@theeagleandwolf, yes, I own a few original models and their corresponding version.
MGX; the Classic version seems to apply more pressure forward on the prostate and the P-tab is rubbing harder on the perineum, almost to the point of being uncomfortable. They both however, provide slightly different but great sensations.
Maximus; I can't differentiate the differences enough to make a logical assessment and they both generate great pleasures.
Helix Syn; the Trident seems to fit better and does provide a better ride but I must admit that my Classic version (my first massager) was absolutely great. Unfortunately, I broke the P-tab on it but it still performed very well. The Trident does have a better feel and seems easier to clean.
Progasm Ice; the newer version also provides a better ride than the original but I can't explain why.
My opinion is that the Trident versions do provide somewhat different sensations but the originals have their place in anyone's collection. Are they worth the price? I guess it depends on the individual as we are all different.
I hope this answers your question.
I have a helix and a helix trident. The helix is shit. It’s just a bad fit.
Everybody got favourites or toys that work better than others.
Yep, i am just asking which people prefer, see it as a fun thing.
That's right.
But these preferences change over time, at least for me.
I have periods where I swear by the Progasm Jr and then it's the Eupho Trident that's my favorite. And so on.
I think there are a lot of factors that go into a successful session.
And it's not easy to know exactly which ones.
I can't compare apples to apples, but I can compare the trident experience to original experience on different models.
I have in my collection an original MGX and Helix, both have had the curly tail bobbed off. Given my experience now, I don't know how much difference that would make, but I am happy with the modifications.
My first trident model was the EST. My first impression was that design is absolutely amazing. There was one more point of contact, but it felt like many. Soft and springy.
After that I acquired a maximus trident and a eupho trident. Another score for the trident style, I prefer the white plastic models because they're easier to clean and you can use silicone lube(my preference is to use Sessions inside, but slather silicone on the device before insertion. The white plastic trident series really is a showcase for the multi-axial movment design. While I can't compare these to their original counterparts, I think I have enough of a feel for the trident tab design that if they offered the standard versions again, I would not buy one over any other trident models.
All I can say is the trident models go into a gallop when they find the sweet spot and you don't know where all the sensations are coming from. It is a wonderful thing! The old progasm does it, too. I am going to eventually buy a trident helix and MGX because I believe they are better and I want to see for myself.
As for the comments about the originals hitting harder on the p-tab, I can certainly agree. I actually broke skin one time, I guess it worked up a blister and then broke. Scared me a bit! I was early into the waking up stage of my journey and I guess I had toned my pelvic floor for Olympic power lifting or something, but I was having extremely powerful involuntaries at the time. It left me sore there and that's when I reflected back over a decade to some discussion here about possibly folding a square of toilet paper under the tab. I'd rather not do that. Too awkward. Never had that problem with the helix, but it doesn't have as much taper as the MGX for your muscles to pull against.
I am sure Aneros didn't move to the trident design based on a whim!