Plateaued progress
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Plateaued progress

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I'm wondering if the following situation has happened to anyone else here. It seems like I go through periods of great breakthroughs in my super O journey, but then I will stall out for a while. My last few sessions have been interesting but somewhat lackluster compared to earlier ones. Perhaps this is the calm before another breakthrough. I don't know. Can anyone else relate?

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I also have this way of progressing. I think it's very common. Every once in a while a particularly successful session takes me to a new level and I find myself at the foot of a new ladder of pleasure...
It was a pretty frustrating situation at the beginning when I was at the level where I almost had an orgasm. It's been a fairly long plateau! But now I have so much pleasure that I could stay at that level for months without getting bored. And what's amazing is that I know there are still other levels to go through...

Ggringo, Ggringo and Ggringo reacted
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I have an update. Yesterday I was driving home, and I was tired and irritable. All of a sudden out of nowhere I started thinking about my Eupho trident. I don't usually have good sessions when I'm tired, but after I got home I prepared myself and then started. I spent a while building up my arousal, and as usual I learned new things. I laid on my back, turned my body slightly to the right, and lifted my hips just a little. I relaxed my sphincter and PC muscles. I started rubbing my nipples. The Eupho started being pulled in with no effort from me. My abdomen started feeling warm and tingly. It spread throughout my body. I felt so light and peaceful. It seemed to go on for so long. I relaxed and it started again. At a certain point I had the urge to contract my sphincter slightly, and then bam! With that slight contraction it felt like the Eupho started almost vibrating. It gave me an orgasm even more intense than the previous one. 


My Eupho never ceases to amaze me. It's become my favorite, although I was skeptical when I bought it. I used to think that bigger is better, but I've been wrong. With my Eupho I can feel every tiny sensation. In this session I was surprised by how tiny changes in body position and muscle tension can make a huge difference.

Regal13, Regal13 and Regal13 reacted
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How fantastic to hear about, thank you for sharing.

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I used to always get discouraged when I hit a plateau. Then I started to get excited about them because I knew a new level was on the way!

Morexp, Morexp and Morexp reacted
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What @morexp said.  It's always been that way for me as well.  I'll break through and suddenly the new plateau feels great and I want to revel in the sensations.  But right now I feel like I'm banging against the ceiling and waiting for that session that will take me to the next level, and it's frustrating right now!

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I've found it useful to follow my intuition. My body tells me when it wants a session. And I usually know if it's going to be a breakthrough session before I start. I just get a feeling that I can't explain.

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