This is a two part question: Nipple stimulation has been very instrumental in the re wiring process for me, I can now rub my nipples at almost any time and get some form of pleasurable response. My question is with the increased stimulation of the nipples has anyone noticed that their nipples have increased in size. I know they get larger when aroused but I feel like the tips of my nipples have gotten larger. Anyone else experience this? Secondly I feel like i may be relying on nipple stim to much and possibly overdoing it during a session to trigger a response. Does anyone have any other areas of the body or techniques that can generate arousal similar to nipple stim? Thanks!
Hi @sfs, answering part one I haven't noticed an increased size of my nipples, though from time to time liking to attach some clothespins to them, answering part two maybe due to minimizing the stimulation down to not even touching them.
From experiences with Qi Gong I learned about the body's energy as strong enough to be exchanged between body parts not even touching each other. If you hold both palms of your hands as close as possible you can feel the energy between them. It's not only the warmth of your body - it's exchanging of energy, too.
If you like, try to point with your forefinger on your nipple - without touching, best in front of a mirror. Try to feel the latest touches again you lately have experienced. Warm showers of energy might go down your spine, try to visualize them, try to visualize your gland. Try to see the connection between them. Now touch your hands ever so slightly, feel your fingers, focus on the vibes between your hands and change to focus on your nipples, on your gland, stay where you like, your neck, your ears, your spine, your balls, feel their weight, visualize your fingernails scratch your ballsack and your wet finger to rub your frenulum. The more you focus on your vibes you will find your most sensitive body parts even without touching them until you learn that your whole body is an orgasmic entity.
If you can remember how soothing thumb lickiing was in childhood, you may be thrilled what it can mean today. From a thread about palate touching I learned much about this most sensitive spot. Licking softly across your palate can right away send you into an orgasmic state.
Perhaps you have to initiate this sensitivity before. I began with that well known childish thumbsucking. But I focused on the sensation of my palate. I softly rubbed my palate and slowly moved my thumb backwards. No gag reflex came up - instead I got aroused.
Inbetween I feel as if this part of my body mirrors what I feel at my gland as if I had two glands echoing each other. If you read about the microcosmic orbit you get to know that your palate is the connection between the back part and the front part of that orbit of body energy. Oh, wow, it's so great, only describing this just sent me into a wonderful chairgasm feeling this circuit of energy up the spine and down my front.
A most sensitive spot I found directly behind my incisor teeth. Touching that point with my tongue I can out of sudden initiate involuntaries, p-waves and other orgasmic vibes throughout my whole body.
Stay curious and best vibes!
How long have you practiced Qi Gong?
Being able to feel energy up the spine and down the front is already a major milestone.
Do you find Qi Gong improve Aneros sessions in any way?
Some years ago I had both my nipples pierced. This is a process which is said to increase both nipple size and sensitivity, although this was not why I had had it done. Rather, it was to see whether I was man enough to stand the pain, which turned out to be considerable although fortunately lasting no more than a few seconds as the needle went through.Subsequently I noticed no increase in either size or sensitivity while the inserted barbells were in place. I kept the inserts in for some months after the piercing without any particular pain or discomfort, but eventually it became apparent that the piercings were not settling down as they should, and when one morning I found that the left nipple had begun to bleed a little I took this as a warning sign and removed both inserts, Healing was rapid - unlike earlobe piercings the holes produced by piercing in this part of the
body do not stay open once the inserts have been removed, - and after no more than a week there was no sign that either nipple had been pierced and no increase in size or sensitivity.
It was not until I started to use Aneros and became rewired that I noticed a marked increase in my nipple sensitivity which continues to the present day, but no increase in nipple size.
@wulff; try some nipple vacuum devices like Supple Nips. I've found they increase the size of your nipples after somewhat frequent use, and they do increase sensitivity as well. They are used to permanently revert inverted nipples.
How long have you practiced Qi Gong? [...] Do you find Qi Gong improve Aneros sessions in any way?
I'm doing some Qi Gong as a morning routine for some years now. Only some simple exercises I learned some years ago during a quite short course of perhaps 20 hours. But I feel that these exercises fill me with energy for the whole day.
As these exercises help catching energy from earth and universe, loading it up to my core and afterwards distribute it to energize the vital organs, they educated me in awareness of my vibes. I believe, my journey never would have been that fast, if I wouldn't have learned this awareness.
I had my right nipple pierced for about 5 years. Back than I didn't know about aneros or even any kind of prostate stimulation, however in my case the simple presence of the ring crossing inside my nipple was a constant pleasure. Nothing like an orgasmic experience, however, considering people that are much more developed in exploring their bodies (like @sfs seem to be) maybe a piercing could be a constant stimulation that would solve the "dependence upon stimulating the nipple" issue 🙂