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Out of commission πŸ™

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I just had prostate surgery (nothing related to my use of Aneros) to reopen my urethra, which was pressed shut by my enlarged prostate. So that means I'm out of commission for the next two months or so πŸ™

Oh well.

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Been there. Done that. What was the method of surgery? I had green-light laser. My uro didn't want me to play around down there for at least six months. Then again, she blasted a lot of prostate tissue away.

Wishing you a speedy recovery,


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Sorry to hear about your medical problems Fleshjoe. I hope it all goes well for you, like Maximus said "wishing you a speedy recovery"!

Just a thought though, maybe you could try KSMO during your hiatus? Never too late to pick up something new and I bet it would not have an adverse effect on your procedure. It is pretty intersting stuff.

Stay well.


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Get better down under!
"Cum" back real soon! πŸ˜€

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Yes, Fleshjoe, wishing you a speedy recovery.

We look forward to a flurry of videos in about two months to herald your recovery.

All the best from your forum friends,


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I wish you a very complete and rapid recovery to your surgery. Take care, my hope is that time will pass quickly for you and allow you to resume the pleasurable life you are entitled to. I hope to continue to see your posts on the Forum during your Aneros hiatus, get well soon! I am sending some extra good vibes out tonight for you.

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Thanks guys, I'm recovering, I swear, I'm nearly healed already πŸ™‚ Sheesh πŸ™‚

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Hey FleshJoe!

A Hiatus is a good thing sometimes, any way . . .

Rest up, Dude!

All Best!

Later, Hlaser

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Thanks guys, I'm recovering, I swear, I'm nearly healed already πŸ™‚ Sheesh πŸ™‚

Glad you're making a quick recovery FleshJoe πŸ™‚ Are you serious about "nearly healed already"?

I'm specially interested in the after-effects of your surgery because I'm probably going for the same operation in a couple of months time. Although I'm an occasional Aneros user my main practice is the KSMO which, for me, eclipses anything else. So I'm hoping that it won't be too long before I can resume practice after my op.

But I would surely like to read about your continued progress back to normality.

I hope that you are soon back to normal.

Mog πŸ™‚

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Thanks for all the good well wishes... No, to those suggesting the KSMO, I think I'll avoid that. My situation is that currently any erection is very painful, so I'm really not yet ready to be active again. I spoke too soon when I said I'm nearly healed already πŸ™‚

If I learned anything from my Aneros travels it is to listen to my body and trust it. When its ready again, it will tell me to restart my Aneros activities πŸ™‚

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Thanks for all the good well wishes... No, to those suggesting the KSMO, I think I'll avoid that. My situation is that currently any erection is very painful, so I'm really not yet ready to be active again. I spoke too soon when I said I'm nearly healed already πŸ™‚

Ouch, that must be horrible in the mornings 😯

Hope things heal quick enough for you.

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An update: several UTIs later ( πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ ) and batches of antibiotics and all that shit, I'm still out of commission. At least the bleeding finally stopped -- after a whole month -- so that is good, anyways.

I look to be out for another 2 months, there's still pain in my prostate (left side).

All the biopsies and stuff they collected during the TURP is clear -- no cancer. That's enormously good.

So: some wins, some losses πŸ™‚

Everyone have a great xmas if you celebrate, and so forth.

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How are you doing, Fleshjoe? Are you back in business yet? πŸ™‚

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