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Newbie to Aneros, need help PLEASE! (MGX)

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Hi there,

I am a 25 yr old, 5'7" male and I am currently partially impotent due to my addiction with porn and sex...for about a year. Basically i would mastrubate or engage in sex 2-3 times daily, everyday which really messed up my body chemistry and I became partially impotent (and a whole buncha other side effects). I decided because of my gf i needed to do something about it and stop it all. I researched alot and found out that a dry orgasm is not only better but actually healthier your body and not ejaculating often help my body "heal". Thats where I stumbled upon the aneros, bought the MGX model and have had only two sessions so far here are my experiences-

Basically at first i struggled with the insertion and removal but iam getting better at it now but as far as orgasm is concerned i am no where near it. I do not get any involuntary contractions. The feeling i get when its inserted is not any better than penile stimulation. But When I do mastrubate with the MGX inserted it feels about 50% better than without it. Climaxing with with the MGX inserted feels only half as good as without it with regular penile masturbation. I can feel the prostate gland working itself up against the MGX during climax but it feels as though the MGX is not letting it perform the way it should and take up the sensations of regular penile masturbation climax. Anyways with my past two sessions i have failed miserable as far as getting anywhere near the super o or even involuntary contractions so I have come up with a list and hopefully you could answer:

1. How long are your sessions? Mines lasts about 30 mins? Too short?
1a. I am using a condom is that a good idea?
2. Do you stimulate your penis at all?? If yes how much? How long?
3. My penis does not get erect whenever Insert the MGX or do the voluntary contractions is that normal?
4. Whats the proper way to do the voluntary contractions? Long and slow, fast and short?
5. How often should I use the MGX a day? or how many times a week for a beginner like myself?
6. Whats the best position to be in? Do you change positions during your sessions?
7. Should I try a different model? I am 5'7" are there any other models i should give a try? Those bigger models like the progasm are enormous and scary!
8. Do you watch any erotica to get the super o's or is it all in your head?
9. From a medical perspective how often should I message my prostate gland for it to be healthy? Is there a limit before there is strain to the prostate?
10. Any other tips for a newcome?

Thank you for your input and time.

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I'm new myself, but I'll do my best to answer these questions.

1. How long are your sessions? Mines lasts about 30 mins? Too short?

Since your new, I personally recommend 60 - 90 minutes, and I've gone as long as two hours. As long as you are using good lubrication, this should give you enough time to experiment.

1a. I am using a condom is that a good idea?
I haven't myself, just make sure it's cleaned well before and after each session. I've heard (but can't say for sure) that using one on the aneros can hinder it's effectiveness somewhat.

2. Do you stimulate your penis at all?? If yes how much? How long?

It's recommended you do not to allow your body to rewire yourself. I sometimes will at the end of a session (but primarily because the session itself can drive me insane and I need some kind of release =P) but chances are I'm hindering myself somewhat.

3. My penis does not get erect whenever Insert the MGX or do the voluntary contractions is that normal?

Yes. When you are still getting used to the sensations, chances are it will not. Try to stop thinking about your penis when using the Aneros, focus on new sensations rather then familiar ones. You'll soon find that suddenly you will start getting erections, then the new challenge is to try and ignore them =P

4. Whats the proper way to do the voluntary contractions? Long and slow, fast and short?

Not 100% sure myself, I'm still new. I've been experimenting with short but slow contractions, and long and slow contractions to varying degrees of success. All the guides I've read thus far recommend slow and slowly stepping it up every so slightly if your body gives you positive feedback.

5. How often should I use the MGX a day? or how many times a week for a beginner like myself?

Only once during the course of a day. Many users recommend taking a day or two off between sessions to give your body time to adjust to the Aneros. I've gone as many as three days in a row, but have decided to recently limit myself to a 2 day on, 1 day off rotation. If that doesn't work, I'm considering scaling it back to every other day. You definitely will be surprised after taking a day off, I wish I could describe it better then that but you'll probably see what I mean =P

6. Whats the best position to be in? Do you change positions during your sessions?

You'll have to experiment to find what works best for you. I shift around all the time, and am still finding positions to try that have different feelings with the Aneros. I've noticed that certain positions are much better then others (just obviously do not sit in a way so that you'll be applying pressure to the Aneros).

7. Should I try a different model? I am 5'7" are there any other models i should give a try? Those bigger models like the progasm are enormous and scary!

From what I understand, this is asked all the time and the answer generally is NO! Give it at least a month with this model. My first session I felt nothing. The second and third were noticeably better. My last two sessions were incredible, and I believe just fell short of a mini-O / possibly super-O. With time you will grow adjusted to the sensations the Aneros gives, you'll soon start to doubt that you'll need a new model (in most cases).

8. Do you watch any erotica to get the super o's or is it all in your head?

Never had a Super-O yet =(. I did watch porn at the end of one of my sessions and all of a sudden had a Super-T with no hand stimulation at all (hands free traditional orgasm). It was a pretty powerful experience, one that caught me by surprise (in a good way).

9. From a medical perspective how often should I message my prostate gland for it to be healthy? Is there a limit before there is strain to the prostate?

I'm not sure on this answer, but I assume after a super-O session, you should definitely take a day or two off, if not thee.

10. Any other tips for a newcome?

1. Relax!! Take it easy, and slow. It's almost like meditation, focus on the new feelings, your breathing, etc. You'll find slowly you will be gaining sensations and feelings you never knew you could experience. Oddly, you may notice these feelings will return even when not using the Aneros (at least for me they have). It's strange and wonderful at the same time, I believe they call it re-wiring around here =P. It seems like in our culture, any sort of pleasure in this region of our bodies has been shunned and as a result almost all of us have been raised to shut it off. When you turn it back on, it's pretty amazing.

2. Read the forums / wiki. The community here is amazing, and very helpful. Don't be afraid to ask any question that comes to mine (someone asked the other day about "gas and the Aneros"). No question is bad, we're here to help =)

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Thank you TacoKing I will give your advice a try and just relax. Boy this rewiring stuff isnt all that easy especially if u come from the hardcore world of porn mastrubation...its so much easier to get yourself off with that PENIS! lol Does that mean there are other regions in our body that if rewired could lead to some incredible out-of-space about if I keep rubbing the back of my pelvis once every two days?? lol Imagine where this may lead....soon we will be able to totally rewire our pleasure about one day we are in a boring old business meeting and all we have to do to get a super -o would be to scratch our foreheads? LOL...sorry got carried away.

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Thank you TacoKing I will give your advice a try and just relax. Boy this rewiring stuff isnt all that easy especially if u come from the hardcore world of porn mastrubation...its so much easier to get yourself off with that PENIS! lol Does that mean there are other regions in our body that if rewired could lead to some incredible out-of-space about if I keep rubbing the back of my pelvis once every two days?? lol Imagine where this may lead....soon we will be able to totally rewire our pleasure about one day we are in a boring old business meeting and all we have to do to get a super -o would be to scratch our foreheads? LOL...sorry got carried away.

The rewiring process certainly isn't easy, but it definitely is a fun journey. I too pretty much was / still am in the same boat as you (it's too easy to masturbate in the traditional way). From what I've read from others, it is quite possible to have "chairgasms" (I think that's what they call it) where you can have a sort of mini-O (or super-O?) while going about your daily business...though I don't know if you'd want to be in that position at a business meeting!

Check out this link from the Wiki:

That list is pretty neat, and will give you an idea roughly where you stand (keep in mind for most people everything but the "Super-O" stuff at the end can be slightly out of order). I'm about here:

Pleasurable tingling in pelvic regions outside of sessions

so I still have a good bit of work to do. Good luck on your journey, relax and report back with questions / comments, I'm sure others here will thrown in their input as well.

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Hello mobman,

And welcome to the Aneros forum. 🙂

TacoKing did a wonderful job of answering your questions.(Thank you TacoKing) So I'm just gonna add a few things.

4. Whats the proper way to do the voluntary contractions? Long and slow, fast and short?

What I have found so far is that doing voluntary contractions is not the important part. And for me, doing it in some special way did not lead to involuntary contractions. Involuntary contractions came for me from completely relaxing my body, and therefore my anus. To the point where it feels like the Aneros has slipped halfway out. Then they began with no conscious initiation. But getting to this completely relaxed state is the important part. If you feel the Aneros uncomfortably invading you back there, feel any discomfort or pain, then you are not there yet. When I am completely relaxed I feel completely comfortable with the Aneros in me, if I am in between voluntary or involuntary contractions, then I hardly notice it is there. That is how relaxed you should be.

9. From a medical perspective how often should I message my prostate gland for it to be healthy? Is there a limit before there is strain to the prostate?

I have no idea either. I think either "B Mayfield", or "rumel" here in the forum would be the people who would either have or know where to get that information. Hopefully they will post on your thread.

Keep at it mobman!
It's certainly a different journey and sensations than what the penis provides. But it seems to promise so much more!

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Hi mobman,

Welcome to the Forum,

Most of the questions you’ve asked have answers which can be found in the WIKI as I indicated in my PM to you. Since you’ve already received replies to them I’ll let you sort through the good information you’ve already been given.

I am not a doctor, so this is just a layman's opinion in response to your question : “9. From a medical perspective how often should I message my prostate gland for it to be healthy? Is there a limit before there is strain to the prostate?” From the reading I’ve done to date regarding prostate massage, there seems to be some consensus in the D/s community that orgasm denial (and therefore prostate emptying) for male slaves is on the order of 6-8 weeks before there are indications of physical distress. Therefore, a Domina may perform prostate milking (emptying of the prostate of its fluids) at more frequent intervals to insure the health of her slave but keep him in orgasm denial indefinitely. The most frequent milking regime I ran across in reading was once every 24 hours to keep the male in a perpetual state of inability to ejaculate/orgasm regardless of stimulation attempts, this seems far too frequent to me. Another source stated once every 72 hours (3 days) this seems like a more reasonable maximum frequency to me.

It seems to me that common sense would dictate that the prostate be emptied at regular intervals to preserve healthful functioning. The most natural way of accomplishing that is through regular sexual intercourse leading to orgasm and ejaculation. Masturbation leading to ejaculation also accomplishes this, as does prostate milking. It should be the individual’s choice regarding the method employed. The bottom line is to be safe and comfortable with the frequency you choose.

It should be noted that there are potential risks with performing any prostate massage, carrying further through milking increases those risks. It should also be noted that the Aneros massager, when used as directed, is probably the gentlest prostate massage a man can have via the rectum. Gentle prostate massage which does not lead to a "milking" event can probably be performed safely almost daily, however, I think this could lead to some desensitization if performed that frequently. You will need to exercise your own judgement in this matter.

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I'm new to the Aneros world myself, but it looks like you are falling into the same mental trap that I started going down before I stopped and rethought things about chasing after an orgasm. Once I stopped thinking of what the end result would be and started focusing on the journey instead I really started enjoying using my Aneros. I just had my first super-o last night, but even though it was great I still think of how great it feels just getting to that point. I kept thinking that relax simply meant a state of calm and peacefulness, but it also means let things happen and progress as they will. (now for a metaphor from left field) Think of using an Aneros as a bowl of water with corn starch dissolved into it and you are trying to touch the bottom. If you jam your finger into it fast or try and slap your way to the bottom the corn starch will stiffen up resist you the whole way, but if you slowly and gently dip your finger or hand in you will get almost no resistance.

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.... mmm ... excellent metaphor Chaos, genius level, setting this whole phenomenon off requires I think a very subtle level of stimulation, there's a very low threshold, putting too much energy into the system, like striking the pool of corn starch too hard, causes resistance, the Aneros, something to do with its surface engagement with the anal passage perhaps, is just below the threshold of resistance and the subtlety of its intervention allows the learning of the neuronal paths to blossom into a completely new landscape of orgasmic potential.

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and all we have to do to get a super -o would be to scratch our foreheads? LOL...sorry got carried away.

*cough* 😳

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