I saw this picture, and thought I'd share with you guys on what could be termed the wrong way to get anal stimulation. I was torn between "sscchh, eeewwwooohhh" and "ROFL."
Hey Badger, Great link !!!
I wasn't torn at all -- immediate ROFL. (proves my selfish side -- glad it wasn't my ass)
You might consider starting a poll, possibly adding 'giggle' as an option.)
Hmmm, this gives a whole new meaning to the term "Taking the bull by the horns"
Hmmm, this gives a whole new meaning to the term "Taking the bull by the horns"
ROFLUPO ROFLUPO ROFLUPO (Rolling On Floor, Laughing Until Passing Out)
Actually, rumel, it's "taking the horn by the bull!"
its just a poor spanish try to copy good things lol
My first response was "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as my anus puckered up hard! LOL
Serves the guy right. That "sport" is barbaric.
Serves the guy right. That "sport" is barbaric.
Yea, and the bull doesn't get picadors to soften up the matador. But it looked like he was castrated, not penetrated.
Whichever way you look at it, he is certainly feeling horny...
or at least "feelin' groovy"
A little 'get-back' for the animals.
I always hated that sport because either way (as far as I understand it) the bull is slaughtered after the so-called 'fight'.
I have absolutely no sympathy for some jack-ass that intentionally stands in front of (and provokes) an 1800 lb. animal that has no say in the matter.
After looking at the picture again, I noticed the spears (or whatever they are called) sticking out of the bull... After careful re-consideration, I only wish the bull's horns were a little longer and sharper. Hopefully this ass-hat will consider a different career. Maybe he could do some volunteer work for PETA.
It brings the term "tear him a new one," a whole new reality.