Pleasure Plus Condo...
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Pleasure Plus Condoms shortage

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I know this is strictly speaking not an Aneros related topic, but since I have shared so many other private thoughts on this forum. I wonder, why, if anyone knows, why there is a shortage of a particular kind of condom known as Pleasure Plus. I have used these in the past, and although there are a few places on the internet where they are available, a lot of condom websites that used to stock them say they are out of stock, and none of the sites will sell more than a dozen at a time. I generally like to buy condoms in bulk. These pleasure plus condoms have a lube I really like, and have a very large head, with some unique features that I have always found to work quite well. I have bought, In spiral, which also are unique, and which work, well, but do not seem to have the same lube.

B Mayfield
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Maybe it has something to do with the Winter Olympics. A report on the "Today show" estimated that there were over a 100, 000 condoms stocked for the event! That's like 14 condoms for each of the 7000 athletes, coaches, trainers, and officials housed in the Games' two villages!

BF Mayfield

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