Non sexual sessions
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Non sexual sessions

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I love my porn and sexual desire.  However, I was probably doing 20 hrs/week of play.  I would it in my car, at work, at a baseball game.  I became concerned that watch this much porn would affect my mind.  So I decided to try having a nonsexuall session.  I focus the P-waves up my spine through my chakras.  I had a very pleasurable experience.  It was warm bliss.  I felt much less guilt and self judgement.  It was a different experience because feeling I am fuck these whore is also very satisfying.  We I do a session without porn, I view it more like meditation.  This is a turn in my journey and I will continue the journey to enlightenment via prostate play.  Any words of wisdom from fellow guys that have taken the no sexual route.

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I never tried to de-sexualize my sessions, but they have sometimes gone that way all by themselves. When my thoughts quieten and my focus narrows to being present with sensation... there isn't much room left for fantasy, or even much necessity for it (if things are working well).
Though it makes me wonder if what's really happening is a de-pornographying of the experience. I don't watch porn during a session, but my fantasies are still something external in their own way. Brought into the equation, because the reality of the present isn't arousing enough.

But what if the session itself was arousing enough? It wouldn't need to be framed or contextualized in terms of some other imagined sexual situation. So in a strange way, the session itself might be more sexual when we stop imposing on it things that it isn't, and stop treating it like a cheap substitute for some other sexual situation. Accepting aneros sessions as "solo-sex", worthy of being aroused by is a hard leap, but I think there's something to it.
Not that I've achieved this entirely, I still like to get things going with a fantasy or whatever... but I've had a lot of sessions over the years, and many of them were like that.

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Posted by: @subliminal23
When I do a session without porn, I view it more like meditation.  This is a turn in my journey and I will continue the journey to enlightenment via prostate play.

I'm not real comfortable with the non-sexual connotation, nor does asexual describe the situation either. I think @Clenchy's term of "solo-sex" is really a good term for that alered state of consciousness wherein the pleasure alone is arousing in and of itself as @Clenchy described. However, more importantly, you've described an Anerosession as a form of meditation and I have long described these types of sessions as erotic meditations. These types of sessions can produce an altered state of consciousness which can lead you to some enlightening realizations in this life journey we all are on.

Good Vibes to You!

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