Newbie and my minor...
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Newbie and my minor successes

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I joined the forum a few weeks ago after buying my first Aneros (Progasm Ice) and then very quickly also bought Helix Syn Trident and then Eupho Syn Trident. I had tried other prostate massagers//dildos in the past and had very luck with them.


When I put the Progasm in for the first time the feelings were completely different to other toys previously used. I immediately realised I had made the right decision. I probably overdid it initially and found the hard P tab somewhat uncomfortable. That led me to buying the Helix Syn Trident and managed to get a few involuntaries but nothing earth shattering.


A few weeks later I decided to try the Eupho Syn Trident and on the first go found myself getting much further than with the other 2. I haven't managed a hands free orgasm but find myself getting closer and closer with each use. I reach a plateau of pleasure and plenty of precum but have yet to be able to go that little bit further and have an orgasm.


I do tend to finish off my Aneros sessions by masterbating and can honestly say the resulting orgasms have been quite fantastic!


I have also found some videos on Pornhub of a quite prolific poster of his Aneros activities but he must be some sort of an Aneros Jedi Master - he seems to orgasm within seconds of insertion.


What has been an immense help to me has been reading this forum with its wealth of information and advice - thank you to all.


One day I hope I will be able to put a post in the First Super O thread

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Not a jedi master, it can happen pretty quick when you are "rewired" and accustomed to the pleasure...unless you are one of the "lucky ones" (like Forrest Andrews!) Who have a slamming orgasm first time around, and not even meaning to! 

Don't have those expectations and just enjoy the experiences. 

Not sure it was the tabs on the progasm that were hurting, they are pretty big and spherical shaped. More likely, it was the size of the device that caused discomfort. The original devices pre-trident design, especially the original MGX, will hurt you! The thinner blade like tab would make you sore, and I have more than once had it rub up a blister and break the skin! I don't believe any of the current designs are capable of that, they are all so much better now. 

Good luck!

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@regal13 Thank you for your response and encouragement. I seem to find something slightly different and enjoyable each time I try.

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My 2 cents would be to stop jacking off at the end of a session. The point is to separate orgasm and ejaculation.

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