New crazy sensation...
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New crazy sensations, what does it mean!???

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Just had some crazy new sensations in last session. Tried something little different, strapped an abdomenal compression strap around my waist and it gave me more sensitivity to my breathing. was using the helix syn and things were going pretty good. Then my thought became less erotic and more space-universe like. i found it pretty weird. then all of the sudden by body went paralyzed and my heart started beating really hard. all the sudden i got really hot and i could feel my hear beat in the helix. then out of nowhere i literally felt like i was being pulled backwards by the helix on a roller-coaster. the feeling slowly went away after like 5 minutes and then things slowly teetered out. Any idea what this was or what it means? am i getting close to the super-O? I should say im a fairly new user (like 5 months)

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Hmm, sounds scary but people have claimed to have been through insane things during a super-O. Such as seeing the universe/creation, having time/space anomaly’s, illusions, and altered conscience. I’d be cautious, the one time i believe to almost have had a super-O i felt a very very deep energy afterwards so much that i could swear my mattress and room was shacking violently, at first i blew it off as just a heavy construction equipment in the street but i looked outside and there was "none".

Do you have any medical condition? This is the first time I’ve heard of paralysis through aneros use, however everyone’s super-O is different so they say.

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I should say it wasnt scary and it felt really REALLY good, but then it just went away. Its definetly something i want to happen again,,, it was a very pleasurable paralysis

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I believe you experienced one form of Super O my friend! There are more than one, and your event sounds like one of them!

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@Trei, i experience the shaking feeling constantly, almost like its all in my head.

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@ineverknew Yes, it has to be in the head as my room would have been torn to shreds, or is it in the energy?
@KatiesF25 "If it feels right then do it", is my philosophy. congrats! and good luck on future sensations! Please report them back to the forum as i'd like to hear about them but only if that's fine by you.

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@trei, for me its alot like vertigo sometimes too, like im floating in space. But sometimes it just feels like everything is shaking. I'm sure it is defiinitely in our heads but its usually accompanied with pleasure from the prostate. Not sure what causes it but dont really care, i kinda like that loss of control.

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yes the loss of control factor is really what i am excited about and looking forward too. any tips on pushing that loss of control feeling further?

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@katiesF25, just keep at it and the Aneros will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes!

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I've had this a handful of times, and always with the helix. No major physical release, but I go on a 5 minute "trip", for sure. Room spins, feels like falling into the bed, increased heart rate. The roller coaster analogy fits perfectly: I'm totally disoriented, but it feels safe somehow. Along with it, my hands usually feel like they're swelling. Actually, it's a very "whole body" experience - with very little intensity in the groin.

Most importantly, I've never had any ill effects from it. It just goes away, and I'm left dazed.

I've always hoped it is a form of mini-super-o. Always happy when it happens.


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