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No penis touching should be revisited

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Normally I follow the no touching penis recommendation. I understand the reasoning behind this as early on in a session I get really hard and could easily move things into an ejaculatory orgasm. But after 2-3 prostate driven orgasms, I go flaccid for a period of time. I have found that during that period, I can manually arouse myself, but no matter what, no ejaculation is going to happen. But the interesting thing is that the added stimulation ramps up the prostate driven orgasms quite a bit.

The other thing I have discovered is that at the end of a session, if I just leave the aneros in for 30 min or so with no voluntary PC contractions to stimulate, it is like the prostate just starts begging for some movement. Then when I restart PC contractions, my penis gets as hard as a rock just like it did at the beginning of a session. At this point, I have found that I can manually stroke my entire genital area and no matter what, no ejaculation is going to result. One hand lightly stroking my scrotum, and the other hand in traditional masturbation is the ticket. But the amazing thing is that the level of orgasm goes even further up the scale. I really don't care for labels as I agree that it can set one up for disappointment in unmet expectations, but if I had to call it anything, it would be a Super Duper Atomic Orgasm. The sensation is like a Super O with levitation off the bed, total loss of sense of body weight, time, place, external distractions, etc. one word... EXQUISITE!

I know this is contrary to a lot of advice given for hands-free orgasms, but the trick is to just stop touching if things start to feel like an ejaculation is building. Wait for the sensation to subside, then go back into focus on the aneros movement. For me, anyhow, this results in refocus of sensations away from the penis, and firmly establishes the session as a prostate-driven one, where I can then stroke my penis for as much as I want for the added sensation without the downside of a refractory period from ejaculation.

Anyone else out there who has discovered this?

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Normally I follow the no touching penis recommendation. ...I know this is contrary to a lot of advice given for hands-free orgasms, but the trick is to just stop touching if things start to feel like an ejaculation is building. Wait for the sensation to subside, then go back into focus on the aneros movement. For me, anyhow, this results in refocus of sensations away from the penis, and firmly establishes the session as a prostate-driven one, where I can then stroke my penis for as much as I want for the added sensation without the downside of a refractory period from ejaculation.
Anyone else out there who has discovered this?

Yes, I discovered this fairly early on in my practice but only after I had developed the ability to have prostate based dry-O's. Like many other men I flirted with pursuing Super-T's early on but soon realized this was a formula for programming myself away from Super-O possibilities and began avoiding penile stimulation during Anerosessions until I had a number of Super-O's. Today I can play with my penis for supplemental pleasure without fear of triggering the ejaculatory response for as long as I wish but this is only because the rewiring for prostate based orgasms is now well established. This is not the case for newbie Aneros users, hence the admonition to avoid penile stimulation until your experience level is sufficiently advanced to know your body's reaction patterns to avoid the ejaculatory response.
Good Vibes to You !

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As @rumel says, penis avoidance seems like a good rule for those who are re-wiring. During my re-wiring I believe that contact with my penis during sessions was counter-productive. And now, like you, there are many things I do with my penis that enhance or alter my prostate orgasms, both with and without my toys, solo or with a partner. Also I wrote a post on penile masturbation (without a toy) leading to multiple dry orgasms without ejaculation, and I stand by that practice, which I partake in several times a week. One thing I have learned is how to feel my prostate during normal masturbation/rubbing against a partner...

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I've actually started to lightly introduce some of this into my most recent sessions but typically it is after having 2 hours of Super-Os.

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@divine_oblivion Please p

@darkbond. Please keep us posted on the details of your experiences.

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