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New Peridise Owner - having great results so far!

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Really impressed so far. Having much more success than with my other Aneros devices!

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That is very glad to hear! I may be joining you very soon as a peridise user. ;))

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Hi @Trei, you are going to love Peridise, once you get it. I had instantaneous, even spectacular results from the get go with Peridise, although I think Tempo is more awesome! 😉


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@HopefulMMOer - My first Aneros model was the Helix Classic, but I never really got all that far with it. It wasn't until I bought my Eupho Syn that I started making real strides. The Peridise complete set (of 4) is what I bought. I believe this is the beginner set and the 2 piece set is the advanced set because, strangely enough, you're supposed to start with the larger Peridise and work your way down to the smaller ones.

The largest of the four Peridise models is all i've worked with so far. No Super O's, MMO's, Dry O's or even Mini O's yet, but lots of involuntary's and enjoyable sessions. I haven't hit the climax but I know i'm getting there and each session is enjoyable in and of itself.

Good Luck!

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@HopefulMMOer - It took a while before I was having any kind of reaction to the first few aneros models I had (Helix, Eupho). I had some OK sessions with the Helix. When I got the Eupho I made some more strides and had some great sessions. I probably should have been more patient before picking up a new model, but when I started reading about the Peridise models for some reason I just felt like I would be able to click with them right away. And I did.

Right away I started having involuntaries with them, better than i'd had with any of my previous models. Every session builds upon the last and I break new ground and discover new little techniques. I've found that my progress with the Peridise models has helped with my previously difficult to use Aneros models like the Helix. It all comes together to be mutually beneficial.

If you have trouble with one model, try what I did; the "do-nothing" approach. Just have a session where you don't do anything. And by that I mean don't actively try to instigate anything. Just let your body naturally respond. Worked for me, it got me started.


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@musicmaker86 - This is great! Congratulations! Your experience is the opposite of mine though. My Peridise advanced set is the least used of my Aneros because they just have not done much for me over the years and the few times I've tried them. Where as my Progasm just continues to rock my world. 🙂

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