Peristalsis anyone?
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Peristalsis anyone?

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The smallest Peridise is probably my preferred Aneros at the moment, it has some amazing action.

However, I have never experienced anything like peristalsis. All I seem to get is ordinary invols, just like with the other models. As I understand it, the Peridise should move in and out automatically, thanks to the two small bulges on the stem. One of the sphincters should push the the Peridise in, by squeezing one of those bulges, then the other one pushes it out by squeezing the other, and so on. I am not sure which sphincter is supposed to do which action.

I have tried pushing the Peridise in as far as it will go, letting it hang out as much as possible, and every other possible position in between. Nothing doing. I am tempted to think it may be a dimensional problem, for me. Too much or too little space between the bulges.

So what I would like to know is if anyone has experienced peristalsis, and also how they got it working. Thank in advance!

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I understand this a little differently, from what I can tell the device is unstable and the body is trying to suck it in and out alternatively, but since the shaft is so small, no good grip is possible, and you "hit each bump" without being able to suck it in (the handle prevents this anyway) or push it out completely. 

In other words, I think the sphincters are between the bumps and do not really interact with them a whole lot, they're basically stoppers. Whatever is really happening, to me the pumping motion is really subtle and while it can grow into Super-Os, the Peridise is a more delicate instrument than a "normal" Aneros. Actual in-out range of motion is really not that much, and you can verify this with a small mirror. 

Push-relax-push-relax and keeping the contractions light and playing with contraction speed works as well as anything else, when you're clenching tight nothing can move but muscle fatigue+spasming can also come in play. All this to say that I really like the Peridise but I don't personally know exactly how they work or why...   

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@lanoix - I too had wondered the exact same thing.  Couldn't get any movement unless I contracted & relaxed. No contractions, no movement.

However, as Zentai has mentioned, it's probably happening at a more subtle level. 

I probably still need more time & practice with it. 

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Peristalsis? Is that why it’s called peridise? Not because of perineum?

In any case this toy feels like it is never  settled in place, and it feels like I am sucking on it like a pacifier (is that the peristalsis I’m feeling?).  It’s just fantastic. I didn’t appreciate it when I bought it two years ago and forgot about it until last month. Now it’s my new fave! 

Greetings to all from gay peri... er... Paris...!

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The original one from HIH was called Peristal, and I'm pretty sure Peridise is a play on words with Peristaltis and Paradise, which is not bad, not bad... I think you're feeling the right feeling! To me it's somewhere between using the Eupho and going totally hands-off, I really like the little buggers! Plus they're super comfy and need only a small bit of lube.




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@zentai well if what I am feeling isn’t the right feeling, then it’s the wrong feeling. And that means that reality warping pleasure is wrong... I’ll agree with you, it’s the right feeling. here’s to shame-free onanism! holds up mug of herbal tea in the general Canadian direction


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Posted by: @divine_o

@zentai well if what I am feeling isn’t the right feeling, then it’s the wrong feeling. And that means that reality warping pleasure is wrong...

Hehe I mean you're describing it perfectly, a gentle(?) sucking motion peristal-itazing us to Paradise. 


Posted by: @divine_o

holds up mug of herbal tea in the general Canadian direction

Hold it a liiiiiittle bit more to the left... Do we have to adjust for time zones or what? 




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Nah I think I pointed my mug right at you. I’ll do it again JIC. 

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Posted by: @zentai

In other words, I think the sphincters are between the bumps and do not really interact with them a whole lot, they're basically stoppers.

It would seem that you are correct, I found this in the Peridise product description:

"The Peridise has two knobs which work with your body to trigger a repeating push/pull response. As rectum seeks to eject the Peridise, the knobs send it back in. This happens in very rapid succession, triggering a peristaltic response in the anal cavity, increasing blood flow and providing pleasurable anal sensations."

The problem for me is that my rectum does not seek the eject the Peridise, it just sits there happily and does nothing. I would imagine that for the rectum to try to eject, there must be physical contact somewhere. Maybe the the front knob is not quite long enough to actually touch the walls of my rectum? I certainly don't have any kind of rapid in/out movement.

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Posted by: @lanoix

The problem for me is that my rectum does not seek the eject the Peridise, it just sits there happily and does nothing.

It's not "shoot across the room" ejection reflex, more like "move a smooth bowel movement" ejection. But unlike stool, the Peridise is so thin and smooth (plus slick from lube) that the muscles hardly can grab it, not even enough to move the small bump past the sphincter, it just gets stuck there, then the head gets sucked in again, etc. To the best of my knowledge it's impossible for the device to be *completely* still as your breathing, blood flow, and your sphincters trying to go to their normal state of being closed tight will always make it move a tiny bit, even if you don't really feel it. But it can be subtle. 

Posted by: @lanoix

I certainly don't have any kind of rapid in/out movement.

Don't get too hung up on the product description, they had to write something, if you're expecting "quick" and getting "slow", you'll miss it. It will build up once your focus is on the right sensations, and you'll have to train for this with hours in the saddle and building up your concentration. My view is either you're a natural and you don't have to do anything (this is mostly just luck or maybe personality traits), which would be great, OR you need to work for it.  Looks like you're in group 2 which is most of us. If you're having fun with it and getting invols, just keep at it and focus, focus, focus on your sphincters and the sensations happening there. You'll get it!  


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I resurrect this thread because I think I have finally cracked the peristalsis nut. Hat tip to our friend and scholar Mr. @Helghast because it is largely thanks to his simple prostate orgasm tutorial and more specifically his concept of "anchored tension" that I succeeded.

Towards the end of a long session this morning with the smallest Peridise, I was playing around with anchored tension in various muscles. Then it crossed my mind that I had never tried this with the sphincter muscle. The reason being that I had never really given much thought to that muscle in the past, on the grounds that, logically, it does not in itself create any movement (at least with non-conical shafts like the Peridise and Helix have), it only squeezes the shaft more or less tightly. Despite this prejudice, I thought, what the hell, I'll give it a try anyway...

So I squeezed, moderately, held, and waited doing nothing else but concentrating on maintaining the squeeze... A few minutes later... ZOWEE. The Peridise had started to vibrate in and out at a high frequency (I would say around 2Hz), impossible to do consciously. What a fantastic sensation! The Peridise has been my go-to for some time now, but this has really added a new dimension to its capabilities.

I would be very curious if this technique works for any other Peridise punters out there...
A final and very important point: I was only squeezing the sphincter, not the levator ani (or PC), which I kept relaxed. This is tricky, because they are part of the same muscle group, but it's absolutely vital for this technique to work. If you contract the levator ani, the Peridise will be pulled in and won't be able to move back out again. Good luck!

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Woohoo! Another little move to add to your repertoire!!! It’s nice when something clicks into place. I’ve loved my journey,being in one place one day,another place the next after discovering another piece of the puzzle. Happy for you pal 🙂


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