous oxide, "laughing gas" when I was a respiratory therapist. I suspect all this did damage to my health.

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I recommend avoiding poppers, but just because they're unrewarding. I'm not convinced that nitrites are all that dangerous.

Material discouraging nitrite use groups it with solvents or gases because they are administered the same way. That implies that they all have similar mechanisms of effect, and have similar risks. That's misleading.

I would totally believe that somebody who experienced no serious problems after sniffing poppers would be more likely to disregard the known dangers of other inhalants, but that doesn't mean that nitrites are dangerous on their own.

The primary danger from compressed gases is accidental asphyxiation. That's effectively impossible with a tiny bottle of liquid. Organic solvents are known carcinogens and organ-trashing poisons, but their high comes from red blood cells taking them up instead of oxygen. Nitrites don't wreck organs, and don't displace RBC oxygen.

Nitrites do hijack the body's built-in mechanisms for regulating vascular tone, but the net result of that is to increase tissue oxygenation. It's not at all like huffing paint.

Research on recreational use of nitrites seems to have peaked thirty years ago with the AIDS panic. Bottles of Rush were ubiquitous at gay bars, and anything homosexuals did more often than straight people was investigated as a contributing cause of the affliction. Nitrites were eliminated from suspicion, and the research effectively stopped.

I have not looked into the reasons that places have banned nitrites. The most rational reason I can think of would be the previously mentioned association with the far more dangerous inhalants, i.e. it's a gateway inhalant. The least rational reason (that I'd still believe) is that governments just hate intoxicants.

My experience with nitrites happened a very long time ago. I felt warmth in my chest and face, got a little lightheaded, and my heart started beating faster. There was no sickness, but neither was there any euphoria, dissociation, hallucination, etc. As highs go, it was just short, shitty, and stupid.

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I've been thinking about trying poppers. I'm curious as to what it feels like. Some one told me that all the adult stores around where I live carry them so I may get some. Might as well try them once just to see I guess. The only thing I've ever regretted experimenting with is Salvia after I had a "little" too much lol.

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