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Nipple rewiring?
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Nipple rewiring?

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So I have noticed that when I play with my nipples that my prostate gets aroused. However, I dont feel like they are getting any feeling when i rub or tap them. More like I'm getting aroused going through the motions.

I have bought supple nips to see if they work and I've been playing around with them just try and make them sensitive.

The supple nips seem to work right after I take them off and they are pretty swollen. But not really sensitive enough to build up an orgasm

I've heard the orgasms from nipples seem pure and would love to have one, but at this rate it seems like it will take a while to build up sensitivity.

Any tips for speeding it along?

Also my gf like to play with them during intercourse and it does tingle a little in the crotch, maybe that helps too?


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@bensor310, so glad you have discovered a vital connection between stimulating your nipples and the affect it has on the arousal of your prostate!

Also you are fortunate to have a gf to show you the way in nipple stimulation!

I discovered this vital connection between my nipples and my prostate about the time I had my major breakthroughs in achieving my first bona fide Super-O's and MMO's in mid September 2016. Shortly afterward I discovered that nighttime in bed many nights were the best to engage in nipple stimulation or as I call it, nipple diddling. You will notice that your nipples are surrounded or rather encircled by areolas, which are also sensitive. I found that they are two major ways of stimulating the nipples: (1) Lightly touching the areola in circular fashion on the nipple, and (2) strumming the nipples back and forth across the areolas, and possibly (3) lightly touching the nipple itself in slow rhythmic fashion. These actions are easily done in bed at night or even in the daytime if you wish. Notice how these actions affect your prostate. Does your prostate become engorged erotically? Also do your nipples become erect? 😉 Finally you can engage your nipples when diddling them in Aless as you do some Kegels.

The sky is the limit for nipple stimulation and you will may surprised with P-waves and even a Super-O or two along the way! 😉

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For me, excruciatingly slow light touching is wonderful, especially with fingernails. I have had several orgasms that way, and tons of pleasure.

the most common way I have nipple based orgasms though is through more intense stimulation. After a partner has been nibbling/licking/caressing/pinching my nipples, torso, neck and armpits for a while (5-10 minutes), one hard bite on my nipple (or anywhere) will set off an orgasm or several. Same goes for solo— if I have a toy in or am doing an aless session, once I have gotten to a certain amount of arousal (usually several orgasms in), all it takes is a clothespin on my nipple and I immediately have an orgasm.

for me there is nothing more or less pure about nipple orgasms than other orgasms. It’s just another of many ways to create peaks of pleasure.

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Hey @bensor310, I'm with divine_oblivion, the slighter the touch the tougher the feelings. Sometímes I only hover my fingers above my niplles and can feel the energy transmit. It helps me to focus on one nipple at a time. To get things going I find icy cold water extremely supportive. An old recipe professional photographers use are ice cubes to rub the nipples of their models with before they'd start a nude photo shooting. But as you already mentioned, nothing seems to work better than a little help from a/some friend/s (NSFW!)... 😉
Enjoy! Cheers, Mart

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It doesn't have to be just nipples.

Yesterday evening, my gf and I were snuggling and she decided to start stroking me unprompted.

She started with the underside of the penis, then moved to the scrotum and the perineum (taint) and then back up to the scrotum.

Slowly, gently and gradually.

Tingles gradually gave way to a mini O, then another, and another. Each one bigger than the last.

After about five or six it all merged together. A little while later she switched to just stroking and squeezing my left nipple.

I can't think how long it all lasted -- probably half an hour or more. By the end I was floating in bliss.

(BTW. She got "worshiped" in return today.)

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Since starting with the aneros my nipples have become much more sensitive than they already were.

At this point, I am able to have nipple orgasms which is new to me. Luckily for me, my wife is totally into it and loves playing with my nipples.

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I read about multiple orgasms in men without ejaculation some 25 years ago. I began to apply the techniques described in the article. Nipple play was one thing that helped and still help bring on the multiple O's. For me, nothing helps or hurts as far as sensation goes other than a super long session whereby the wife has abraded my nipple skin and they are sore the next day. Other than that, I may be very nipple oriented in one sexual encounter or it may take some other stimulation to get my nipples ready for some action. If I am really wanting some solo play, I may start with some manhood caressing but I usually go right on to nipple teasing with my thumbs as I lay back in a semi-reclined position. This usually leads to tweaking and sometimes some robust pulling and pinching. Nipple clamps are a favorite as well. Love to clamp the nipples and use a third clamp to attach to my cock shaft skin. Jacking in this configuration pulls on the nipple clamps with every stroke and it is amazing!If the nipps are the lead off body part then so be it! If my cock is first in line, then that is okay also. I don't care which part comes first or second, just as long as everyone gets a piece of the pie!

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Hey @SOwithoutAneros , I need to try your ice cubes recipe! BTW, it's great to have you back; it's been a while!

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For me it seems that the connection is somewhat dependent on the overall level of stimulation. If I have the Eupho in and working a small flutter, a single momentary nipple tweak explodes that flutter into a full on mind blowing spasm of incredible ecstasy. On the other hand if the Progasm Ice is hard at work none of the other sensitive areas (nipples, frenulum) have any noticeable effect. The good news is that the overwhelming surges of pure bliss from the PI are almost more than I can handle.

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The more I play with mine the more sensitive they get. It's easier to get to nipple O's now
than it was just a couple months ago. Patience and practice.

It wasn't until a few months into my Aneros experience that they started to get a lot
more sensitive than usual. They're great now and seem to be getting better all the


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>They're great now and seem to be getting better all the

You might find, as I have found, that the increasing sensitivity is an ongoing process without end. You might also find that other sensitive areas around the body can be developed into fully-functional erogenous zones. There seems no limit to continual advancement. Unforced practice is the key!

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