OMG, I almost can't...
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OMG, I almost can't believe it!

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I just had to write and tell someone (other then my wife) about last night and the nights leading up to it. I'm going to say sorry in advance for the long post.

Up until now, I've enjoyed my Aneros sessions, with each time (one day apart) getting better. I feel that I can almost plot the progression in how it feels like and keep getting better.

Session 1 – Getting comfortable with the Aneros and trying different positions. I remember having a few anal muscle spasms and feeling really horny. After like 2.5 hours, I called in the wife and told her that I really needing to cum. She gave me a bit of oral and then on top of me. When I finally cam it was just a bit stronger then normal.

Session 2 – More involuntary contractions from several different anal muscle groups that seemed to last longer. I also starting having a throbbing feeling behind my penis. I finished by masturbating by hand, and I don't remember it feeling much different then normal after 1.5 hours.

Session 3 – I kept having spontaneous erections and involuntary contractions most of the day. I also commute about an hour each way to work, and the motion of the car really brings these on. Wow, does this make the drive much more interesting. I found that laying on my side seems to work the best, and started getting waves of a pulsing/throbbing sensation across my whole body. It almost feels like this starts from my prostrate (at least what I'm now thinking is my prostrate) and the pulsing/throbbing also had a “dreamy” feeling to it. This was also the first time I got an erection using the Aneros and the throbbing behind my penis turned into contractions. The “dreamy” feeling gave me a bit of time loss and after 3 hours I used one of my fleshlights to finish with an orgasm just barely stronger then normal.

Session 4 – Started getting involuntary contractions within minutes of inserting. At times that pulsing “dreamy” feeling would come in waves and then leave for a while. I finally found the position (on my side with my knees pulled about halfway to my chest) that gave me a feeling that I can't describe. Pleasure was rolling out from my prostrate across my whole body,caused my legs to quake, and every now an again would make my body jerk. At one point I felt lost in the feeling and when I started getting a tingling in my penis my mind was begging for it to stay or if it turned into some kind of release would be awesome. After 2 hours I finished with a different fleshlight an had a body convulsing orgasm.

Session 5 - Spontaneous erections and involuntary contractions all day. I felt that I also couldn't get the Aneros in fast enough and started having anal contractions immediately. The “dreamy” feeling came in waves that gave me very hard erections. I was riding these waves for about an hour, when my ass clenched up (something that I had been trying to stop and stay relaxed) and my hips started pumping on there own. The pumping motion turned into a convulsion that swept across my entire body and lasted about 30 seconds. When it stopped, I took a deep breath and it happened again! During these convulsion my penis felt electric and I had a strange metallic/electric taste (different but not in any way unpleasing) in my mouth. Some of the convulsions lasted for what seemed like a minute, some would stop and restart immediately. Most of the time I could not unclench my ass, when I could I would think that it was over, then my ass would clench and it would start again. By this time I had lost count of how many times I orgasmed and I'm normally very quite during any sexual activity, but at times I couldn't help from moaning. This cycle went on for 45 minutes! At this point I called my wife who was playing on her computer. I had 2 more orgasms by the time she came in, and she walked in during my third since I had called her. I couldn't see her face when she walked in, but when I stopped shaking all she said in what sounded like a concerned voice was “Are you OK?” I think I replied something like “Oh god YES”, before another orgasm hit me. I reached out and took her hand as another orgasm hit me and pulled her next to me. We started kissing between orgasms, when it hit me that I don't think that I could stop having orgasms (and I was really torn if I wanted to). I asked if she wanted to fuck me, and she started taking off her cloths as I orgasmed again. I managed to hold off long enough for her to get on top of me. I even thought of climbing on top of her and having my convulsions help me fuck her, but by this time I'm not sure if my body could handle it. As soon as I was inside of her, another body orgasm with her on top of me. I think I had a few of these, and she was really riding me when I started feeling the sensation that I was going to cum build deep inside of me while having more body shaking orgasms. It built slowly, and the handle of the Aneros pushing against the bed had moved it off to the side when I had a convulsing cumming orgasm. I managed to stop orgasming long enough to remove the Aneros, but feel that if I had left it in I could have started all over again. I don't ever remember cumming or having any pre-cum during my body orgasms, but when I was cleaning up I had some clear fluid on my upper stomach.

After it was all over, my wife said that she has never seen me convulse and shake the bed before and that at first she was worried that I was Ok. I woke up in the middle of the night and had what I would call my first dry orgasm, it wasn't as powerful as a cumming orgasm and left me feeling like I wanted more as I fell back asleep. Today, it feels like part of my brain is foggy, kinda like that first twinge of a headache coming on. I was at first worried that I had rattled my brain inside of my skull during my orgasms, but no headache so it must be after effects of last night. All that I can think of the experience is that I must have had a continual string of multiple “Super-O's”. I can't fathom that it gets more intense that last night, but I'm not going to complain if it does.

I think that it would be awesome if my wife and I could find a way for her to have the same wave of orgasms and hold each other and writhe in pleasure together!

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Session 1 – Getting comfortable with the Aneros and trying different positions. I remember having a few anal muscle spasms and feeling really horny. After like 2.5 hours, I called in the wife and told her that I really needing to cum. She gave me a bit of oral and then on top of me. When I finally cam it was just a bit stronger then normal.

Session 2 – More involuntary contractions from several different anal muscle groups that seemed to last longer. I also starting having a throbbing feeling behind my penis. I finished by masturbating by hand, and I don't remember it feeling much different then normal after 1.5 hours.

Session 3 – I kept having spontaneous erections and involuntary contractions most of the day. I also commute about an hour each way to work, and the motion of the car really brings these on. Wow, does this make the drive much more interesting. I found that laying on my side seems to work the best, and started getting waves of a pulsing/throbbing sensation across my whole body. It almost feels like this starts from my prostrate (at least what I'm now thinking is my prostrate) and the pulsing/throbbing also had a “dreamy” feeling to it. This was also the first time I got an erection using the Aneros and the throbbing behind my penis turned into contractions. The “dreamy” feeling gave me a bit of time loss and after 3 hours I used one of my fleshlights to finish with an orgasm just barely stronger then normal.

Session 4 – Started getting involuntary contractions within minutes of inserting. At times that pulsing “dreamy” feeling would come in waves and then leave for a while. I finally found the position (on my side with my knees pulled about halfway to my chest) that gave me a feeling that I can't describe. Pleasure was rolling out from my prostrate across my whole body,caused my legs to quake, and every now an again would make my body jerk. At one point I felt lost in the feeling and when I started getting a tingling in my penis my mind was begging for it to stay or if it turned into some kind of release would be awesome. After 2 hours I finished with a different fleshlight an had a body convulsing orgasm.

Session 5 - Spontaneous erections and involuntary contractions all day. I felt that I also couldn't get the Aneros in fast enough and started having anal contractions immediately. The “dreamy” feeling came in waves that gave me very hard erections. I was riding these waves for about an hour, when my ass clenched up (something that I had been trying to stop and stay relaxed) and my hips started pumping on there own. The pumping motion turned into a convulsion that swept across my entire body and lasted about 30 seconds. When it stopped, I took a deep breath and it happened again! During these convulsion my penis felt electric and I had a strange metallic/electric taste (different but not in any way unpleasing) in my mouth. Some of the convulsions lasted for what seemed like a minute, some would stop and restart immediately. Most of the time I could not unclench my ass, when I could I would think that it was over, then my ass would clench and it would start again. By this time I had lost count of how many times I orgasmed and I'm normally very quite during any sexual activity, but at times I couldn't help from moaning. This cycle went on for 45 minutes! At this point I called my wife who was playing on her computer. I had 2 more orgasms by the time she came in, and she walked in during my third since I had called her. I couldn't see her face when she walked in, but when I stopped shaking all she said in what sounded like a concerned voice was “Are you OK?” I think I replied something like “Oh god YES”, before another orgasm hit me. I reached out and took her hand as another orgasm hit me and pulled her next to me. We started kissing between orgasms, when it hit me that I don't think that I could stop having orgasms (and I was really torn if I wanted to). I asked if she wanted to fuck me, and she started taking off her cloths as I orgasmed again. I managed to hold off long enough for her to get on top of me. I even thought of climbing on top of her and having my convulsions help me fuck her, but by this time I'm not sure if my body could handle it. As soon as I was inside of her, another body orgasm with her on top of me. I think I had a few of these, and she was really riding me when I started feeling the sensation that I was going to cum build deep inside of me while having more body shaking orgasms. It built slowly, and the handle of the Aneros pushing against the bed had moved it off to the side when I had a convulsing cumming orgasm. I managed to stop orgasming long enough to remove the Aneros, but feel that if I had left it in I could have started all over again. I don't ever remember cumming or having any pre-cum during my body orgasms, but when I was cleaning up I had some clear fluid on my upper stomach.

After it was all over, my wife said that she has never seen me convulse and shake the bed before and that at first she was worried that I was Ok. I woke up in the middle of the night and had what I would call my first dry orgasm, it wasn't as powerful as a cumming orgasm and left me feeling like I wanted more as I fell back asleep. Today, it feels like part of my brain is foggy, kinda like that first twinge of a headache coming on. I was at first worried that I had rattled my brain inside of my skull during my orgasms, but no headache so it must be after effects of last night. All that I can think of the experience is that I must have had a continual string of multiple “Super-O's”. I can't fathom that it gets more intense that last night, but I'm not going to complain if it does.

Wow, intense indeed. I'm about where you were on Session 4 (If memory serves me correctly, too lazy to scroll up! =P). I have this powerful pulsating feeling (that seems in sync with my heart beat). I noticed it on my fifth session, but that's about it. On my sixth session, I focused on it more and it became stronger much stronger. The seventh session (yesterday) it was pulsing like crazy, it felt almost like something was ready to explode but never did. I know I'm close, and can't wait to get to the point you were at, it definitely seems close!

It's great your wife can accept the Aneros, and it certainly sounds like you and her have had some fun with it. I'm sure this will make things between the two of you quite interesting ;).

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Congrats CS sounds as if you are on to new heights. Interesting that your success has been in spite of your frequent ejaculations, something most do not recommend but if it works for you that's all that matters. Regarding experiencing simultaneous orgasms with your wife, that's exactly what my wife and I found through tantra. The door to it was opened through aneros use and my wife's support of that. We've had some through the roof sessions that can last two to three hours and may never include intercourse. Last week we had one of those with everything but, that was powerful physically and emotionally. Good luck with all of your experimentation

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Congratulations chaos snake!!!! 🙂

That's amazing that you have progressed so fast. And I'm reminded as I read your post how different each persons experiences with Mistress Aneros is. And that is way cool that you have a wife that accepts your usage of the Aneros and joins in.


Interesting that your success has been in spite of your frequent ejaculations, something most do not recommend but if it works for you that's all that matters.

The same thought occurred to me also while I was reading his post. I'm starting to find that abstaining from masturbation while you learn how to use the Aneros is just a guideline to get you to super-O's, not a solid rule. Ultimately you have to follow the signals your body gives you.

That's way cool that your wife and you have orgasmic sessions together!

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