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Non-sexual orgasms
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Non-sexual orgasms

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I have been musing a fair amount about orgasmic pleasure and its relation to sexual arousal.

One thing is clear: sexual arousal can lead to heightened pleasure. That is, when aroused, various parts of the body get more sensitive. This is clear to us through experience, and there is science about the hormones released in our body to back it up, for example this study:

But what about orgasmic pleasure without sexual arousal? I don’t know how many people here have sessions that aren’t necessarily grounded in sexual arousal, but I have plenty. I can and do have sessions based on sexual arousal, or at least parts of my sessions will be based in sexual arousal. And if I am with a partner my high arousal levels lead to very exciting orgasms. But I have plenty of moments of sessions, or entire sessions, that have no grounding in sexual arousal.

For example, I can go from a distracted non-aroused state to a body-shaking aless orgasm in a few seconds. In those few seconds, there is no time for sexual thoughts. I just focus on sensations in my body and ramp them up into an orgasm. I also have longer (10-45 minute) aless sessions in which my sexual arousal is low or non existant, but in which I have orgasm after orgasm. My penis remains completely flaccid during these sessions, and my thoughts are more sensation based and abstract.

So what the heck is going on? Have we (I and those who share a similar experience) separated the orgasm not only from ejaculation but from sexual arousal as well? Have we bypassed the hormonal response and gone straight to the psychological and non-hormonal physiological response?

Anyone else with me in this realm of non-sexual orgasms?

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I have been musing a fair amount about orgasmic pleasure and its relation to sexual arousal.
...But what about orgasmic pleasure without sexual arousal?

I have also pondered this topic. A number of years ago I posted the thread What's an Orgasm? which referenced non-sexual orgasmic phenomenon.

I don’t know how many people here have sessions that aren’t necessarily grounded in sexual arousal, but I have plenty. ... I have plenty of moments of sessions, or entire sessions, that have no grounding in sexual arousal.

Perhaps you could start a poll to investigate this phenomenon? Personally, I primarily use erotic literature to begin generating arousal but do not employ it during an Anerosession. In fact, during an Anerosession, I am rarely thinking sexual thoughts but rather I am focused on the sensual pleasure being generated, the pleasure itself is arousing.

For example, I can go from a distracted non-aroused state to a body-shaking aless orgasm in a few seconds.

I think you are very lucky to possess this ability, such easy activation of your orgasmic response mechanisms is rare for newbies, this is usually only developed over time. I'd be a bit envious of such ability but I know I'd never get much of anything accomplished in the rest of my life if I spent too much time orgasming.

My penis remains completely flaccid during these sessions, and my thoughts are more sensation based and abstract.

Yeah, many men report similar findings.

So what the heck is going on? Have we (I and those who share a similar experience) separated the orgasm not only from ejaculation but from sexual arousal as well?

I think many men, especially those who have experienced Super-O's, have expanded their awareness of their bodies, their responses and the multitude of factors which contribute to their orgasmic abilities. As such we come to realize that our orgasms are really sensual experiences which may or may not include a sexual focus. I don't think we have separated sexual arousal from the orgasm but have expanded upon the instigating mechanisms for generating orgasms beyond strictly sexual arousal.

Have we bypassed the hormonal response and gone straight to the psychological and non-hormonal physiological response?

I don't think we have by-passed our evolutionary hormonal responses at all, those responses are still present. Rather, we have discovered/learned new alternative behavior patterns/techniques which can trigger those same hormonal responses leading to orgasms.

Anyone else with me in this realm of non-sexual orgasms?

Yes, I believe there are many of us who have expanded our awareness of orgasms beyond a strict sexual association and into the realm of pure sensuality. For a few this realm may even extend into expanded concepts of spirituality. For discussions of these experiences which go beyond the physical and touch upon those intangibles of our mental being, here are a few links to past discussions @esfenoides thread Aneros yoga, The Tao of O , Non-erotic orgasms, aneros can be non sexual & @zaneblue 's thread Automatic Tantra?.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks for your post today. It really resonated with me as I too can go from nothing to amazing aless/energy orgasms in seconds, even when not aroused. From what I can tell, this ability is very uncommon and I suspect that many people would not believe us even if we could find the right words to describe what is going on.

I have had this ability for some time, but it has become much more intense and frequent in the last few months to the point where I sometimes wake up during the night orgasming/blissing like crazy. Ejaculation only makes it stronger.

Here are some thoughts:

1. We seem to have bypassed the normal ejaculatory response.
2. Orgasmic energy is stored in the body and is released when we focus on it.
3. Focusing on the orgasmic sensations and willing it to go in a direction is the key, but focusing too intently does not work so well.
4. We have female orgasmic circuits which we have tapped into.
5. Bliss is a euphoric and hypnotic state that I slip into easily. Not sure why I have this ability and others struggle to get any kind of sensation.
6. Not sure if you have noticed, but there seems to have been an increase in the kind of experiences we are having recently if my Aneros chats are anything to go by. One theory that could explain this is called `morphic resonance` Worth looking this up.
7. There is no upper pleasure limit. As soon as I get to a point where I think `that was perfect` I go higher.
8. I can go into bliss just by chatting with someone with the same ability.
9. I am aware of the orgasmic energy circulating throughout my body at all times. I would only ever be aware of this during intercourse.
10. Alcohol has a very negative effect. I can still bliss, but I feel the orgasmic energy is out of control.
11. My wife spoons me and strokes my tummy in the morning and I go into immediate deep bliss and almost lose consciousness.
12. Sometimes I think it is a curse rather than a gift.

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Thanks to all for the informative and thoughtful posts.

12. Sometimes I think it is a curse rather than a gift.

Would you be willing to expand upon this?^^

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Thanks for your post today. It really resonated with me as I too can go from nothing to amazing aless/energy orgasms in seconds, even when not aroused. From what I can tell, this ability is very uncommon and I suspect that many people would not believe us even if we could find the right words to describe what is going on.

I have had this ability for some time, but it has become much more intense and frequent in the last few months to the point where I sometimes wake up during the night orgasming/blissing like crazy. Ejaculation only makes it stronger.

Here are some thoughts:

1. We seem to have bypassed the normal ejaculatory response.
2. Orgasmic energy is stored in the body and is released when we focus on it.
3. Focusing on the orgasmic sensations and willing it to go in a direction is the key, but focusing too intently does not work so well.
4. We have female orgasmic circuits which we have tapped into.
5. Bliss is a euphoric and hypnotic state that I slip into easily. Not sure why I have this ability and others struggle to get any kind of sensation.
6. Not sure if you have noticed, but there seems to have been an increase in the kind of experiences we are having recently if my Aneros chats are anything to go by. One theory that could explain this is called `morphic resonance` Worth looking this up.
7. There is no upper pleasure limit. As soon as I get to a point where I think `that was perfect` I go higher.
8. I can go into bliss just by chatting with someone with the same ability.
9. I am aware of the orgasmic energy circulating throughout my body at all times. I would only ever be aware of this during intercourse.
10. Alcohol has a very negative effect. I can still bliss, but I feel the orgasmic energy is out of control.
11. My wife spoons me and strokes my tummy in the morning and I go into immediate deep bliss and almost lose consciousness.
12. Sometimes I think it is a curse rather than a gift.

I explain non-ejaculatory orgasms to partners and friends, and have for the last 9 months since I started using aneros. In the beginning I was able to describe it, as it was "simpler". Now it has become so unbelievable, so abstract and strange, that I can't seem to find words for it. I see different women, and I explain to new ones ahead of time, so they aren't worried in the moment (and to turn them on, hehe). It is really hard to come up with a way of explaining it though that doesn't sound like BS, but when they see it (and hear it) they believe it. Male friends on the other hand, who will never see me orgasming, have their doubts, I am sure.

In response:

1. definitely
2. I have know idea what orgasmic energy could be, and am general wary of the word energy for unexplained things, but it seems plausible
3. this is hard for me to agree or disagree with. It is just that: my focus allows me to go with the sensations, and the more I am focused the better it is. But I totally agree that you get pulled along by sensations.
4. definitely something similar to female pleasure, but we'll never know unfortunately. I used to believe women got more pleasure than men, but now I know that one doesn't get more or less. You just have to develop your pleasure, and men are taught to control in bed and not show emotions in life. As a result many men never develop further than basic penile stimulation. Now I hardly know any women who get as much pleasure as I do, it seems (if you could compare... but you can't.)
5. Hypnotic is the right word for me!
6. I'll look that up!
7. Yes, me too. Sometimes my body says "enough", it just turns off, but then I can turn back on seconds-minutes later.
8. I've noticed that since the beginning of my aneros use, that reading about it gets me really excited. I don't chat with others except in person, and then it is usually not the right place/time
9. yes, for me an orgasm can be anything now. cold shivers, pain, crying, singing, all these and more can be turned into orgasms for me.
10. I stopped drinking a month and a half ago, around when this started going wild... coincidence?
11. Lucky you! When my partners do as little as touch me I go into a trance. It feels like swirling electricity.
12. very rarely I think that... because I can ignore it if I don't want it. but some days it bugs me all day long. Which is fine. I am a musician so I am often working alone at home and I ride it out when it happens.


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Yes, WHAT IS AN ORGASM?!?! I remember telling a friend about different types of ejaculatory orgasms when I was 18 years old. I had 3 or 4 specific ones, based on how I rubbed my penis (just the base, just the tip, dry/wet). If I had known that one day I would have so many types of orgasms that a vague dictionary definition would be the only fitting way to encompass them all, and that to categorize them would be as impossible as they are to enumerate and describe... The strangest one I've had, and one I have regularly in various iterations since, involves me grasping at the air. Certain muscles tighten. My eyes roll and tremble. I shudder and moan. I think of poetic words like "enraptured".

This easy activation of my orgasmic response is really rather new. I am very excited to see where it goes. I hope I don't blow any circuits 🙂

I think many men, especially those who have experienced Super-O's, have expanded their awareness of their bodies, their responses and the multitude of factors which contribute to their orgasmic abilities. As such we come to realize that our orgasms are really sensual experiences which may or may not include a sexual focus. I don't think we have separated sexual arousal from the orgasm but have expanded upon the instigating mechanisms for generating orgasms beyond strictly sexual arousal.

Sold. Also *sold* on the next bit you wrote.

Thanks for all the interesting threads mentioned above!

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Hey @divine_oblivion : Thanks also for posting. This is a subject I have been wondering how to describe/discuss as well. I am coming up on my 2 year mark of learning how to prostate orgasm by kegel exercises alone, then discovering aneros.
I enjoy using an aneros 1-2 times a week for the tactile prostate massage but my Aless sessions have went beyond anything I have ever expected! I am also at the level of being able to experience intense " energy" flow and sensations of bliss and pleasure that are unbelievable in just minutes (or sometimes seconds) of mental focus. As @dbrown822 has said, I'm not sure of the correct terminology, but whatever I'm experiencing is extremely powerful and amazing. Like you I can go from zero to full blown aless orgasm in seconds by just mental focus and relaxation. Just today driving home from work I was bored and just focused on pleasure and I experienced 10 minutes of solid pleasure with involuntary muscle contractions identical to ejaculation only they were dry. This goes much deeper and MUCH more powerful than we can understand. I think the separation of arousal/ejaculation is an accurate description. I am rarely "sexually" aroused before or during a session. I sometimes fantasize thoughts about my wife during a session to ramp up the session, but for the most part it is unnecessary. Just like you said, just when you think it can't get any better it goes beyond!
I have been wanting to discuss these experiences in more detail, and this post is very timely! Like mentioned above there aren't lot of people who would believe or understand it let alone discuss it.
Stay in touch !

P.S. is the chat fixed for mobile devices yet?

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Been thinking about this a lot recently. I am not even sure I would describe prostate stimulation as sexual at all anymore. I too can go from thinking about daily life issues to full on orgasm in under a minute. I am finding my best sessions to be when engaged in mental imagery that doesn't even involve sex. one most memorable was being on a beach just watching waves roll in while I was contracting to their rhythm. as for is a distraction for me. And as for erections and anything approaching traditional views on just doesnt happen unless I am with my wife.

this whole prostate thing is amazing and perplexing at the same time.

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@rumel : I am quoting your post above:

"I think you are very lucky to possess this ability, such easy activation of your orgasmic response mechanisms is rare and I can not recall reading of anyone else reporting such an ability. I'd be a bit envious of such ability but I know I'd never get much of anything accomplished in the rest of my life if I spent too much time orgasming."

First of all, thank you for your constant presence and dissemination of wisdom on the board here, it is much appreciated by newcomers as well as "old timers" !

The activation of the orgasmic response is something I have been trying to discern as well. There are so many variations in the experiences I have that it would be difficult to categorize them.
As @ divine_oblivion and @ dbrown822 both stated some of us are able to generate "different " orgasmic sensations that may or may not be "sexual" or "sexually aroused" . This is an amazing human response of physiology that I would love to learn more about!!
And yes, there are disadvantages to having these abilities!! For example, if I am bored, in any situation, I can focus on "pleasure " and within seconds be experiencing amazing "flows" of "orgasmic" energy only described as "bliss" like mentioned. These are " modulated" by the situation and mindset at the moment. So needless to say, I can "waste" time frequently!!

I sometimes wonder where the old school members such as B mayfield, Cockadoodle, Darwin, Pan, etc. went ....???

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Would you be willing to expand upon this?

Being able to bliss out in seconds is truly amazing and a great gift. I can do it anywhere and anytime. However, it can be easier to start than stop. Sometimes, it is the only thing I can think about and occasionally, it feels like it is in control of me. Having said that, I do feel that overall it is a wonderful thing and most guys would be envious of the kind of experiences I have. It feels like most of my orgasmic life has comprised of a small number of analog channels with patchy reception. Now it is on-demand, multi-channel, ultra-high definition, 3D digital. Albeit, with a dodgy off switch on the remote.

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@dbrown822 Totally. Once it gets going it is hard to stop. It's that first squeeze that gets me. Good metaphor too!

@Ananewb-Wow yes! The only disadvantage I can see is sort of an gentle tickling/aching once I get going. My day just started and I focused on my prostate first thing. Now it is throbbing, and will be for a few hours whether I "use" it or not. A small price to pay for all this pleasure, and I actually like it. It makes me feel special 🙂 It is definitely a "waste" of time, but what isn't? That gets into existential questions. For me it is time very well spent, but I am avoiding the money-making family-raising rat-race of life in a large part because I enjoy the more hedonistic aspects of life. Otherwise, I too wonder what happened to the original major players on this site. I imagine the squeezed themselves into cosmic orgasmic dots somewhere... maybe they are shimmering in the sky?

(BTW I just realized that in writing this, my prostate buzzing is still there but I haven't been focusing on it so it hasn't "bothered" me.)

@DLD Yeah. And that experience you had with waves... it brings in the question of synesthesia. I have had several major synesthetic moments (one I mentioned above, and it happens a fair amount, where "poetic" words pop into my head with the pleasure), and lots of smaller ones so far, that include colors, mild visions... It is all so hard to describe though, like describing drug trips. It is like a drug trip in many ways.

What is nuts is that I am 9 months in. I can't imagine where I will be 10/20 years from now. From reading longtime users' testimonies, it seems infinite, this pleasure universe!

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The book INSTANT ORGASM by a husband and wife team, Tom and Vera Bodansky, available on Amazon, sets out how to orgasm instantly using penis play coupled with whatever other erogenous zones you have. The book does mention nipples. Interesting read but utilizing different methods for what you guys are discussing.

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I sometimes wonder where the old school members such as B mayfield, Cockadoodle, Darwin, Pan, etc. went ....???

...I too wonder what happened to the original major players on this site. I imagine the squeezed themselves into cosmic orgasmic dots somewhere... maybe they are shimmering in the sky?

I don't know about @Cockadoodle 's whereabouts, but my "HypnAerosession" collaborators @B Mayfield , @darwin & @Pan are all fine and still Aneros practitioners. Since they are working men with families, they probably have time demands that preclude them from regular participation any more. I'm personally grateful they provided us with as much information as they did. We all owe them our thanks for discovering and laying out the basic guidelines for learning to effectively use these devices to achieve so much pleasure. I'm also thankful there are many knowledgeable new users who are carrying on the helpful tradition those gurus established for this forum.
Good Vibes to You !

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You can check on the old school members such as @B Mayfield and everyone else, when they were last active. For B Mayfield I found: Last Activity: 05-03-2019, 06:42 AM

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@rumel @Cockadoodle last was active on 03-29-2019, 03:33 AM

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@rumel excuse me, I didn’t mean to imply that they aren’t here on earth anymore, I just meant, maybe they’ve had so many orgasms they’ve transcended into a different state of being 🙂

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... maybe they’ve had so many orgasms they’ve transcended into a different state of being 🙂

I believe they have !
Good Vibes to You !

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Ok - I'm am *so* glad someone started this thread. When I began to discover my "ability," I was not in a sexual mindset. I was relaxing with my partner by our back yard fire pit one evening when I felt a short, mild wave of orgasmic energy pass through my groin. I wasn't thinking sexual thoughts at the time. When I felt it again, I decided to focus my entire attention on it - to see if I could make the feeling stronger. And man, did it get stronger. I had my first hands-free, dry orgasm that night.

Thereafter, I found I was able to raise an orgasm just about any time I wanted. I was enjoying orgasms in restaurants, while standing in line at the grocery store, at social events, in staff meetings at work (funny - one of my co-workers once asked me I was OK - because I was "turning red") and many other, non-sexual situations. I have a good poker face and can orgasm intensely in the company of others without them even knowing.

Within a few months though, I found that my ability to raise orgasms on command was getting increasingly difficult. Some days, l couldn't raise a tingle, while other days, the orgasms were practically beating down my door to be had. One day, while driving home from work, I felt an orgasm rising (practically against my will) and I decided to let it happen. It was so strong, I had to pull over into a parking lot. Once the car was stopped, I experienced an orgasm that was so long and so intense, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I sat there in my car, eyes clamped shut, mouth agape, moaning and squealing like a female porn star. That orgasm went on for over an hour - and I'm sure that anyone who would have seen me sitting there, writhing away in ecstasy, might have thought I was having a medical emergency.

Around that time, in efforts to re-charge my ability to orgasm on command, I discovered Aneros. I bought a helix standard and began working with it. Love the fuck out of that little piece of plastic... but that's another discussion.

The most intriguing thing about my ability is that I'd say maybe three quarters of my sessions are completely asexual. I'll focus on my prostate and enjoy the bliss, but I'm not thinking about sex. I'm just in the orgasm, becoming the orgasm. And, depending on the strength of them, they most often represent in my mind as colors. Yellows are milder orgasms that tend to bleed into other areas of my body, away from my prostate, like my rectum, thighs and torso. Orange-red orgasms are much stronger, and centered almost exclusively in my prostate. Purple orgasms are centered only in my penis and are FUCKING EXQUISITE. Those are the ones that are so strong and feel so outrageously good, that I'm unable to do much more than moan and squeal like a porn starlet.

My yellow and orange-red orgasms most often come without any accompanying sexual thoughts. My purple orgasms are entirely sexual - and my mind entertains me with VERY sexual images and situations. I've actually ejaculated while having purple orgasms -- all I have to do is tighten my stomach muscles and my butt at the same time and I'll shoot buckets.

I can go weeks without any orgasms - or even the ability to raise an orgasm without doing it manually (crotch sneeze - pfehhh...). But I also find that chatting with another bliss-enabled guy will send me into bliss quickly - and it's usually quite strong when I do.

I'm not sure how this happened to me, but I'm really glad that it did.

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It’’s very interesting to read all the comments and it's good to know that I’m not alone in being able to have instant and extreme orgasm (alless) at the drop of a hat.

Usually, if I'm in the mood, the first, with a bit of mind focus, can arrive in just a few seconds, otherwise, starting from cold, more like two minutes. The first can be a bit overwhelming but the subsequent ones build steadily in intensity and erotic quality for as long as I want.

But I have to admit that my new-found ability to conjure up unlimited orgasm has had a rather unexpected effect upon my life aims and preferences.

A day without a session is now a day not fully lived.

Because I prefer to do my sessions alone in the house I study the household diary to see where future possibilities lie and where they do not. I gold-star the days when I shall be alone in the house and write off any that will prevent my indulgence. Several consecutive days without a trip into the stratosphere require great patience to endure.

Being away from home I try to avoid. Holidays don't have the allure that they once did. My partner thinks I'm becoming a hermit.

My thoughts for much of the time have a tendency to focus upon the next possibility for a grand session.

Help! Am I being taken over by the MMO!

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Mog - I know exactly what you mean. If I had my choice, I'd be full-on, a-less bliss from sunup to sundown, each and every day. I'd get nothing accomplished beyond making myself deeply, deeply happy. 😉 I find that the days I can't have a session, I tend to be a little irritable. And, sadly, those days must happen because I do need to be able to pay my bills....

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@divine_oblivion Lucky you. Wow. What wouldn't most guys give for even a fraction of this ability? Any tips or directions toward even the possibility of this skill?

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>And, depending on the strength of them, they most often represent in my mind as colors.<

Known as Synthaesia I believe. During my MMO career I went through a phase, lasting maybe about two years, when colours, smells and strange random thoughts would sometimes invade my senses during the afterglow following each orgasm's peak.

The orgasms themselves came in mainly blues, and the room itself and everything in it would become vividly coloured for a few moments, the smells could be familiar ones like my partner's perfume or hot rubber(!) or other strange ones that I could not recognise. Sometimes I would have a powerful sensation of being sucked hollow and stretched out like a flat thin sheet.

However, none of those weird sensations seemed to adversely affected the quality of my big orgasms - rather the opposite, because they seemed to stretch out my mind to better encompass the ongoing extreme orgasmic sensations.

Although my MMO practice has moved on in spades since I experienced those little mind invasions they are now almost entirely absent from my sessions, and they seemed not to have caused me any harm.

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>Any tips or directions toward even the possibility of this skill?<

I'm at a loss to offer anything in particular that might hasten the acquisition of the orgasms-on-demand skill.

Reviewing my own MMO career I have practised KSMO, Aneros, Peridise, nipple-stim and electro-stim so I suppose that a certain amount of personal commitment and practice towards the goal is relevant.

But for me I would rate the KSMO as being the most significant contributor and nipple-stim as being the most effective orgasm trigger.

I presume that you are not neglecting your nips!

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@Tevoro that is fascinating that you discovered that ability before aneros use. If it truly was that spontaneous, it reminds me of convergent evolution in nature, or the développement of written language separately in different cultures across the globe. Were you into other practices, such as KSMO or tantric practices? Had you bottomed before, and thus been used to prostate stimulation? Also, awesôme that you have synesthesia, and that it is consistent. My synesthesia is never the same twice, so I can’t say certain colors represent certain types of sensations. I also have trouble defining what I experience. Sometimes I get clear images and often it is very abstract. But again words are a reoccurring theme.

@Mog awesome! Congrats on your ability and especially on your rethinking what is important in life! Cool that you had synesthesia as well.

@JohnnieB I will have to think about that BUT all of our adventures are as unique as we are. For example @Mog mentions 5 things he does, of which I only have experience with two, the aneros prostate massagers and nipple stimulation. But I share his commitment and "practice". I could give you a list of factors in my life that I think have led to this ability, but the main ones for me were a desire to explore my sensuality and sexuality, plus the arrival of aneros toys in my life. I spend a lot of time listening to my body, looking for micro-sensations and amplifying them, and as someone said earlier on this thread, there is probably a fair amount of hypnosis involved. Like switching into an orgasmic trance on demand. I really enjoy simulating the physical response of pleasure (eyes rolling, moaning, breathing, concentration on sensations), which for me creates pleasure instantaneously. But I think if anyone had an easy answer, there would be a lot fewer questions on this forum. Give me a few days, I'll try to analyze what I do.

One thing that is strange for me, that I didn't mention: my aneros toy sessions bring me wild amounts of pleasure, BUT it takes me anywhere from 2-20 minutes to start having orgasms. I can't trigger that same immediate orgasm effect that I get with aless-- except when with a partner and arousal is reallllly high-- when I have a toy in... strange.

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@Mog Not neglecting my nips. I discovered those as a result of Aneros. Simple Joy they are.

I'm revisiting KSMO now... Thanks @rumel for mentioning this thread in the chat with Jack on Saturday. I just read the text tonight and smiled.

Thanks @divine_oblivion When I feel a micro-sensation I've yet to learn how to amplify or move them around the body. Thoughts? Right now, when I feel something, I thank it aloud (when possible), express how good it feels (ohhh yes...) and try to ride the feeling as long as possible. Positive reinforcement is my thought at this point. They come and go of course. Often when driving. Funny how easy it is to feel even the slightest pain; yet overlook or disregard the feeling of pleasure.

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@divine_oblivion : to answer your question, "Were you into other practices, such as KSMO or tantric practices? Had you bottomed before, and thus been used to prostate stimulation?" -- No on the KSMO, though I'm intrigued and want to learn more - not much that I can find on the internet (that doesn't ask for a credit card first); No on tantric practices, though I do meditate; Have I bottomed before? Yes, though it's not my favorite thing to do... I have topped, and I have expert aim.

Like you, my synesthesia tends to be different with each session. I'll have words or images pop into my mind that are completely unrelated to the orgasm (I'll frequently find I'm thinking about a certain traffic circle or song lyric). I completely relate to the experience of being stretched out or flattened. I sometimes get the sensation of turning into foam that expands, filling the room from floor to ceiling, wall-to-wall. And that entire, foamy space is involved in my orgasm. I can actually *feel* the size of the room.

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My advice would be to spend time "practicing". Look for sensations caused by micro-movements. Talk to reinforce sensations, as you say you do. See if through moaning you can tap into frequencies that excite you and make you shiver.

Here is an exercise to stimulate the imagination:

-with your fingertips, lightly caress your breast from your armpit to your sternum, going slowly as to spend a few seconds doing it.
-do this several times, revel in the sensations, see where they resonate in your body, moan, get excited...
-now make the same movement with your hand, but hovering it a centimeter above your skin, and imagine the sensations you just felt.
-once the previous step makes sense, you can do the same thing but without moving your hand at all, just lying there and imagining.
-another possibility is to do the first two steps, and, at some point, while caressing, stop your hand but imagine it continuing it's path.


There are many things that brought me to where I am today. I have tried to compile a list, and in doing so I realize that it is VERY PERSONAL, and won't necessarily be of help to anyone. But it is interesting doing this sort of self-analysis.

Possible origins of my ability:

-From a very young age, I have been ultra sensitive to touch. I remember distinctly the shivers and warmth I felt when a fellow student's leg touched up against mine in school. My earliest memory of that was when I was about ten. Also, my mom used to caress me all the time when I was little. That surely is one of the reasons I am so sensitive. I also masturbated continuously from my childhood up until now, my earliest masturbation memories going back to around 5 years old.

-My erogenous zones have grown from my groin, chest and neck when I was a teen, to my entire body now. When I was 16 or so, I realized that I could enjoy what most would consider tickling sensations as intense pleasure.

-I have always loved getting shivers and goosebumps. From reading, from music, from being touched, from singing, from moaning, from feelings of empathy and nostalgia... It is one of my favorite sensations.

-I have a very vivid imagination. People often ask me if I am ok when I get lost in my imagination, because my eyes glaze over and I am obviously not present.

-I have been sexually active since 14 years old (I am 33), and have always enjoyed all aspects of sex, finding that penetration was not necessarily the most important act. I was always fascinated with sensations that built up, but I never realized they could become orgasms until recently.

-I have had tics/borderline Tourette’s since a young age. There is something about tics that is not far from my amplification techniques. When I have a tic, I am never satisfied with the muscle movement, so I repeat it. For example, I might blink hard, and that feels good, like a mini massage, but the movement wasn’t quite right so I do it again. Of course this becomes very unpleasant as it strains my muscles eventually, and it is not socially easy when I have a visible tic. Over the years I have had periods of intense tics all over my body, including in my pelvic basin.

-I've practiced Alexander technique off and on since the age of 20. This gave me an acute awareness of my muscles, and it also taught me what involuntaries were long before aneros came into my life.

-I have experimented with many different drugs, especially hallucinogens and mdma. Hallucinogens taught me, amongst many other things, that if you stare at something or concentrate on something long enough, it seems to change. Inanimate objects become animate. Nothing is static, because our perception of things constantly changes. (I will write a post later— without glorifying drug use or claiming it to be an answer—about a recent trip i had, which involved some of the wildest aless experiences I have ever had, and is one of the reasons I am currently able to trigger orgasmic states very quickly.)

-I have slowly drifted into SM practices. I now accept all bodily stimulation as potential pleasure, be it light touches or stinging pain.

To sum it up, I have a vivid imagination, I am ultra sensitive to touch all over my body and I revel in shivers, I like all sorts of sensations ranging from light stimulation to pain, I am open to an ever evolving perception of reality, Alexander technique and my recent aneros use has made me acutely aware of micro-sensations, and Tourette’s probably plays into it somewhere...

My Aneros use brought me the missing key of being able to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. It allowed me to redefine what an orgasm is. Now I am able to build those sensations I have always had (shivers and myriad other skin and muscular sensations, as well as emotions) into peaks. My perception of the sensations is ever evolving, and like a monkey jumping from branch to branch up a tree, I am able to grasp onto ever higher sensations until I reach the (or a) top of the tree.

My imagination allows me to "create" sensations on my body. If I imagine being caressed, I don’t feel a hand on my body, but I do feel something. Perhaps I am triggering the reaction my body would have if I were actually caressed. This triggers a sort of feedback loop, which makes the sensations feel more real as it reinforces my imagination of them.

Often my sensations are related to my prostate. I have a hard time knowing how much my prostate is involved in these sensations, but I think it is very involved. I think I might be clenching my levator prostatae ever so slightly all the time. The major factor with aless for me has been the technique described in this thread:

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@Tevoro far out images. Thanks for sharing. I will surely appropriate them 🙂

I think KSMO is probably worth the money, from everything I have read. It is frustratingly expensive for a pdf and some sound files (that's all it is i think), but it wouldn't exist if people didn't pay for it, like so many wonderful things. I just haven't paid for it yet. I am discovering so much as it is, that I haven't felt the need to get it yet. I am hetero though, and it seems to be a good way to get female partners into this mystical world of multi-orgasmic pleasure.

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I have also wondered about the KSMO Program, as in, would it be beneficial to someone who is already experienced with aless dry orgasms? If there are any practitioners here, can you give any advice? Thanks!

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@divine_oblivion Thanks for your well crafted response. Your history is a very interesting read. Made me stop and think about a few things myself. Also, thanks for the imagination exercise. I read the steps and immediately got the concept. Will see how it goes :).

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