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Newbie Question: How Distracting are the Sensations That Result From Rewiring?

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Can a rewired person please give me feedback on the accuracy of the ideas listed below and answer the questions that follow them? Thanks!

I got the following ideas after reading about rewiring experiences on the aneros forum:

1. There is a constant "buzz" sensation in the background at all times. In other words, if one is conscious then one is experiencing a prostate sensation.

2. When the sensation is at "high volume" the sensation is uncomfortable. In the forum people talk about this as when the prostate becomes "hungry" for a session.

3. When the sensation is at "low to moderate volume", the sensation is pleasant.

How distracting is this ever-present "buzz"? Or, is the "buzz" no distraction at all? Just to give me an idea: Would you say it takes you the same amount of time to do your taxes than it took you when you weren't rewired?

Is "prostate hunger" similar to a smoker's "cigarette hunger"?

When the prostate becomes hungry and you are at work, can you do some brief activity to help? Light exercies? Some kind of meditation? Music?

If the time interval between times when the prostate becomes hungry is stable, then one can have an aneros session just before the time when the prostate is due to become hungry. Does this sound right or am I missing something?

If you think that the strategy mentioned above wouldn't work, do you know of a good way to "manage" prostate hunger?

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I had these for months when re-wiring. It's odd, but after being able to regularly get super-os they have gone away for the most part. At the time I would just try to let the feeling pass. It was odd getting fired up while at work, if i sat a certain way my prostate would get happy every time. I'd have to go for a walk!

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RoyGB, welcome to the forum.
Firstly, we all have different experiences but I realize there is an encyclopaedia worth of information here and it's easy to get lost and confused.
Regarding your questions:
In my experience I would say there is no constant buzz but you will be left in no doubt as to where your prostate gland is at certain times. Most of the time it was how it always was ie, not aware of it, but should something get its attention it swells and becomes sensitive and the feeling is pleasant.
The 'prostate hunger' you refer to is in the mind, it's just like when you feel the desire to repeat something good you have recently discovered eg, sex, beer, pornhub or whatever, but, take this from an ex smoker, it's nothing like addiction to nicotine, there are no withdrawal symptoms, just a longing for pleasure.
One could get the impression from this forum that we're all zombie-like slaves to the aneros toys but this is far from the truth. We have discovered something amazing that gets even more amazing the more you practice.

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My perspective looks back six years to my first Aneros session and five years since those early Super-Os.

1. "Butt buzz" that distracted me from some everyday tasks and attention to work details only lasted two weeks. Like other "rewiring symptoms" it was eventually absorbed into my own personality and repertoire of sexual actions and preferences. Many times each day I marvel at how my brain and body send 'energy signals' to augment my physical workouts and attire preferences.

2. @Bunk has it spot-on in his comparison with Nicotine addiction. I can 'take it or leave it.' Aneros sessions are just an added option in my sources of pleasure.

Yes, when the energy builds in my chest (Heart Chakra) I know what I want. And, I mentally review my options for the next session and then fantasize a bit about how it will play out.

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I get orgasmic sensations everyday, whether I want them or not. At first, I found it distracting and very difficult to manage, but it gets easier over time. I, like @Jaystark, have found that as I've been able to have higher-intensity orgasms (super-o's, if you wish to call them that), they have gotten easier to manage. I occasionally get butt buzz, but not everyday. Some days it is intense swelling of the prostrate, other times it's intense energy running through my legs or back. Still others, it's buzzing and immeasurably good feelings in my penis pr perineum. Wherever it appears, it is always great and most often it is A-Less.


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Hi @RoyGB,

I realize that you are unique among us that you do not have an Aneros, yet you are well along in our rewiring journey.

I know it has been my experience that after three weeks use of Aneros Syn, my prostate began to awaken. I began experiencing P-waves, that buzz you talk about. When I added larger Aneros models, such as Maximus and Progasm Classic to my sessions a few months later, this buzz increased and became continuous.

I suggest that you spend some time each day focusing upon your prostate and this constant "buzz." You had indicated that you have developed control over your prostate. Keep up the good work.

As for myself, outside of sessions, I just let the buzz come and go naturally, even if I am in church or in a meeting. I find my awakened prostate and its buzz to be reassuring.

Take care,


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