Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

Orgasms on command
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Orgasms on command

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Noble Member Customer
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For those re-wired folk who have a partner and who can partake in aless or use their toy with said partner...

Consider trying these things:

1. Have your partner command you to cum. When you are really getting it on-- perhaps they are playing with you, or you are rubbing up against them, or you are inside of them-- they can tell you to cum.

2. The word can change into an agreed upon action, like finger snapping, being caressed on the nose, saying "I love you", or any number of pavlovian conditionings. If you do it enough in a highly aroused state, I bet you can recreate it in an unaroused state.

3. Your partner can count down to your orgasm. This way is good for those that might take more time to build to an orgasm, and good for those who take no time to build an orgasm because you thus have to keep your orgasm at bay, building it up even stronger. Or they can sing you a song, and when they get to the agreed upon lyric you cum. Or or or...

Try it. It's fun, and your partner will likely love having so much "power" over you.

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Noble Member Customer
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Posts: 904

It also works great in the other direction! Just wait till your partner is on the verge of orgasm already, and assure them that if they don’t come exactly at the end of the countdown, or exactly on command, it’s ok. In my experience it works every time because of the crazy sexual tension it creates.

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