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Truly I think what I wrote just scratches the surface, might be Aneros summer course, then your Obstacles & Facilitators would be 101 and 201, respectively, and people should really check these out to get a better understanding of the big picture. 

In my mind my short list is really the bare minimum you need to check off before asking for more guidance, trying for great results while fighting these things would be a real uphill battle, but it's still only a small part of the whole deal. Like the one page "getting started" instruction sheet they give you alongside the complete manual... 


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@zentai great idea.  Thanks for sharing your ideas and experience from your journey.  I hope you can help as many as possible to find their own way.


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Hey sorry I think I missed your post, yeah I do hope I can make my small contribution to helping people progress, wish I could do more but I guess it's a start, and I'm still working on new material, maybe there's something in there that will make thinks *click* for someone, who knows? 


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Good morning guys,

We're already approaching February and that means I'll be looking for a new person to participate in my little coaching experiment. I learned a lot this month, wrote a lot, and feel that I can tailor this thing to several different kinds of personalities, but that it will work better for people who tend to think too much. That's what I have to deal with myself and what I know best.

There was a lot of interest last time, but I know that some of you made great progress since, and now we have the Mindgasm approach as well as different members sharing new methods that everyone can try, and there's the Discord with lots of things going on. 

All this to say, I'd like to know who is still interested in this 1-on-1 coaching. Post here or PM me if you prefer, tell me a little about yourself, and I'll pick someone next Friday. Thank you for your interest in this project. Take care everyone. 

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Oh no!! My time is almost coming to an end! Haha!

I just want to say this last 3 weeks have been so enlightening and so much fun! @zentai and I have shared a lot, had some great conversations, and I gained a friend in this wonderful Aneros brotherhood. I would definitely recommend this coaching experiment to anyone stuck in their Aneros journey. You will see on my other thread, Thoughts / Observations on Early Progress, that I just had my first mini Os yesterday and I am ready for more!

Just wanted to give my plug for Zentai and share my appreciation...but I still have one week left!

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@7sdoor haha man you've been absolutely great to work with, yeah one week left but don't worry, I'll still be available if you need me, might just take a little bit longer to answer. A lot can happen in a week, I'm excited to see what's next!


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@zentai I'm interested without any reservation!


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I don't want to compete against anyone else but since there seems to be little interest this month I contacted Zentai too. 

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I'd also be interested, given that I struggle for so many years.

Not all that sure if I would be a good student, but willing to try.

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To everyone who contacted me, thank you for your interest. Today was busier than I thought it would be and I'm still reviewing answers. Selecting someone is proving to be harder than anticipated, so while I know I promised an answer today, I need a little more time. I'll keep you posted, sorry for the delay. 

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Since pandemy restrictions were extended where I live, I'll have some extra time, so I decided to coach both @lonewolf8 and @MJ05 for February. I have a better idea of where I'm going with my approach and I think that's it reasonable to try this. I want to be very open about the fact that some "cut and paste" magic could be used for the first week or so but I'll keep it to a minimum, so if you guys decide to compare notes one day, don't be surprised about this. 

I'm giving @faith-manages priority for March and if all goes well there might be a second spot open. So that's the update for now, again sorry for the delay.


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I am brand new and just ordered the Helix Syn Trident today. My wife attempted her very 1st P-Spot massage with me last night. I am very interested.

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@slade Welcome to the forum! Purchasing that Helix is a decision that you will not regret! I'll be happy to help you if you get stuck at some point, but for now give yourself a solid 6 months to explore on your own. Read the wiki, try all the different positions, different lubes, both the tug-of-war and do-nothing methods. Try the bed, the floor, a comfy chair... Read the classic threads. Ask questions around here and try different advice from different people. You need time to work on your fundamentals, tone several small muscles, work on your deep breathing... there's even some Aneros jargon to learn!  Nothing will replace time experimenting with the toy, at least at the beginning, so have fun, try stuff and see how far you can go. I'm sure it will work great!


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Congrats to @MJ05 and @Lonewolf8 for the dubious honor of being stuck worse than me! 😀  We'll see how March works out if I am able to take that spot but I encourage anyone else interested to keep following this thread (I know I will) and apply for March.  I still make (slow) progress and there could be other people that could benefit more from Zentai's proddings.  I will get in eventually. 

@Slade welcome to the forum!  The Helix Syn Trident is a great tool that I've used the most over nearly two years; I've tried other models but none has been as helpful in my journey and long-term I'd say that the Helix is the best investment.  Besides that you have your wife's willing participation as well and that is a definite blessing!  I'd encourage you to start your own thread and tell us as much as you're comfortable with about your experience, and definitely later on the different sensations between the Aneros and your wife's fingers.  I for one am always looking to read more positive couples' experiences as I find them encouraging.  Enjoy your journey! 

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I would also like to say congrats to @MJ05 and @Lonewolf8 for being selected into the @zentai coaching program! And congrats to @faith-manages for being the March student! This is an excellent opportunity to make some progress and definitely take advantage of every minute of it. I would say that I was pretty darn stuck at the beginning of January. I had made some small progress, but I wasn’t able to move some of the big road blocks in my way. It didn’t take long before I really started to notice some things and take off in a positive direction. The first piece of advice I would give is to believe in yourself...EVERYONE CAN DO THIS! You just need to keep telling yourself that. Keep the belief and keep the positive attitude and you will do great! 


@slade, welcome to the forum! You are incredibly lucky to have a supportive and interested wife with you on this journey. I would bet anything that you will make quick progress as long as she is there to help you and arouse you through the process. Good luck to you!!

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I should clarify that I'm not 100% the Chosen One for March...lots of things that will be going on in my life that month which might keep me from regular Anerosessions so I don't want to lock it in yet; if anyone besides me is still struggling and interested then consider signing up in 3.5 weeks or so. 

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Anyone who is interested in the March spot(s) can send me their answers to the 45 questions right now if they want, this will give me ample time to review them and ask for clarifications if needed. Response time might be 2-3 days but I'll drop you a few lines telling you if I think you can benefit from this and why or why not. I'll write something soon about my selection process and post it here so people can understand what's going on behind the curtain. 

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Congratulations on your new purchase and welcome to the community. Everything that Zen Thai (whoah, fun eastern themed autocorrect) said is spot on. I also recommend having many sessions alone, at least half, or even all, in the beginning.  It takes a lot of focus to heighten awareness of these microscopic sensations. A partner’s presence helps with arousal but it can also be very distracting. I started alone for several months, and it took a while for me to make it work with a partner. That is, it felt good, but the focus necessary to get to stunning heights wasn’t consistently there in the beginning. If your partner insists on being present more often, try sessions where they lie next to you and masturbate, or where they caress your body, or simply hold your head in their lap.

@zentai sorry don’t mean to highjack your thread! Good job with all this. It’s impressive.

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@divine_o hey don't worry about highjacking anything, your advice is great for all users who are fortunate enough to have a partner who is eager to participate in their journey. I think that bringing MMOs to partnered sex is a logical step and will make for a closer relationship, that should be a good motivation for men to always keep improving. Thanks for the kind words! 


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Bumpiditty-bump ! I wrote two versions of a post about my selection process and scrapped both, as I thought they went too deep and were not that interesting, and they could also influence people into thinking this method is right for them while it's not. So I'll keep it a little vague and at the same time, I hope I can explain enough so people understand that I'm not trying to be secretive or keep good info hidden away. 

Basically I feel from reading the Forum for a very long time, and from personal experience, that there is a first group of user that will encounter "normal" challenges in finding pleasure from their prostate and making it grow into what we call Mini-Os and Super-Os. I'll take a guess that we're talking about roughly 75% of users, maybe more. There is a learning curve to this, and while some people are gifted and get it to work right from the start, for most people it will take several weeks or months to get the process started. For these guys, following the advice from the Wiki and experimenting different positions, breathing technique, working on separating the PC and sphincter muscles is basically all they should concentrate on and they'll be rewarded with better and better results. Maybe they'll hit some plateaus (and asking questions on the Forum is a good way to overcome them and get things going again), but success is inevitable at some point. At least, that's what I think.  

Now the other 25% of guys, at some point they'll get (seemingly) hopelessly stuck and no matter what they try, things don't appear to move forward. They may need a very different approach to get on track again, but this approach is opposite in some ways to what everyone is used to, so it could be very confusing if someone was to try to combine both. What I'm working on right now is this : 

  • How can I identify the 25%, what do they have in common, and how do I insure I do not pick someone who does not fall in that group ? My questionnaires help a lot with this. 
  • Can all (or most) of the 25% group be helped using the same methodology or do they all need custom methodology ? That's what I'm trying to find out by doing this one-on-one coaching, by combining a number of core principles but presenting them differently to each man. So in a way it's custom, but maybe it does not need to be. 

I want to stress that both group will at some point merge and that being in one or the other should not affect the end result of attaining Super-Orgasms, so there's no need or intention here to segregate people into categories, I'm looking at it more in this light : 

  • 75% of men will likely encounter A, B and C as obstacles in their adventures and will need specifics tools to progress. 
  • 25% of men will encounter X, Y and Z as obstacles and will need different tools to face these different obstacles.


Using the wrong tool on an obstacle will not work, so identifying them is very important. That's the next big step I'm working on... If you can know right from the start what obstacles you'll encounter, you can select the right approach right at the beginning, that could save people a lot of time! 

Edit : some words for clarity. 

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Posted by: @zentai

from reading the Forum for

... more than four years now I can tell that my perception matches with your monitoring.

And your conclusions indeed make sense and seem plausible to me as far as one can tell with regard to the small size of this sample group. 

Cheers, Mart

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It did not think that the ratio made sense at first, why such a significant portion of people ? But it's not a portion of the general public, it's about a small subset of men open enough to try this and put hours in this hobby/adventure/lifestyle. 

Some of the aspects of my personality that made me attracted to this journey in the first place can also get in the way sometimes and create obstacles to my progress. Kinda ironic... navigating this is a challenge but it can be done. 


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@Zentai, In addition to the questions you've asked, I think having a general idea of a man's personality type may be useful in formulating an approach to aiding your students progress. I've added a new user poll (Is My Personality Well Suited to Aneros Use ?) which may help identify personality types who may struggle to get the most out of their Aneros practice. It references the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire which I recommend all members take even if only for their own self knowledge purposes.

Good Vibes to You!

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@zentai yes there is a major bias in terms of who chooses to put something up their butt for a couple hours a week and do nothing but consider the sensations.

Also I wonder how age skews things. Is it easier for us younger folk? I have never seen people in their 20s struggling, but that age group seems rare here amongst posting users. What is the average age of users who are having trouble, based on your private surveys in this thread?


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It's a hard question to answer, because a 35 years old guy who's been struggling for a long time might have started in his 20's. And I have only a tiny sample available to me... I told everyone I wouldn't share any of their info so maybe we should start a second poll exploring this aspect. 

I don't think you can be too old to start and succeed. Beginning at a young age is probably a good idea but people shouldn't feel like they missed out if they are older. Now I do know that my life was more fun as a 25 years old and that with more responsibilities and getting more jaded in general in my early 30s, success with the Super-O became more difficult and that's when I saw my longest plateaus. That's the main link I can find between age and results in my particular case. 


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Posted by: @divine_o

@zentai yes there is a major bias in terms of who chooses to put something up their butt for a couple hours a week and do nothing but consider the sensations.

Also I wonder how age skews things. Is it easier for us younger folk? I have never seen people in their 20s struggling, but that age group seems rare here amongst posting users. What is the average age of users who are having trouble, based on your private surveys in this thread?


I may be way out to lunch on this but I do believe that the older we are, the more our brain is set and is more resistant to changes.   Our prostate is also older and often has gone to partial sleep with lower libido and often inflicted with ED.  It's more difficult to adapt to new stimulations.


I know  I feel it's been a long road for me.  Just my two cents worth.

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I think that as we separate ejaculation and orgasm it could be possible to do the same with libido and arousal. Depending on how you define both... if you can get stil get excited, even in a non-sexual way, I'm fairly certain that it will do. And I remember writing down something in my journal to the effect that I was incredibly relieved to find that I didn't need an erection to have an orgasm so no matter what happens, I'll still be able to do this as an older man if I get some ED down the line. I hope this is universal. I think it is, see below.

I remember @rumel sharing great info about neuroplasticity, I think if you keep your mind sharp and active, being more experienced with learning can be an asset. I'm still pretty young myself so maybe I'm talking nonsense... 

I think what we call the Super-O is a dormant bodily function so it should always be available after you put it back online or rewire, as long as your body is healthy enough to activate it. I don't know if the intensity will be lower, I'll have to wait several years to check this myself. Can some 60+ members with a long experience shed some light on this ?

Edit: @sowithoutaneros I didn't want to hijack your new thread but since you're following this one, I want to say that what you're doing is great, I'm sure Google translate doesn't do it justice but I can see that's it filled with great info and it's a pleasant read. 5 stars ! 


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 @zentai, I am one of those 60-plus individual but I can't comment on the durability of a SO once discovered.   I am however one that had a severely diminished libido and was inflicted with ED before discovering prostate play over 5 years ago.  As is the case with many other fellow members, my journey has helped me a lot with my not so unique conditions. 


I'm also one who has discovered the wonders of orgasm from ejaculation and am also able to have full orgasms while still flaccid.  But, after 5 years in my wonderful journey, I'm still on this side of the ultimate goal seeked by so many on this forum which is fine with me.


My point was just a reflection of not only my situation but the experiences of so many others I have read about in my years as a member; it seems to me that the SO is more easily achieved in younger men than in late starters.  Of course, everyone is different and there are numerous exceptions to any rule.


Good vibes to you. 


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@ggringo I didn't want to single you out, I was speaking more in general terms. Sorry for that... It's quite possible that you are right and that's it easier for younger men and I respect every member's unique experience in this matter.

I was lucky I started my MMO exploration journey very early, thanks to women's magazines. What ? Yep, reading those in waiting rooms, I Iearned about sitting on a tennis ball or on my heel in lotus position to massage my prostate, and all kind of crazy masturbation tricks like edging. Women's magazine were dirtier than Playboy, that's for sure...

I don't think there's a way to know to what extent it becomes harder to reach a first Super-O as a man gets older, however, I don't believe it ever becomes impossible to achieve. A different strategy might be needed, that's something I'll never know first hand.  I hope some men who "made it" later in life can shed some light on how they succeeded. I'm sure it could help younger men as well. 


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I'm sure I've mentioned it before but I'm mid-30s here.  I started sticking things up my butt while masturbating a decade ago but it took a while to reach even that level.  I wonder how many people of that age are adventurous enough to start the prostate-centered journey, but it seems looking back at it that that was the golden age of penis-centricity.  Everything felt great, my erections came at more unpredictable and embarrassing times, etc...ah, youth...I feel like I've started slowing down some in the last few years!  Hard to say if I'm typical but I wonder if most 20-somethings are even aware of their prostates. 

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