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partially discharging semen - what do you do if you practice SR?

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I have practiced SR for many years, but lately the amplitude of sexual arousal has gone up 1000 times in my life. So I find that I get more full in my prostate and testicles. Urinating even isn't as much of a solid stream, probably due to prostate being full and a bit bigger. I do not have BPH or any prostate problems.

So what I'm doing is with my wife, having her get me to a ruined orgasm type thing and hopefully that will get rid of some of the pressure, and not ruin my state of heightened arousal. 

We did it this morning and I think it went pretty well. I still feel that strong aroused feeling, but not as much urgency to it. I may still need to do it again, or do it better. I'm really not interested in ejaculatory orgasm due to the fallout from it, so maybe we stopped too short.

It's an adventure! Tonight another massager session hopefully. I am doing every two days or every day depending on how I feel.

I'm becoming more conscious of my prostate now, feeling it buzz a little and that's really fantastic. Even this consciousness of the fullness, is really nice.

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Now I have to wonder about the idea of ruined orgasms vs. prostate milking. If one relaxes through the ejaculation, even if contractions start somewhat, does that stunt or help to prevent the refractory period? If so then even if I get a bit too close to the edge while trying to milk then I should relax through it instead of trying to make the most of the orgasm afterwards.

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Well, I gave this "ruined orgasm" idea a try. And surprisingly, I achieved what I was doing before but with significantly less effort.

Instead of dancing around the edge with a finger up my butt until I managed to get some semen to drizzle out, I went over the edge on purpose, then just let go of my member and relaxed my pelvic muscles similar to how I take a leak. A couple drops came out, but no contractions surprisingly.

I did this a second time. More semen that time, but two or three small contractions. Did I trigger the refractory period?

Apparently not, because I could get up to the edge easily enough a third time. Crossed just over yet again and no contractions but more semen that time. I had no idea I could just up and do that AFTER crossing the point of no return, the threshold of ejaculatory inevitability!

This is probably going to take all the difficulty out of semen retention for me! Not that semen is actually being retained, but refractory period skipping is more of a mouthful.

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For me the key is feeling the same afterwards. No satiated sleepy feeling. And there is an initial 12 hours of horniness but after that still feeling super aroused and sexual. 

I did this yesterday with my wife helping and even though a good deal of semen was released I feel really sexually buzzed 24 hours later and I don’t have that uncomfortable feeling in my testicles. It’s the best of all worlds. I had a good session with Euphero last night.  This trick increases the fun immeasurably. I shall continue working it in the name of science lol. 

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Yeah, I remember still feeling kind of energetic last night after releasing some semen this way, rather than tired. Maybe not horny, but I wasn't that horny to begin with when I decided to masturbate. I was doing it mainly because I was curious after googling "ruined orgasm" and reading one article stating that a man can continue sex right after, implying no refractory period. Doing it in succession until empty even allowed for a dry orgasm. Not sure if said dry orgasm comes with refractory period or not, but interesting to read about especially since it implies that complete emptying is not hard to do.

I too feel a mild discomfort in my testicles after several days of semen retention, so being able to reliably relieve that will be great.

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