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Hi everyone and thanks for taking the time to read.

Today was my first session with the helix syn.

So, here's the thing. I like to be stimulated during sex and masturbation around my anus and perineum, but today was the first time I had something inserted up myself. So I must admit I was quite nervous. It took about 20 minutes to get used to the feeling but now it feels natural and the aneros is still there while I'm typing. I was watching some porn to get aroused. But nothing happened. Not any erection or any feeling around my prostate. Only a few drops of precum. 

I know everyone says it's a long process and it takes patience. But do you have any suggestions?

I already read many many posts on here, i just wanted to share. Thanks

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Posted by: @newbe1

I know everyone says it's a long process and it takes patience. But do you have any suggestions?

Read, read and read some more. I invite you to read the Introductory Message to New Members which has many useful links to other helpful information and a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros. Follow all the links contained therein and you will be well informed about the journey you have embarked upon.

Good Vibes to You!

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All of the above! And relax and give it time. It may happen right away for you, but it took me, a total hard head who made all the classic mistakes repeatedly, twelve years to experience super-o. It was well worth it, I just wish I had paid more attention around here earlier in the game. Read all the wiki. 

Remember, these people here are motivated to help you because they want to encourage fellow "Anerosians" to experience super-o also! It was truly mindblowing for me when it finally clicked and I couldn't exactly talk to my in person friends or even my wife about it...though nearly three years after, we are making progress in that department. 

Good luck!

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I agree with @regal13. I am still a new user with no super or any O under my belt.  But I have been enjoying it for a year now. I try to read all new articles and suggestions. And once I am done reading new then I  check old ones too. IMO it is a journey . I must say members here are very motivated to help you and I am very thankful. 

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Do you have arousal issues? The Aneros session must be accompanied by arousal. Watching porn might help,but then,if you’re watching that,it’s taking focus away from your pelvic floor. Having said that,it’s normal for not much to happen the first few weeks. Keep at it.

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Posted by: @helghast

Do you have arousal issues? The Aneros session must be accompanied by arousal.

That's very important, without arousal even an Aneros Kung-Fu master will just be laying there flexing without much happening. Arousal does not necessarily mean a huge throbbing boner, excitement, a sense of adventure and discovery, eagerness will all work, too. But you do need some kind of driving energy to start with.


Ghusa, Ggringo, newbe1 and 12 people reacted
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@rumel thank you. 

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@regal13 I get your point. I was just wondering, since I can “feel" my prostate if I stimulate manually my perineum. And yet I felt nothing with the helix inserted. 

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Posted by: @helghast

Do you have arousal issues? The Aneros session must be accompanied by arousal. Watching porn might help,but then,if you’re watching that,it’s taking focus away from your pelvic floor. Having said that,it’s normal for not much to happen the first few weeks. Keep at it.

I don't have arousal issues. i think I was just nervous and also I had sex the same morning. And i was really focused on my penis too

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Posted by: @newbe1

i think I was just nervous and also I had sex the same morning.

Shortly after sex is arguably the worst time for most guys. Probably need a little longer next time.
What were you nervous about?

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@helghast as I said, It was the first time I used an anal toy, that's what I was nervous about.

Then, the insertion was super smooth and not painful at all and I got used to the feeling of having something shoved up my rectum quite fast. So I tryed to relax. And yet, I couldn't feel anything around my prostate (something that happens instead when I stimulate it through my perineum).

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