Poor ejaculation wi...
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Poor ejaculation with anal play?

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Hey Guys,

Long story short - does anyone experience poor ejaculation with their butt filled with aneros or other toys? It feels like something is blocking my ejaculation and overall reduces my orgasm strength. 

More story to it, me and my wife have quite good sex life, we do it regularly 3-4 times a week. There is currently no taboo between us, we are at the stage when we just say what we want. We sometimes do pegging and while I enjoy the sensation, I've been unable to orgasm from it. I enjoy PIV sex the most and I like the intimacy it brings between us when we have PIV sex so I don't play solo. I bought the aneros progasm (the thick one) mainly for PIV sex, I barely have time to play solo (when I do have time, I prefer to play together). I bought the progasm because I thought that pegging would prepare me for a larger toy and I wouldn't enjoy the smaller toys(however we use small girth toys, mainly 1.25" as I find anything bigger uncomfortable). While wearing it I do have some nice sensation of prostate stimulation and I feel like more "focused" practice could get me to the prostate orgasm, overall it makes the entire PIV sex better while we "get there" but it weakens my wet orgasm, feeling more like blocking the cum. I like to be drained, I produce a lot of fluid and it simply needs to be released for me to feel satisfied. I do experience that same blocking sensation with other things such as butt plugs and pegging toys. Shall I invest in a smaller girth aneros that will let my anus to fully close during contractions? I have a feeling that the contractions blocking is the problem. Anyone experienced the same "problem"? 


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I think this is natural . With a Progasm inside there will be less space for the body to pump semen. When I have a wet orgasm with Eupho it's amazing, all the contractions are there with a hyper satisfying and intense orgasm in feelings. But I'm also curious about what other users think about this question🤔.

If you are curious about the feelings of aneros solo pleasure it is worth taking some time alone and perhaps getting an intermediate (in size) aneros.

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I end every solo prostate/anal session with a Super T and they are unbelievably strong and powerful. I can't be drained more than with a Super T. But I always, always use smaller Aneros toys for my final finish. The largest I'll go is the Maximus. I've finished with Progasm before and while amazing, its a bit too big for my anal contractions to "squeeze" my prostate to the fullest for complete release and expulsion of semen. I build up like twice as much semen during sessions than I do during normal penis play. (Sex with my wife makes me cum the most, though, but that is completely different from my prostate/anal session kinds of orgasmic ejaculation.) 

I prefer Maximus for Super Ts but use the Eupho, MGX, and Helix too. I do use larger toys and larger dildos during my session, but when its time to be done and cum completely, I put in a smaller toy. It dances more and engages my prostate much better than larger toys. Hope my experiences give you some food for thought!

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I end many of my prostate massage sessions with a Super T.  I have tried not to do so, as to practice more "penis no touch" sessions to facilitate rewiring myself to experience Super Os.  While I have failed to acheive this goal, I have enjoyed the feelings and am slowly getting there with my Aneros Helix Syn V.  I actually have better luck with it in a non-vibratory mode.  Although, the vibration does kick start things if I have some limitations on time.  The Helix Syn V is the only Aneros model owned here; I started with and Intimate Rose pelvic wand from a physical therapist.

I have not noticed any changes or difference in my orgasm or ejaculation strength with the Aneros device in or out.  I will qualify my ejaculation as retrograde, because of HoLEP prostate surgery to eliminate BPH, just a very large prostate putting a damper of bladder emptying completely.  Yes, it was fun to shoot cum everywhere, but I have no regrets with the tradeoff.  My wife says it is more intense now!

One of the beneficial reasons also for "penis no touch" sessions is to save myself for my wife; she knows and experiences the power that prostate massage has had on me, and loves it.  She and we also discovered the perineum trigger point in our travels!  This has opened a new arousal path for us in addition to me touching her clitoris while sucking her nipples.

My Super Ts start out with growing intensity of a throbbing sensation, almost a mirror of my heartbeat - although I have not stopped the action to check my pulse to compare.  My erection at that point is the largest and the color of it changes to a more reddish one.  That is when the beast must be tamed some of the time.  If not, I was just edged for another later time that day with my wife, a no lose situation. 

I am a lucky man for that and for reading your posts here - thank you!  Feedback = welcome!  I have been doing prostate massage for about two years my intensely and have been educated from readings and feedback within this Forum.  It is a winner!

This post was modified 1 year ago by Golfing1

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