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No Matter How I Ask This Question...You'll Probably Laugh!

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Topic starter goes! For those of you who wear white briefs...not boxers...and since your Aneros journey started...have you noticed, AROUND THE LEG BANDS of your briefs...what appears as a slightly darker discoloration of the white fabric? For a period, I was seeing this myself, after I started to get strong prostate orgasms, and can't help but equate it to my body sloughing off some built up chemicals or metals in my body! I don't see this happening anymore, so I'm just reaching out, hoping someone has some ideas? Thanks for not laughing too hard! LOL

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This is damn interesting if true! I know our bodies release a certain type of toxins from working out and an orgasm/masturbation isn't too far off. Sorry, but i haven't had any super-O's or p-gasms so i can't contribute to your inquiry but someone else with experience will come along shortly (hopefully).

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Thanks...appreciate the response!

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I have seen that too. I just thought it was dirt on me from sweating at work having waves and me rubing up aganst the fabric. I would just rush home and shower.

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I have seen that too. I just thought it was dirt on me from sweating at work having waves and me rubing up aganst the fabric. I would just rush home and shower.

BigO...thanks buddy...I had a feeling it was Aneros it still happening?

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Perhaps, it's just the excess urea (i.e., like urine) coming out in the sweat after your Aneros sessions. Following work-outs, etc., I find that my sweat stains my sweat shirts with a brownish yellow color that doesn't wash out so well. I am assuming that you're talking about stains that occur well after your sessions, even after showering.

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Excess lube slowly leaching out of your universal aneros port, I reckon!

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Perhaps, it's just the excess urea (i.e., like urine) coming out in the sweat after your Aneros sessions. Following work-outs, etc., I find that my sweat stains my sweat shirts with a brownish yellow color that doesn't wash out so well. I am assuming that you're talking about stains that occur well after your sessions, even after showering.

Correct...that's why I was interested to see if anyone else experienced the same thing!

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Excess lube slowly leaching out of your universal aneros port, I reckon!

My UAP is cleaned thoroughly everyday, inside and out, so I don't think that's the cause! But good try!

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I go along with the sweat idea.

Years ago in my outfit, each pilot was wearing an experimental helmet with a custom-molded foam liner. After a few months in a tropical (aka, 'sweaty') clime my helmet liner took on the color and odor of urine. There were no replacements--the government had not bought but one liner per man as this was a one-time trial.

At the time I was in my late 20's and had the onset of male baldness syndrome. I wanted to blame my helmet but didn't want to talk about hair loss. I opted to open a conversation with the local Flight Surgeon using 'sanitation' as a concern. He said I shouldn't worry as sweat and urine are produced from the same source, one's one bodily fluid. All that odor was my own--just a bit concentrated.

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Thanks Rook! You may very well be right! Other than my own assumptions, I have no other definite explanation. Occam's razor applies until other evidence suggests otherwise!

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Hi @Theme_Gasm,

I have been thinking about your question the last few days. Could it be that these stains come from secretions from your anal glands? This apparently a little known part of the male anal anatomy.

Please see the Wikipedia article on the anal gland.

Also see Aneros Forum thread:


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Thom...Thanks for the info! That is definitely a possibility!

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