So lately the last couple of months I have been going on these breaks from masturbating and even touching my penis. I do it to inflame my rewireness to my prostate. Days I feel the urge to grab a hold of my dick and tug it for hours then some days i forget that its there. Today i just ended a 5 day stretch of my penis stimulating and I finished it with a device hands free wet orgasm ride. My dick wasn't even hard when I came. So I was just wondering from the guys here who have years of experience under there belts. Is there ever a time were the penis is just a after thought? Has the prostate taken over so much of my sexual behavior that having a regular penile orgasm is not worth having. I call my ass a cunt and boipussy and I have a nice size dick its just i don't use it as much.
I can say that my dick is still a VERY good friend of mine! And, my wife likes it too!
I love that you call your ass a cunt or biopussy ^ ^. I no longer think of my ass the same way either, it's become a special place..a sacred grove, though that's not to say it wasn't special before.
I think that it is "very" possible for ass play to be so engrossing as to completely take away demand for penis stimulation, also with ass play there seems to be no strings attached i.e. no energy loss, no bad feelings if you orgasm wrong, no mess x D e.t.c
Despite that, i've found that i need to wank, not for pleasure, but to keep my body healthy, my system in check, and my pipes clean.
I can disengage from my penis during a session, since it doesn't further the ride I'm on.
But I have to close off a session with a traditional-O. If I don't, and leave the session (what I consider) unresolved, I won't be able to sleep because of orgasm rushes.
When I'm lying there drifting off, orgasmic rushes start rising up out of nowhere. They feel nice, but they get annoying when they won't stop, yet won't peak either. It's unbearably distracting.
Every once in a while, I will end a session with a traditional orgasm,
or a prostate milking. Since I started using Aneros (Progasm Classic, Progasm Jr, and Eupho Classic), I have a greater appreciation for my penis. I do not see why one would forswear one's penis. This is perhaps a result of penis issues, gender issues, or issues with one having an obsessive personality. Only BIOLOGICAL WOMEN have cunts, pussies, and vaginas! How a man can consider his asshole to be likened, in any way, shape, or form to a real vagina, is beyond quite a stretch! As the kid said in Kindergarten Cop,"Boys have penises! Girls have vaginas!" Jmo
This discussion is reminding me of @Cockadoodle's thread "PENIS NOT".
As I recall it, that thread was really aimed at those setting out on the Aneros journey and feeling their way towards the holy grail of the Super-O.
IMHO, once one has become rewired, it matters not whether the penis is brought back in from the cold (so to speak)!
In fact, I think it's rather nice to remind myself that I still have one, even during an Aneros session. It sort of adds to the roundness of the experience and makes the whole thing more sensual. Mind you, for preference, I would still not end an Aneros session with a wet O!
I'm pretty sure I'm repeating myself here, so I apologize to any who somehow recall these thoughts...I have found that Aneros use has added greatly to my connubial sex life and I've had amazing sexual experiences with it inside. I've had (just today AAMOF) a very rewarding Aneros session right after intercourse...However (I was going to write "but", but I thought better of the pun ) I have separated the exquisite experience of the Aneros from sexual pleasure and I like it that way. Aneros use certainly enhances my sex life but I don't substitute one for the other. I will say that I have much less inclination to masturbate when I am on my "celibate" business travels now that I am using my Helx regularly and I I like that. cheers
My inclinations are most similar to @Armon-neat, in-so-much as having discovered and practiced my prostate orgasm abilities over the last year, now gives me a truly fulfilling alternative to traditional sex!
I too am able to have an awesome session after ejaculation, which, coincidentally the release of refractory hormones sometimes feels like it is helping to calm me down so I can get to the prostate pleasure at a more relaxed pace...strange observation for me!
I find I have a much harder time ejaculating WITH my Aneros inserted because I have spent significant effort to separate the two sensations during my early rewiring efforts...which seems to only confirm for me that I'm doing it in a way that enhances my prostate success!
Orgasm On!
Thanks for the feed back guys. To clarify I know I have a penis but is like when i'm at my highest peak of my erotic state and I know my ass & prostate is bringing me this pleasure I just lose it and start referring to my ass as a wet pussy. Also I understand the whole ending the session with a wet orgasm. But for me some times have dry orgasm soothes me and I won;t need to physically cum. Like yesterday for example I rode my device practically the whole day. I had a hands free orgasm but had to jerk off to get the rest out kind of like cleaning the pipes like @trei said.
I'm pretty much on the same page as @Pommie. About a year after my first seriously intense Prostate orgasm I set about 'blending' elements of my prostate, solo penis and marital routines together in sort of a 'mix and match' style of play.
More recently I've found that what starts as a solo prostate session with a larger tool turns into a combo prostate-penis session when the longer toy (PS-New for example) simultaneously stimulates my bladder neck, causing tingles to run the length of my penis shaft. This copies the desire and rhythm into both venues while I'm still hands free. Occasionally, I'm able to enter the dry-O state then pull the trigger on a HFWO. The Vice, using a remote controlled vibe is a natural for starting with a conventional prostate massage then, when the rectum is loosened up and the toy is penetrating more deeply, turn on the vibe and stimulate the bladder neck.
Hi @BigOluver, I enjoyed our brief chat in Aneros chat last night. But I was tired and so had to go quickly to bed. But when I read your O.P. in this thread a few days ago, I thought it was our buddy, @HopefulMMOer!
Like most other guys getting in Aneros, I have tried to follow closely the Aneros Directions for Usage maintained at and also suggestions of keeping our individual penises out of the action when working with Aneros!
A couple years ago, however, the stresses and uncertainties of retired life did a real number on my penis, especially when it comes to masturbation. Like many guys, I really got into my penis and what it could do for me when I discovered masturbation for sure as an adolescent. One Saturday evening before bedtime, my masturbatory strokes took on a power that I never experienced before. Little did I know that I was climbing the mountain of ejaculatory inevitability. Suddenly the sheer, sweet orgasm swept over me out of the blue like a tidal wave. I experienced the sweetness of my very first ejaculation of semen!
For many years afterwards, I masturbated three to four times a week. Then as I got into my late fifties once or twice a week. But two years ago, maybe two times a month and then recently once a month, or even once every other month. It was pitiful!
I still leave my penis completely out of the picture when I have my Aneros sessions. However, since I discovered Aless or Anerosless sessions as a 24/7 state that I can tap into at any time or place I choose. Aless prepares me for masturbation like nothing else now. Doing several Kegels also throw me easily into a sweet Aless trance now. It is sweet, it is wonderful. My 65 year old penis agrees, is excited, and wants me to manhandle him through masturbation. These days I feel like a jack-happy teenager.
I thank @Trei for his thoughts on masturbation as "cleaning your pipes." But for me, masturbation is much more than that. It is a celebration of my manhood and maleness. And it is all because of the Aneros!
Now my penis has never rejected me. He does express his concern in many ways for my forgetting him in the last couple years.
I believe that my penis has accepted me. He also has reaffirmed me. I feel reborn. Think penis acceptance. Think penis reaffirmation. Males of all ages can be reborn through this type of penis conscience and penis energy. Even my "baby makers" and other parts of my sexual apparatus feel reborn. This vital consciousness and energy emanates from the dynamo that my awakened, rewired prostate!
I live you with a series of pictures of the penis on tumblr: Mushroom heads.
That was a brilliant post@ BigGlansDC, i am in awe. I really enjoyed browsing the pictures of the mushroom heads, and as i browsed I felt a long-lost male feeling emanating from my being. A feeling that i haven't felt since my high school locker room days. Interesting, and yet I want to feel all of them inside of me as they cum deep into my soul in their full masculine glory, so hot!
I certainly agree that i enjoy the mushroom heads, too.
Mushroom dick heads rule great blog man
Hi guys,
May is Masturbation Month. While in the middle of our sessions with Aneros, we are supposed to not even touch our penises. But celebrate this quintessential organ of maleness, along with our testicles. But all the same our prostate are a central cog in the smooth functioning of our sexual equipment.
Hi @HopefulMMOer,
As regards the link of cocks and glans which I shared with everybody, to my knowledge, there are no pics of guys sounding their urethral meatuses [dick holes] and other examples of abuse which you have mentioned.
Wow @HopefulMMOer, you are one cool dude by teaching me "Cntrl F urzipper." Do not know what you mean by "Make sure you didn't just eat!:{" though.
Oh @HopefulMMOer, I am sorry that you are suffering from a weak stomach. Prepare yourself a bowl of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup. It should help settle your stomach.
Hi @HopefulMMOer,
Like I said, a guy's penis along with his testicles are among his most prized possessions. They are to be treated with respect. As regards pubic bushes, many guys have thick ones. When I grew my mustache in college more than forty years ago, I had to get a pair of barber scissors at the drugstore to trim it regularly. The scissors also came in handy for trimming my pubic bush as well. The saying, "easy does it!" helped me along.