Nipple play... how ...
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Nipple play... how does it go for you?

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Hi guys.
Since my rewiring has gotten to the point of being able to achieve super o's fairly consistantly I've found that my nipples can contribute a lot to my pleasure, both alone and with my wife. Lately, when we're making love, I've found that, even if I don't have an aneros inserted, if she licks and rub my nipples I can have many internal orgasms (that's what I call them). Its wonderful. She enjoys it as well and it encourages her a lot!
I find however, that the sensation in my nipples themselves is still somewhat subtle. Its not like rubbing my penis where its a fabulous sensation at that spot. Don't get me feels very nice on my nipples, but what seems to happen is that it triggers wonderful feelings deep inside my abdomen. My abs tighten up and the pleasure builds inside until I reach orgasms. It acts as if there's a connection between my nipples and my prostate. Stimulating the nipples gets my prostate singing. Which in turn leads to orgasms.
I've asked my wife if that is how it feels for her, that displaced pleasure. She said yes, when I lick her nipples she feels the pleasure in her abdomen like I do, but its also an intense pleasure in her nipples as well. I sure hope I get to that point!
My question for you guys who's nipples are alive is...what's it feel like? Is there immense pleasure in your nipples or is it more of a displaced pleasure like me? Does the amount of pleasure in your nipples get bettter as time goes on?
Thanks for any thoughts!

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When I began using Tempo in late November 2013 and my Aneros sessions went into a much higher orbit, I began playing with my nipples. I began to enjoy nipple play as I observe it interacting with my prostate, penis, testicles, etc. intimate fashion, particularly when I began experiencing Super-O's and MMO's of varying intensity in July 2015. Also I began to use nipple play in my hours of Aless outside of session times.

However, nipple play really came alive for me a few months ago in February. I was in a rehabilitation hospital learning to walk ago following hip replacement surgery following a freakish fall in early January. I was kept away from my Aneros sessions for nearly three months.

It was during nights in the rehab hospital then I began to masturbate again. Nipple play fueled my sexual fantasies and masturbation sessions. All this was a manifestation that my body was beginning to heal. I took rehabilitation very sessions very seriously. The physical therapists and hospital staff saw this. They said that I was to be released soon which happened on March 17, St Patrick's Day when I returned home where my real recovery took place.

What is amazing is that I am a confirmed bachelor at age 68. I was never in a sexual relationship where sustained and loving physical contact took place. Many adolescents, even younger children, engage in sexual play when nipple play may be used for foreplay, the main course of sex, even post play.

When I discovered nipple play in the rehab hospital, I called it diddling. I would to research the terms, 'diddle' and 'diddling'. I enjoy diddling in bed at night and often several times throughout the day, even discretely in public places outside of sessions, during sessions, and in Aless!

There is now intense pleasures in my nipples. The slightest touch on my nipples, aureoles, and even pecs is enough to send me into orbit. There is now a vibrant connection between my nipples and my prostate, perineum, cock root, cockshaft, glans, and testicles. And yes, the pleasure of my nipples gets better as times goes on.

One of my biggest regrets that I didn't discover nipple stimulation or diddling in my boyhood and adolescent years or there was no buddy or sexual partner around to show me this pleasure!

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My nipples are dead.
What's the nipple resuscitation reinitialisation procedure?

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They got wired to prostate play but BUUUUT they also give me an immediate erection, so therefore its bad because they are also wired to the penis!

Also they loose sensitivity after 5 mins and become this boring feeling thing that isnt sexy or arousing in any way.


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I am not re-wired enough to have dry orgasms yet, so nipple stimulation wont do that to me. I get some subtle internal sensations, but usually nothing intense. They are quite sensitive to direct touch though, and it feel pretty good to touch them. Another interesting thing that started happening recently is that I can feel when my nipples get hard. I feel a nice tingling/buzzing sensation when that happens, similar to the one I can feel in my perineum.

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Short answer: This may be a 'go with the flow' thing.

I've seen the same "boredom" in myself. My wife had a similar cycle when she was nursing a child. After 5 minutes her nursing pleasure would wane and after 10 minutes she would put the kid down to sleep. 30 minutes later she was ready to respond to a crying child. I seem to share this cycle and find it an advantage since if I lay off from nip stim after the first p-wave sequence and shift into a calm seas (maintenance) mode with another stim (ear canal, testicle, Male Deer, anal canal etc. for a few minutes then spring back with 'fresh' nipples for my next build.

Years ago when colon hydrotherapy was more common I can recall my nipples going erect when the operator applied a sudden but brief pulse of pressure/flow to my gut. Near the end of the cleanse she would ask if I was ready for another 'surge.'

Ages back in the Aneros forum several of us (led by @artform and two other old 'stalwarts') puzzled over old Anatomy texts and dissection studies by Pathology students. We concluded that there's no branch of the Vagus Nerve that connects to the nipples. So, the commonality between nips and genitals is dependent on nerve pathways via the spine as do nerves from the G-spot (aka P-spot), and Uterus. Therefore we should be able to apply Neuroplasticity training (aka re-wiring).

Keeping in mind my wife's early admonition that, "...the pathway to the G-spot is via my nipples..."I've worked on routing my own right nip to and from my Frenulum, Penis shaft and testicles. And, my left nipple to my Prostate, anal canal, rectum. The path between my right nip and Prostate/ano-rectal complex is fairly well established so that my left nip erects whenever a toy is inserted. The reverse path (nip to prostate) seems to come alive about 10 minutes into a session.

A word to Newbie's: Do some planning before you start any rewiring/rerouting. I've found it difficult to undo a pathway once it's put in place.

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My nips are way more sensative than pre Aneros and are like little lighting rods to my prostate. A single flick to either one sends me to near orgasm. Intermittent flicks keep things going without desensitizing them. No erection, but loads of pre.

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It seems to take some time to "activate" the connection between the nips and prostate, at least that is my experience. Playing with them regularly and nipple suction devices to increase their sensitivity. I usually use light touches during my Kegal exercises and sometime the feelings can be strong, sometimes not so much. I am still early in my nip re-wiring, but I do see some progress. They seem to be most sensitive and receptive to touch right before and during my orgasms.

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Purists believe in no nipple play but I am not a purist....I usually try for a super of or 2 without using mine then i switch the nips for more fun. My nipples have changed over the coarse of my journey, they are a bit bigger and way more sensitive and they don't become erect when stimulated. I can feel my right nipple down to below my knee and the left just above my left, when I rub my right nipple I can feel it on the right side of my cock and the left the other side. If you are any good at focusing all your pleasure in your brain then you can also feel your nipples in your head. When you get more in tune with what you are feeling then you can take the subtle feelings in your abdomen and move them up your spine and into your head which takes practice and imagination but the trick is learning how to perceive the pleasure in your brain and not your body. This is not as hard as it sounds but you need to be pretty good at meditating. Good luck!

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My nipples became activated upon getting older, having infrequent or no intercourse, prostate stimulation, and just plain playing with my nipples - all of which occurred pretty much together. I am very conscious of my nipples, they are rather obvious in the morning [like morning nipple-wood] and my wife is always commenting upon how my nipples took over from my penis. Nipples have become an important part of my sexuality and I'm happy with that.

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Love nipple almost 66 and it is something I desire more and more...mmmmmm

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I never noticed feeling anything relative to my nipples until I started with the Aneros products about 7 years ago. Someone here on the site way back then mentioned tickling their nipples to get the involuntaries and prostate orgasms started and I tried it and within a few months just gently tickling mine got incredible dry and super orgasms going. Now they're so sensitive just a few flicks gets the process started. For me it was one of those strange connections I never knew existed.

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Absolutely love nipple play. My wife tried to get me into it when we were first married....about 30 years ago. I was resistant because I thought it was only for women. MAN WAS I WRONG! I saw a guy on a porno getting his nipples played with and that was the green light for me. I thought...."hey, i guess i should try it". I do not promote porn but seeing another guy getting into it made me realize it was not only for women. My wife's anatomy?...nursing teacher said in class that "its all connected". Since that first time I tried it, I have not stopped nor looked back on what is male versus female when it comes to erotic/sexual/sensual tactile enjoyment. I gotta have nipple play whenever sexual play/love making is happening. Sometimes, my nipples ache for action as part of my "horniness". Of course, the nipples getting that much desired/needed action leads to many other of which is hot, intense cumming. Often times in between is at least one, if not several or many, orgasms without ejaculation. I have experienced, a few times over the past 5 years, multiple ejaculations. Sometimes I will cum with a very low intensity, usually when I pull back while trying not to lose my load for good. I have cum 2-3 slow strong flows,,,,,not spurts and not just oozing precum.....kept a great hard-on and then later shot the big load. All of this has been intertwined with nipple play. Writing this experience has me wanting some nipple play {{{Just touched them and they are quite hard}}} So, when it comes to nipple play.....I am all for it. BTW.....Nipples, perineum, cock, anal area, prostate and all parts erogenous are connected for me. Stimulate one and the others immediately come to full attention.

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Today I managed to see my nipples getting hard by only focusing on them in front of the mirror. That felt great!

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Mine have always been really sensitive, just a couple of light flicks or rubs would immediately result in super horniness an instant erection and produce pre cum. I can feel tingles travel all down my legs into my heels. One thing I have noticed since beginning to use Aneros is that now when I give my nipples a light flick or rub it is like a jolt into the abdomen and I experience an involuntary contraction in my prostate area as if I had the Aneros inserted. Still get a slight flutter of my cock but mostly it is internal. Can’t resist giving them a bit of a tweak now and then, just to see if the sensation is still there. I’ve just realised that even thinking about it while writing this has prompted some gentle contractions.

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@Harper, you just exactly described, how nipple stimulation works for me too. Never could have find your precise words. But as English isn't my native language and as I have to search for the right vocabulary all the time, the longer it needs to find the right words, the longer I'm envisioning what I want to describe. As an effect of this ongoing visualization I mostly get aroused while writing about my experiences. On the other hand this intense focusing may even help to deepen my rewiring. What a joy!

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@Harper, you just exactly described, how nipple stimulation works for me too. Never could have find your precise words. But as English isn't my native language and as I have to search for the right vocabulary all the time, the longer it needs to find the right words, the longer I'm envisioning what I want to describe. As an effect of this ongoing visualization I mostly get aroused while writing about my experiences. On the other hand this intense focusing may even help to deepen my rewiring. What a joy!

I think you are right. I find visualisation is quite effective and helps to “cement” everything together so that even just thinking about it gets the wheels turning.

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My nipples are key in my A Less sessions. Breathing with Nip stim in an A less session while I suppress anal contractions ...holding pleasure spasms back sends me over the moon. The orgasms that result from suppressed pleasure and nipple stim with fast breathing are so hard when they happen I shudder all over as they pound me.

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Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie, having only been using the aneros off and on for 6 months and just started nipple stimulation NS 3 months ago. I have not been rewired and have not had an aneros orgasm or big O. NS has been enjoyable but inconsistent. I can rub my nipples and they get hard and I feel a pulse shot to my abdomen and a warm sensation. But then my nipples go soft and I have to message and squeeze them to get them erect again.
I have read somewhere that you can wire one nipple to your penis and the other one to your prostate. Is this possible? Is so, how do you wire it? Thanks for everyone's help through this journey....

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