I'm considering purchasing an aneros prostate stimulator but i really don't know what one to get...
I'm not new to prostate play and enjoy the occasional digital insertion of up to 3 or 4 fingers. I enjoy rubbing and pushing on my prostate by my partner, and if it'll increase the sensation, a larger insertable portion might be worth it. i'm not particularly sensitive to perinium stimulation so that's not really something i'm really going to consider much. (doesn't turn me off either, but not something toward the top of my list in considerations).
i'm just not sure which massager i should get... anybody have any recomendations?
If you dont like perinium stimulation, you will not get benifit from any aneros, read all the info available here before you purchase.
Originally Posted By: GEEZER
If you dont like perinium stimulation, you will not get benifit from any aneros, read all the info available here before you purchase.
it's not at all that i don't like it, i like it just fine, i just happen to prefer direct prostate stimulation over perinium stimulation.
The aneros works by applying pressure (subtle) to both prostate and perinium at the same time and coupled with anal sensations completes the process so to speak, if you take away any of the above 3 performance will degrade dramitically. It must also be stressed that mental attitude is a major factor also. Suggest you read as much as possible in the bee line etc, good luck...