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pleasure while urinating

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i dont know if anyone else does this but I find it easier and cleaner to sit down while peeing especially with a morning hard on. Recently I have been stimulating my nipples while doing this. The feeling of the urine passing through the prostate during nipple stim feels pretty good. At the end of peeing instead of clenching to end your pee if you just hold it open like you are letting every last drop come out and continue nipple stim the feeling is good for me. Almost like a form of A-less. Sometimes i will sit there and nipple stim and try to get some a-less feelings going on. If nothing else it is good practice and awareness of what is going on down there. Am I on a island here or does anyone else do similar things?

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@sfs Sitting to urinate is very common for guys in male chastity. I do when I am wearing my CB-6000S.

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I've been peeing sitting down forever. It keeps the pee from splattering all over the place and the wife and I love not having to clean up the mess. I think it's just so much more considerate of who's cleaning up the bathroom too. But I do stand up to pee when I'm outside, it's very rural here, no one to see it but the foxes and bears.

But yes, there's a good feeling of peeing with a hard on, it's almost a bit like cuming, but not there. It's also interesting peeing right after ejaculation, it's almost like the plumbing has to re-orient itself. I just wish I could get a hard on any more. Too old, but I notice I still get a bit of one in the morning sometimes, but it won't last. Enjoy it while you can you youngsters.

Can someone tell me why we get a hard on in the morning? I used to love fucking the wife early in the morning, but she didn't care for it, she was a late waker.

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@Dogger In response to your question, why do we get a hard on in the morning?....During the day, your brain releases a chemical called noradrenaline, a hormone that hinders erections. When you sleep, however, your brain releases less of it. This makes those nighttime hard ons more likely to pop up. They happen sporadically throughout the night, so whether you wake up with one or not is just up to chance!

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