Organic, safe lubri...
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Organic, safe lubricant?

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I remembered last night (in the middle of a growing Super O, for some reason) what I used to use for lube: coconut butter. I'd bought a small pot of raw coconut butter and I used to use that to good effect. What I liked about it was that it responded to the body's heat well, starting off solid when cold and turning to liquid oil when warmed. I liked the fact it wasn't full of nasty chemicals and didn't dry out like water-based lubes would. I do remember though it becoming a bit of an oil slick if I wasn't careful, and I would never insert lube internally to begin with, just get the anus nice and greased up, and do the same with the Aneros.

In the vein of not wanting to put potentially harmful chemicals in my rectum, I also bought some "Sliquid" ( ). There are some interesting videos about the product too. On using it, however, it's too gloopy (like a very thick KY) for my liking, and while it sticks to the Aneros beautifully, it doesn't provide enough consistent lubrication for the Aneros 'swing' that's needed.

I'm going to experiment by combining both coconut oil and the Sliquid to see if the oil/water combination make for a nice slippery ride. I'll report back when the coconut oil gets here!

Has anyone else used coconut oil or similar, or know anything about the possible side effects of using standard lubes?

B Mayfield
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While at one of the tradeshows several years ago, I met up with the owner of S Liquid. I told him about my particular application and “our search” as a community for the perfect lube. I discussed the experiences of some individuals with glycerin-based formulations, and he told me that he had an entire line of water-based products that were glycerin-free. He gave me a sample pack, filled full of lubes of every conceivable flavor. Unfortunately, I found the product lacking in several key respects. First, it was not as slippery and it seemed to dry out even faster than glycerin-based products.

With respect to Coconut oil, have you experimented with Boy Butter (oil based) yet? The primary ingredient in the product IS coconut oil. Check out the thread authored by Morn. There are some great reviews on it. I just recently used it myself and will be posting on it shortly.

BF Mayfield

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I agree about the Sliquid. It's a shame it doesn't stay slick for long, and eventually the Aneros feels like a lump of concrete in your backside if only Sliquid is used.

Thanks for the Boy Butter information. I read the earlier thread as well, but my main concern is the ingredients: I'm concerned that silicone might be harmful if ingested. Is it the same stuff in Boy Butter and lubes that you use to seal tiles around the shower? I don't know! My knowledge of chemistry and biology is scant, but I'm looking to not use lubes with lots of chemicals in them if possible. It's for that reason that I'm interested in coconut oil. If that does the job on its own without any of the fillers or helpers of other lubes, then it seems like the best way forward.

Given I do anal play a few times a week, I'm anxious not to end up with a Hazchem warning sign on one of my buttocks!

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I've not used coconut oil with the Aneros (not yet anyway), but have with other anal play. It's nice, smells goods, and yes chemical-free which is nice. Jojoba oil is another nice oil as it very similar to human saliva. I did try it with Aneros but I perhaps didn't use enough as it didn't seem to work so good.

Foreplay gel is a good water-based lube I've found for anal play as well.
