So I have owned an Aneros for about 4 months and have achieved what I believe is a super O. If I have or not I really don't care as the sensations I get are quite satisfying. However, I have also awakened my prostate to the point that now without having the Aneros in me for a couple days. I can flex my base and center as they are called and feel the waves of pleasure begin to start. I can do it anywhere. I have to be careful to take notice of precum as it can be quite a bit. What an amazing coincidence!
I actually prefer Aless over an aneros session. Once you have this is makes life great.
I can turn mine off and on at will. Makes great for when need to kill 10 minutes when out etc. Or go sit in the park for 30 minutes instead of being on your phone and be in pure bliss.
This skill can unlock the ability to have orgasms during any sexual situation. When my wife gives me blowjobs I can make myself have Os while she's doing it and its completely unreal, or handjobs, or anything. Sometimes the feeling starts and I get pulsations against my will while we kiss or something, or the energy and pulsations start and they ramp up when I'm not even thinking about it or trying for it and I have massive Os nearly Super Os while we're making out. The very best though are when she's blowing me and it starts, I have an O so powerful with no ejaculation at all that sometimes I start to lose my erection! That's when I know the power and glory of Aless
Lucky guy!!!