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Personal Aneros Over the Top Experiences

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@Qwerty1234, @techpump, have posted in @Qwerty1234's thread FUN ALONE that they have experienced over the top Aneros super Os that were too personal to discuss. This website has a long history of guys posting highly personal stuff--@Darwin, @gnawdol, @BigGlansDC , @goldenboy and today @Masked in his blog post on this site, just to name a few.

@Masked's blog post today has inspired me in a renewed fashion to pursue the Super O as never before. @Masked describes his first super O as intensely personal, emotional, spiritual, and religious even. He says something about almost seeing the face of God. It is here

I would hope that in this thread, guys who have experienced over the top Aneros experiences that are landmarks in their personal Aneros experiences would post them here to encourage us men who are pusuing the super O to stay the course. As men, we must admit to ourselves that orgasmic pleasure is one of the most enjoyable facets of being a man. Reading experiences like @Masked posted today on his blog shakes me out of my lethargy to once again pursue the super O. Yes, I have a few dry Os, a couple of prostate Os, and many mini Os, but nothing nearbout approaching what Masked posted today.

What about it, Anerosans? Please share your earth shattering over the top aneros experiences here.


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@Turnrow, thanks for editing your post and deleting my member name from your list. And sorry for my first a bit harsh answer. Only respecting @Querty1234's privacy personally towards him was never meant as a recommendation to others to not share their experiences here. If all these other members wouldn't have been that open, without their shared insights I perhaps never would have become able to post my already 34 predominantly most intimate reports about my own unique and very enjoyable and blissful journey, you can find in my blog "We are prostate. Resistance is futile." Further I tried to give back at least something to the forum discussing predominantly quite personal experiences in now already 569 posts.
After all I'm deeply thankful again to all members who shared their intimate experiences and thoughts.
As you already mentioned, @Turnrow, we all are here quite in the hidden and can share our thoughts mostly anonymously, so, why not tell the people here about your own experiences?

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@Turnrow, I'm glad to read your enthusiastic encouragement of members to share their extraordinary experiences. I have also encouraged others to share. A couple of years ago I initiated a 'Group' called SOS Sojourners - Beyond the physical... in the hope that members would share their stories just as you are asking. Unfortunately, getting to those 'Group' topics seems to be rather elusive as few members seem to even know about this segment of the Aneros Forums as it is not readily apparent. Be that as it may, in my initial posting there I did provide some links to a few threads I was aware of at the time. I really would like to see this aspect of the Aneros journey brought forth to more men as it truly can be a life altering experience.

I believe this aspect of the journey deserves more than a single thread to explore the magnificence of these personal experiences. I have reluctantly avoided such discussions and allusions in my posts for the knowledge that many Aneros users view such excursions into the psychic/psychological phenomenon as mystic mumbo-jumbo or cultish thinking bordering on religion. For many men the Aneros journey is simply another pleasurable path in their life without regard to ideas or concepts which transcend their day to day lifestyles but for the few of us fortunate enough to have experienced these altered states of consciousness/being/bliss words fail to capture the profound effect this can have on your whole being. My years of participation in this forum has been primarily motivated by the desire to help men get to their own Super-O so they can also experience these higher euphoric states.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Turnrow, I'm glad to read your enthusiastic encouragement of members to share their extraordinary experiences. I have also encouraged others to share. A couple of years ago I initiated a 'Group' called SOS Sojourners - Beyond the physical... in the hope that members would share their stories just as you are asking. Unfortunately, getting to those 'Group' topics seems to be rather elusive as few members seem to even know about this segment of the Aneros Forums as it is not readily apparent. Be that as it may, in my initial posting there I did provide some links to a few threads I was aware of at the time. I really would like to see this aspect of the Aneros journey brought forth to more men as it truly can be a life altering experience.

I believe this aspect of the journey deserves more than a single thread to explore the magnificence of these personal experiences. I have reluctantly avoided such discussions and allusions in my posts for the knowledge that many Aneros users view such excursions into the psychic/psychological phenomenon as mystic mumbo-jumbo or cultish thinking bordering on religion. For many men the Aneros journey is simply another pleasurable path in their life without regard to ideas or concepts which transcend their day to day lifestyles but for the few of us fortunate enough to have experienced these altered states of consciousness/being/bliss words fail to capture the profound effect this can have on your whole being. My years of participation in this forum has been primarily motivated by the desire to help men get to their own Super-O so they can also experience these higher euphoric states.
Good Vibes to You !

I have to say, yesterday, my aneros stimulation was not pushing me to pleasure after a bit, but it was building up to higher and higher meditative heights, until I hit this state of clearness, air felt cooler and sweeter, everything felt wonderful (but not in any orgasmic kind of way). As I could feel the aneros moving from time to time, this just built and built on this state of relaxation and clear thinking. I felt like I was tapping into and temporarily joining with the flow of energy in the universe. I was surprised because I was actually going for pleasure, and I'm sitting there watching a beautiful woman shake her thing in a video, but instead of being turned on I was just thinking, "that's where life comes from! men and women working together have been given a lot of creative power by the Higher Power of the Cosmos." I was also mentally revisiting past mistakes and trauma in my life, and felt like I was more accepting of things and ready to move forward. So it was just a meditative high for sure!

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@SOwithoutAneros : I meant you or no one any harm. I have deleted your name herein. What you did may bode well for those who have had such experiences and have posted them here on this site in times past. Thanks for your link to your blog and I will take a look at it. I am kidding no one and @rumel grasped what I am interested in, in his above and further illustrative and appreciated comments on the subject.

I wanted to at one place on this site, to collect Aneros experiences that rumel characterizes as "Beyond the Physical."

Your provision of a link to your blog is a good suggestion for others on this thread to follow. So fellows, if you have had, as rumel called them, these altered states of consciousness/being/bliss and you have already posted them in anywhere on this site, Please provide a link to your sharing of those experiences here on this thread.

Special thanks to @rumel for this herding of cats on this subject and his provision of links to experiences already posted.

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In my 2-1/2 year Aneros journey, I have felt privileged and yet humbled to be able to share my experiences. Looking back, my journey, especially in my "re-wiring" days, seemed more intense and "over-the-top" for me. I may never have that same level of intensity again. But along the way, I have discovered things about myself and my sexuality that I have never known before. I feel blessed to have the Aneros blogs and forums readily available to share my personal, intimate experiences and I do so openly, honestly and anonymously.

Aneros provides us men a great, unique vehicle in which to share our journeys with the community and I for one am grateful and thankful for the opportunity. One thing I have discovered with Aneros: there is always something new to learn! And if you "learned" it, share it! You may never personally know your "friends" here, but rest assured, they will all profit from this mutual sharing of knowledge!

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In my 2-1/2 year Aneros journey, I have felt privileged and yet humbled to be able to share my experiences. Looking back, my journey, especially in my "re-wiring" days, seemed more intense and "over-the-top" for me. I may never have that same level of intensity again. But along the way, I have discovered things about myself and my sexuality that I have never known before. I feel blessed to have the Aneros blogs and forums readily available to share my personal, intimate experiences and I do so openly, honestly and anonymously.

Aneros provides us men a great, unique vehicle in which to share our journeys with the community and I for one am grateful and thankful for the opportunity. One thing I have discovered with Aneros: there is always something new to learn! And if you "learned" it, share it! You may never personally know your "friends" here, but rest assured, they will all profit from this mutual sharing of knowledge!

Goldenboy and Handsfree59: Thanks for chiming in with your experiences. Handsfree 59: That is amazing you got to a place of clearness and coolness, even.

Goldenboy: You have learned it and you have shared it bro. I look for your blog each time I come to this website and I congratulate you on your second boyhood which I would think is more powerful and fulfilling than your adolescent years.

Appreciation to both of you and for @rumel on buttressing our common quest for maximum enjoyment and sharing it also.

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@Turnrow, Tempo is an Aneros model that has been special from when I began using it in late November 2014. Almost immediately, Tempo has caused my sessions to get into a much higher orbit. My sessions became effortless. Thereafter I began to relax in my sessions, a great help!

On Friday July 27, I began using Tempo on a regular basis once again. In that session, Tempo auto-fucked me like never before. I experienced a Super-O from Tempo which lasted about a couple minutes. Diddling my nipples and gentle Kegels powered my Tempo auto-fuck.

But it was about a week later on August 2, when I sat before my PC with Tempo inserted that Tempo auto-fucked me with its natural rhythm that felt real good. Very soon Tempo delivered to a series of MMO's, actually six or seven Super-O's which happened over a space of forty minutes. When each Super-O began, Tempo fucked me real deep in such a way that I had to ride the deep fuck stroke and with attendant Super-O out like a surfer riding a wave. When I came down from one Super-O another would happen with a deep fuck stroke.

However I have to be careful with Tempo because such auto-fucking can give me backaches.

Tempo is hot and amazing! Also this morning I experienced a similar auto-fuck with Helix Syn and a Super-O!. It is so uncanny! 😉

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@SOwithoutAneros : I have deleted your name herein.

@Turnrow, thanks for your kind answer, please take notice, that I've edited my first post too. Best wishes and never mind, Mart

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