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Personal messages

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I'm asking this here because I expect others may have the same question.

A few days ago I send two personal messages on this website; one went to my outbox and one went to my sent box. Question is, did the one that is still in my outbox actually get sent, and if not, how do I get it to send? Very odd that both messages behaved differently. My boxes are nowhere near full.


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Hmmm none of my sent PMs have gone to the outbox, perhaps that is kind of where message as saved as draft? Don't know honestly.

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I believe that messages stay in the outbox until the recipient has logged on and read the message. Maybe the recipient of the 'sent' one has email notification selected and therefore the system considers it as read as soon as the notification is sent. Only guessing...

Have fun,

Old Wolf

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Thanks guys for your feedback. Maybe you are correct Old Wolf because I just checked and found that the message had moved from outbox to sentbox without me doing anything.

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