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Pleasure during transition to sleep?

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My most recent session, which I described earlier today involved a lot of relaxation and the do nothing approach. I found that the pleasure had its onset right as I dozed off and then I would be jarred awake by the P-wave. Is this a common occurrence? Is this a matter of me being my most relaxed right as I fall asleep?

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I've seen it reported here before, yeah. I've even read of someone falling asleep with an aneros in, and waking up some time later to high activity.

I get the drifting off to sleep thing too, but if I fall asleep, I wake up about 4 hours later wanting to get this uncomfortable thing out of my ass... so it's not something I attempt on purpose.

The other reason I didn't pursue that phenomenon, is that I found it could be attained naturally. A state of empty-minded, wordless, thoughtless relaxation... similar to a sleepy disregard for reality, but with more awareness. It's like I let some parts of my awareness go to sleep, while another part stays awake and feels things. That's not to say I'm some kind of zen master, but the times I've gotten into a good headspace, that's what it seemed like.

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@clenchy, thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure that I have a problem with mind noise so I have a hard time shutting down. I'll have to work on that.


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I think it comes with time/practice... when you get the right feedback in the right circumstances, you realize there are things you don't need to be doing. But it's hard to say, because maybe what you're doing is exactly what you need at the stage you're at.

I think there are adepts who arrive at where they want to be, and prescribe their current formula as a plan for other people. I suspect there are developmental/transitional stages to this, and sometimes people get stuck at their own unique stages and have their own personal roadblocks.

IMO the mind noise becomes easier when you can get to pleasure sooner, even if it's only a small amount of pleasure... I find it helps focus the mind, or at least to relax away from "searching" or sheer boredom. I used to get so bored, that I'd be an hour into my session and discover I'd been day-dreaming about something completely unrelated to the aneros session the whole time. Staying in the moment isn't easy, but it gets easier.


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Posted by: @reddog152

My most recent session, ... involved a lot of relaxation and the do nothing approach. I found that the pleasure had its onset right as I dozed off and then I would be jarred awake by the P-wave. Is this a common occurrence?

Pleasure ramping up as your relaxation level deepens is, IMHO, pretty common. I think as your body lets go of muscle tension, the nerves may then become conduits for the more subtle sensations associated with pleasure, body wide. Psychological relaxation, calming of the mind noise, quieting the internal dialogue of the ego, leveling down our default mode network all contribute to allowing your mind to also focus on interpreting those subtle sensations of pleasure your body is producing. A synergy of mind and body is thus created with pleasure as its focal point.

Posted by: @reddog152

Is this a matter of me being my most relaxed right as I fall asleep?

Maybe, the altered state of consciousness one transitions through when falling asleep is certainly a function of your physical relaxation level but the psychological state of hypnagogia may be induced without falling asleep. I discussed this to some extent in the thread Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state? a couple of years ago.

There is a comparable psychological state called hypnopompic which occurs as one is awakening from sleep. This may actually be an even better altered state because you are already completely relaxed and refreshed from sleep, energized, and free from the distractions the coming day activities will throw at you. This was confirmed in the user Poll What is the Best Time of Day to have an Anerosession?, (Note: the data shown is sample limited, but earlier data, which was lost during forum transition, indicated a similar trend for most effective sessions taking place in early mornings.), which indicates that mornings are more effective for Anerosessions than afternoon or evening sessions. However, taking advantage of this mental state is problematic because of the preparation procedures will most likely take you completely out of that mental state. It does work to facilitate Anerosless sessions however.

Good Vibes to You!

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Not really when falling asleep. A couple of times I’ve stirred in the night with a warm glow in my pelvic floor,so I had a great A-Less session with it before going back to sleep. Enjoy it!

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Posted by: @clenchy

I think it comes with time/practice... when you get the right feedback in the right circumstances, you realize there are things you don't need to be doing. 


Exactly! I usually do a lot of nipple play during sessions and I recently found that to be a distraction, at least in the early stages of a session. My nipples are hella sensitive but don't currently cross over to prostate sensation. My most recent successes were without nipple play.

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Posted by: @clenchy

I think there are adepts who arrive at where they want to be, and prescribe their current formula as a plan for other people. I suspect there are developmental/transitional stages to this, and sometimes people get stuck at their own unique stages and have their own personal roadblocks.

I'm guilty of this and I'm starting to realize it. Just this year I had several breakthroughs where I felt I had finally cracked the Super-O puzzle, only to find myself back at  the drawing table a few weeks later with new knowledge and a different tactic. I think that some strategies will only work after you experienced them for yourself, and some others rely on increased sensitivity (nipples, prostate, perineum, belly button or other erogenous zones) and this could take a long time to develop in some cases. So what works fantastically for one guy might do nothing for another depending on how diverse their experience is... Things are always evolving and I'm starting to ask myself this : If I could go back in time with all the info I have, could I teach "past me" how to quickly get to where I am? Or maybe all the steps and all the setbacks were necessary, in which case there is no shortcut. I think it's probably somewhere in the middle.  



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Posted by: @zentai

I'm guilty of this and I'm starting to realize it. Just this year I had several breakthroughs where I felt I had finally cracked the Super-O puzzle, only to find myself back at  the drawing table a few weeks later with new knowledge and a different tactic.

All guys can do is share the tactics that have worked,and hope someone behind can glean something useful from it. There are no Guarantees.

I we don’t think we level up until we are ready no matter how much help we get from the forum information.

Each guy still has to explore his own body and psyche and discover his personalised code to open the locked door.



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Posted by: @rumel

state of hypnagogia may be induced without falling asleep. I discussed this to some extent in the thread Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state? a couple of years ago.

There is a comparable psychological state called hypnopompic

Thanks for the fun words that I will try to bring up in conversation, but in the end mumble something like "yeah there are a couple greek words for that dreamlike state when you are falling asleep and waking up, I forget what they are, wait let me see if I can google them" and then fiddle with my phone for a few seconds and forget what I was doing...

I personally really enjoy hypnogogia.  When I able to sort of stay somewhat conscious in a state of hypnagogia, it is nothing short of ethereal. I feel like I can control hallucinations in a dark but sparkly world, and my body feels liquid.  I equate it to orgasms in a certain way, in that it feels really special, like an ultra calm seas orgasm.  I have only done it several dozen times and it never lasts long (though I lose any real sense of time), because I usually drift off to sleep after.  Mind you this is without toys in, or sexual thoughts.  In the beginning of my journey I would fall asleep with toys in only to waked up with a jolt from the pain of my subconscious body clenching on the toy too hard.

Hypnopompic states... are way less fun for me.

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In my experience it's related to your most common position during session. If you're having sessions on your back and sleep on your back, your body is conditioned and gets aroused. The feeling of limited blood flow in your lower back can be associated with intense pleasure.

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Posted by: @reddog152

found that the pleasure had its onset right as I dozed off and then I would be jarred awake by the P-wave. Is this a common occurrence? Is this a matter of me being my most relaxed right as I fall asleep?

This is a fun thread. I was a bit surprised by most answers, since for me, it's very common to have a-less orgasms when I fall asleep or wake up. Esp. during short daytime naps, where I never fully fall asleep.

But I guess it's not a law of nature, more of a law of habits - be become what we repeat.

Posted by: @rumel

Maybe, the altered state of consciousness one transitions through when falling asleep is certainly a function of your physical relaxation level but the psychological state of hypnagogia may be induced without falling asleep. I discussed this to some extent in the thread Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state? a couple of years ago.

This makes a lot of sense! Never heard of hypnagogia before and seem to have missed the thread back then. But I knew the concept of brainwaves and how different brain-wave-patterns are associated with wakefulness, sleep, learning, meditation and trance. As far as I understand, you always go through these patterns sequentially and cannot skip over them. If you go from learning to deep sleep, you'll have to pass all the brain activity levels between those two as well.

One of these modes of consciousness is trance. It sits right between normal wakefulness and sleep. It's the state that hypnosis and meditation tries to put you in. You are relaxed, not asleep yet and able to listen and react, but part of your critical thinking is shut off already. That's why you are open for suggestions and manipulations from the outside. Meditation practitioners aim at this state because the mind noise is already gone, but they are still awake and somewhat conscious. Hypnotists aim for it, so they can manipulate your subconscious with suggestions.

Long story short: I found trance to be the best state to be in during a session. It takes practice to find it but like with all things learning, it gets easier over time. Falling asleep slowly during a daytime nap passes this state naturally, so you can try to "catch a wave" on your way down. If you train it, it becomes automated second nature and you'll have orgasms everytime you make the wake-sleep transition.

Bonus - the brain wave table:

  • Gamma - learning / high mental load
  • Beta - normal wakefulness
  • Alpha - Trance, drifting away
  • Delta - normal sleep (w/ dreams)
  • Theta - deep sleep (dreamless / coma)

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My transitional AM and PM A-less has developed over the years from practicing breathing exercises and pc contractions as I go to sleep.  Also diddling my nipples to wake them up. 

Now a bit of diddling and a couple of deep breaths my A-less is off and running. 

Mornings usually start with involuntary PC contractions and belly buzz as I wake.  With  available time I often get some of my best A-less. 

Chair-gasm A-less now as I type this post.  Guess I need a non-A-less session.

Time to go.......


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