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Not sure where to go from here, Need some expert advise please...

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Hi Guys

I am about 8-9 weeks now into my aneros sessions using the maximus. I have my sessions about every second or third day. Although i have a very nice collection of aneros products, they are very patiently waiting in the draw to come out when it is time for them to dance. But for now i am exclusive to maximus.

Now im just not sure what is happening and what to do. I think, and i am very greatful as i believe i am one of the fortunate ones to recieve signs early on, but you experience users will be able to correct me if i am wrong with my descriptions.

This past week has progressed very quickly for me. I have always had that little twitch inside and i have just learned this week how to actually relax, focus and zone in on that twitch which has resulted in some amazing and sometimes scary sensations. These are the sensations i feel.....

After insertion i now can almost immediately feel the soft twitch inside, i relax and zone in on this twitch for around 30mins, i will have my ipad with me and i will then after 30 mins watch some soft porn, normal porn distracts me. I immediately become aroused and I then begin to feel an enormous amount of pressure pushing on my perineum, the tingle inside becomes more aggressive, i feel a tingle travelling up my scrotum, and my penis just starts to pulsate and will not stop. I feel my body becoming very tense and when i am aware of it i take a deap breath and relax which causes it to go away, then after a few minutes it starts all over again, i tense, release and it goes away. It feels like something is building but vanishes in an instant. There is no orgasm or mass amounts of pleasure, but it really feels like something is building. I find it very hard to pull back and not tense, i do my best to try not to chase it because it disappears when i do. Its like a vocano is rumbling and is just wanting to explode but it just keeps rumbling.

Last nights session was a scary one, everything in the previous description was happening but then all of a sudden my heart started to thump, wasn't sure if this was a heart attack so i jumped up, it stopped. Started the session again and another 4 or 5 thumps, my thought was the family was going to find me dead of a heart attack with a piece of plastic up my arse. I ended the session....

The other thing that has changed this week is that during the day whenever i sit down i get this little tingle in my perineum area and my penis just keeps pulsating, like i am trying to exercise the muscle's, or i am trying to force that last bit of urine out after a pee, with this ever so slight of sensation. Not complaining about it cause it kinda feels good, just strange sensations. questions are if anyone can help me with advise....

1) when i feel this build up coming and body tenses very tight, do i release that tension and keep repeating the process? I am really not sure what to do here. If i can add also, i am most comfortable lying on my back, knees bent and feet flat using the do nothing approach and this all happens on it own.

2) these sensations that i feel during the day, has anyone else experiense these in the begining?

3) has anyone experienced the thumping of there heart?

4) is there anything in your opinion that i should or should not be doing, or maybe should change?

5) and the million dollar question, how does my progress sound on an average with other users. Do you think i will eventually get there?

Thanks in advance is this forum and you wonderful guys and girls that make this such a great place to be. Feels like a family on its own..

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Donchich, from your description you sound like you're experiencing rewiring of your pelvic floor muscles and nerves. this is a physical process and you're on your way. But the mental process is up to you and your subconscious. I think you're doing all the right things mentally like relaxing into the tension and deep breathing but it does take time to put it all together. The pounding heart beats could be a normal excitement, anticipation, anxiety reaction. IDK. They may be just palpations but if you feel short of breath and/or pain, better tell your doctor.

The feelings and muscle movement outside of sessions is called an anerosless session appropriately enough. Congratulations, you are doing the right things and progressing quickly. Maybe you should now try to accept the pleasure that your body is offering fearlessly. Welcome and acknowledge the pleasure out loud often. Tell yourself how good it feels and even allow yourself to feel emotions over how beautiful it is or whatever comes up. There's something about saying and hearing myself say this that has broken though a barrier to more pleasure. I've just discovered this trick recently and it's made a big difference for me. Groaning and humming and any vocalization when you exhale is also good. Feel the vibrations in your belly and prostae when you vocalize. Experiment.

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Thanks euphemistic for the comment...keeps me rest assured i am on the right track. I am really enjoying every part of this journey and i am lucky enough that my wife is so supportive and is as anxious as me to see the amazing results. Thanks again...

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I have noticed that vocalizing increases the intensity of the experience as euphemistic has mentioned

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Last nights session was a scary one, everything in the previous
description was happening but then all of a sudden my heart started to
thump, wasn't sure if this was a heart attack so i jumped up, it
stopped. Started the session again and another 4 or 5 thumps, my thought
was the family was going to find me dead of a heart attack with a piece
of plastic up my arse. I ended the session....

wowee, sounds like you where going to go into mega orgasm... my heart can feel like it's stopped... beat like crazy or feel like it's gonna explode out of my chest... scary if you don't know what's happening, i second eupho by saying... be fearless...

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