Non-Aneros orgasms
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Non-Aneros orgasms

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I've been using the Aneros massagers for about 2 years, started with the PS New from HIH and since have purchase the Helix, Eupoh and the Syn versions as well, I also have the Tempo and Peridise set. The regular Eupho and Tempo are my favorites, with the Helix very close.
I have a PSA test coming up and my doctor advised me to withhold my "massager" use for 4 weeks. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and I have been having morning contractions that lead into orgasms, without my Aneros. They start in the early morning hours 4:30 to 5:30 and last for 2 to 3 hours. I will be sound asleep and they start by themselves, waking me up. This has been very enjoyable but I'm getting just a little worried as I don't seem to have any control over it and I'm losing sleep. I try to ignore the feelings but they keep getting stronger and stronger and then I start to have multiple orgasms. I've tried sleeping on both sides as well as my back and nothing makes a difference. I've had a few mornings that I'm exhausted when I get out of bed (I seem to recover as the day goes on)
I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and maybe found a way to control it?

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@Bobandy --- YOU are in an envious predicament my friend. Hmmm, spontaneous orgasms that happen all by themselves...very cool! I mean, I can understand how having that happen might not be desireable! They are not unusual, as I experience them as well! In my case, however I'm willing to embrace these early morning orgasms as gifts, since they don't happen all the time, even if I lose some sleep. The longer you hold off using your Aneros, the involuntary contractions will subside...that is...if you REALLY want them to stop! Although, if you can...just enjoy!


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After a few months of Aneros use, I can start dry orgasms and prostate orgasms without the Aneros at all. And SOMETIMES, once the orgasms start, they don't stop. They can be like a freight train sometimes. I've had nights where I started them and they went almost all night long despite me wanting to get to sleep. And sometimes, after a night where they've gone on for an hour or so, my prostate and penis will be hot-wired the next day, and sometimes for four or five days afterwards. Most of the time I like it, but sometimes it's quite distracting. Like when I'm out with my friends and my penis is on the verge of a dry orgasm, and I have to get up from the table to prevent it from launching.

After a few days of hyper-sensitivity, my anus, perineum, and PC muscles are really sore. It can be a bit much sometimes. But as was pointed out above, this is not a problem I spend much time feeling bad about. I never EVER thought I'd ever experience a multiple orgasm before, or a 5 minute orgasm before, and here I am. I'm still in awe and I am treasuring the whole experience. Obnoxious, involuntary orgasms and all.

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@Bobandy,great as the responses from @Theme_Gasm, @HopefulMMOer and @mdad are, I don't think they answer your question.

About ten days a go I had a PSA at test that occurred just 50 hours after a 90-minutes session with a Peridise. I haven't yet received any feedback from my doctor on the result of that test but, like you, I am a bit concerned.

I now wake every morning to the accompaniment of body buzzing and P-waves that sometimes verge on being mini-Os. Also, like you, I wonder if this Anerosless activity might affect the PSA test. Maybe this was the reason that your doctor advised against Aneros activity for four weeks. This does seem a bit long and is certainly much longer than I have heard before.

Maybe @isvara or @slimjim might like to chip in here as I believe they are both doctors?!

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Thanks for all the feedback, my morning orgasms have finally calmed down and I'm able to get some rest.
It's as if my prostate missed my Aneros and decided to make up for the lack of it. My PSA test is coming up next week and I'm looking forward to resuming my Aneros journey.
