New user here. Got linked up with prostate massage through a specific channel on Pornhub. Decided to go all in. Got my Helix Syn this past Tuesday (seems like forever ago). Since ordering, have been reading non stop about how to maximize my pleasure from it. Tuesday and Wednesday were not fruitful. 2 hour sessions with no sensations. Had my first breakthrough Thursday. Started to experience P waves. At times pretty strong. Found myself moaning uncontrollably and really enjoying it. I'm off work right now with not much to do, so after the successful first session (2 hours or so), I felt fairly invincible. So I had another session before bed, about am hour. Similar situation, able to more quickly start the waves and sustain them. I played with my nipples some to get things flowing but then mostly enjoyed the ride. Played around with various intensities of muscle contractions, almost entirely my PC and sphincter.
Slight interlude of histrionics here. I have been basically a porn addict for most of my sexually mature life. I'm 33 and have been viewing online porn since I was around 11. Due to a stressful 8 year career, I haven't been terribly sexually active, relying on porn instead to treat a host of mental conditions. Boredom, stress, insomnia. This journey has quickly blossomed into a resolve to reset my brain from porn. To make the prostate orgasm thing work, and also to be successfully more sexually active. I found fairly recently I lost the ability to stay aroused with a sexual partner. Anyway, on with the story. So after the first unsuccessful Aneros session and the panicking realization that I couldn't arouse myself, I made the choice to join a porn addiction community and begin to abstain from porn-based masturbation. I know, this is running long. So, secondary point of this post is to say joining the Aneros community has exposed a sexual dysfunction I had bee. avoiding admitting to for a long time. So abstinance started then.
After my success yesterday, I felt very encouraged. So I thought another 24 hours of abstinence would improve things. But I just had another repeat of yesterday. i realize I probably have an unrealistic timeline of moving things along.
But I have discovered one major block. Amongst my semi-successful sessions, I discovered that after throwing in the towel on a P wave heavy session, my prostate remains so incredibly aroused that I can think of nothing else. It's like a deep itch I can't scratch, thus the back to back sessions, which then don't result in anything further and only serve to further arouse it. As I sit here, 45 minutes post second session, my insides are feeling electric, but I know if I reinsert it I will be wasting more time. I even had a very stimulated penile orgasm at the tale end if my first session today to try to relieve some pressure. No dice. I cleaned up, went about other things, but am overwhelmed with prostate stimulation sensations. So I went back at it. Another hour of very nice P waves, and I had other things to take care of. But my crotch is buzzing right now.
Anyone else experience anything similar? I obviously haven't experienced the Big O yet, and am probably a little too driven to for my own good.
I am bisexual and not new to anal play, and have dabbled in direct prostate stimulation before, though nothing so all encompassing. My process is a bm, 10 minute breathing meditation, and then insertion, followed by continual position and pressure experimentation. I listen to binaural beats while concentrating. And I added a candle after dark last night. I have very little trouble concentrating on the affected areas for long periods of the sessions.
Right now, it feels like I'm 70% of the way to a penile copulation build up and the feeling simply won't leave.
Well, it seems after 3 posts my new account is back into moderation hell. Can someone help please? I have seen Aneros Team logged in multiple times today, but I can't DM anyone for help because the account is considered not approved I guess.
I'm more frustrated w/ the forum software than my inability to instantly Super O...
First up, sounds like you are off to a good start, if you are having pleasurable sensations this early on it is just a matter of relaxing into them and your body will take you onto greater pleasures.
I discovered that after throwing in the towel on a P wave heavy session, my prostate remains so incredibly aroused that I can think of nothing else.
I experienced this once my body started to experience the wonderful pleasures of prostate play. I would be nagged for days by my prostate - the good news is that it will subside in time. In the mean time be kind to your body, this is all new and it needs time to adjust. Acknowledge your prostates state and go about your day, it does not have to rule your actions.
As to your porn addiction, I have found that my sessions have helped in reducing my porn usage. You will find that turning your attention inward on your yourself, rather that outwards on porn, will result in far greater sensations and pleasure. By the way, it is no small thing to realise and admit to an addiction, so more reason to be kind to yourself. I do believe this journey to be one of self realization and self love. I am fairly new on this site and have noticed when reading the posts of the more established members, that they have a tone of respect and even love for their bodies. @sowithoutaneros has a "first do no harm" policy, as active an act of self respect as any. Self love can be an uncomfortable act for men, but forms an intrinsic part of the aneros journey.
Best wishes.
Since ordering, have been reading non stop about how to maximize my pleasure from it.
Smart man! Welcome to the Forums, there is much to read and it may seem daunting but you will find the information here quite useful as you embark on your Aneros journey.
Tuesday and Wednesday were not fruitful.
There are many factors which will impact your ability to progress (please see Identifying Obstacles to Progress). Early users often have conscious (and subconscious) expectations which may subvert and distract their learning progress. It is best to drop all expectations before initiating an Anerosession.
Had my first breakthrough Thursday.... Played around with various intensities of muscle contractions, almost entirely my PC and sphincter.
Congratulations on awakening your prostate to Aneros use an d starting your adventurous experimentation.
I realize I probably have an unrealistic timeline of moving things along.
It's good that you recognize this as a potential trap. It is better to NOT formulate any timeline at all and allow the learning process to unfold without pressure.
But I have discovered one major block. Amongst my semi-successful sessions, I discovered that after throwing in the towel on a P wave heavy session, my prostate remains so incredibly aroused that I can think of nothing else.... As I sit here, 45 minutes post second session, my insides are feeling electric,... but am overwhelmed with prostate stimulation sensations. ... my crotch is buzzing right now. ...Anyone else experience anything similar?
As I warned in the Introductory Message to New Members : "F.) Allow time - You should be aware as you start upon this journey towards the Super-O, the use of the Aneros can be very time consumptive and addictive once the “rewiring” begins. 'Mistress Aneros' siren call can torture you with pleasure during your journey while consuming large blocks of precious time as you remain under her seductive spell. Once the pleasure principle kicks in, you may find yourself spending an inordinate number of hours lost in Anerosessions."
The buzzing sensation (see Butt Buzz) is quite normal for new users but will probably fade in a few days to a low level intensity, though it may be persistent for much longer, you'll soon accept it as a new 'normal'.
My process is a bm, 10 minute breathing meditation, and then insertion, followed by continual position and pressure experimentation. I listen to binaural beats while concentrating. I have very little trouble concentrating on the affected areas for long periods of the sessions.
That sounds like a very reasonable approach, you might want to consider a few of the suggestions in the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress.
Right now, it feels like I'm 70% of the way to a penile copulation build up and the feeling simply won't leave.
Hmmm, that sounds like a higher order gripe to me, some men would love to have that feeling of energy circulating in their body, enjoy it while you can because it won't last forever.
I'm more frustrated w/ the forum software than my inability to instantly Super O...
Patience, Patience, Patience young squire, your messages are obviously getting posted.
Good Vibes to You!
First up, sounds like you are off to a good start, if you are having pleasurable sensations this early on it is just a matter of relaxing into them and your body will take you onto greater pleasures.
I discovered that after throwing in the towel on a P wave heavy session, my prostate remains so incredibly aroused that I can think of nothing else.
I experienced this once my body started to experience the wonderful pleasures of prostate play. I would be nagged for days by my prostate - the good news is that it will subside in time. In the mean time be kind to your body, this is all new and it needs time to adjust. Acknowledge your prostates state and go about your day, it does not have to rule your actions.
As to your porn addiction, I have found that my sessions have helped in reducing my porn usage. You will find that turning your attention inward on your yourself, rather that outwards on porn, will result in far greater sensations and pleasure. By the way, it is no small thing to realise and admit to an addiction, so more reason to be kind to yourself. I do believe this journey to be one of self realization and self love. I am fairly new on this site and have noticed when reading the posts of the more established members, that they have a tone of respect and even love for their bodies. @sowithoutaneros has a "first do no harm" policy, as active an act of self respect as any. Self love can be an uncomfortable act for men, but forms an intrinsic part of the aneros journey.
Best wishes.
I have noticed that too. This might be the most welcoming, positive place on the internet! Thanks for the kind words! Are you new to prostate play or new to the forum? Appreciate the warm welcome!
You are dead on across the board. I wrestle with the subconscious the most. While I'm laying there the thoughts keep bubbling up and i have to consciously push them away, which isn't a good concentration tactic. I am simultaneously working on more of a spiritual/whole body wellness approach. You guys are such a wealth of information, fsr beyond the aneros products. I have started to practice some taoist observances, as suggested in another thread (Mantak Chia!) and have gotten back into breathing exercises and meditation to combat some chronic anxiety. I found some anxiety and stress relief success with breath centered meditation previously but time constraints that no longer apply saw me move away from them. As far as the butt buzz, I wasn't sure if what I experienced fit the description. It isn't a negative feeling at all, but it can be disctracting if I need to stop and go to sleep or something. During the day, that lingering feeling actually gives me quite a bit of get up and go! It's pleasant to hear I'm on the right track as far as experiencing various sensations. Last night while doing kegels, I activated it about as strongly as my best aneros session. It was quite surprising. Certainly just waves still, but my knees were weak and my hands jittery for a good 30-45 minutes afterward. I was sittin the the recliner watching PBS, so it was a lower maintenance experience than usual. Haha.
Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome again! I'm very excited to be on this journey and even more excited that I'm now able to converse with yall.
I have started to practice some taoist observances, ... and have gotten back into breathing exercises and meditation to combat some chronic anxiety. I found some anxiety and stress relief success with breath centered meditation previously...
Excellent, I consider my Anerosessions to be 'erotic meditations', relaxing, stress relieving and quite pleasurable. They don't always produce prostate orgasms and only occasionally produce Super-O's but are always rewarding in generating peaceful physical and psychological states.
Veteran Aneros member/guru/mentor B Mayfield appropriately labeled the Aneros massagers as "Tantric training wheels" and indeed Taoist/Zen practices will probably enhance and accelerate your progress. Sounds like you will rapidly have the Super-O find you. You might also be interested in the thread User Theorems - The Tao of Aneros.
Good Vibes to You!
my prostate remains so incredibly aroused that I can think of nothing else
Two ideas from Mantak Chia‘s „The Multi-orgasmic Man“:
Put your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your navel. Let your tongue touch your palate. Now lead all your vibes down your front channel and send them to your heart and dedicate them to your loved ones, your spouse, your family, yourself.
Drink a lot of water.
Best wishes, Mart
Are you new to prostate play or new to the forum? Appreciate the warm welcome!
3 or 4 years of prostate play but not with an aneros toy. My route to aneros pleasure was a little different to the norm. Introduction - My first Post will give you an idea of how I got here. The welcome and support here is something very special, wish I had found the site years ago.
You might also be interested in the thread User Theorems - The Tao of Aneros.
I have just read this excellent post and noticed if you replace the word "Orgasmic" with "Life" you have a very comprehensive and sensible life philosophy.
Set yourself a goal of no porn for just 2 weeks. I think you’ll ramp up in progress. Hopefully that’ll motivate you to do another 2 weeks. Bin the ponr mate,you don’t need it,and it absolutely murders the journey for a lot of guys.
Posted by @helghast: Set yourself a goal of no porn for just 2 weeks.
The bottom line from "How Long Does It Take for a New Behavior to Become Automatic?"
It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.
There’s no one-size-fits-all figure, which is why this time frame is so broad; some habits are easier to form than others, and some people may find it easier to develop new behaviors.
There’s no right or wrong timeline. The only timeline that matters is the one that works best for you.
Book tip: Habits Of A Happy Brain - Retain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin & Endorphin Levels - Loretta Graziano Breuning, PHD
The link between dopamine and survival is not always obvious, however. For example, computer games stimulate dopamine, even though they don't meet real needs. Computer games reward you with points that your mind has linked to social rewards. To get the points, you activate the seek-and-find mechanism that evolved for foraging. You keep enjoying dopamine as you keep approaching rewards. The dopamine paves a pathway that tells you to expect good feelings from computer games. The next time you feel bad, the game is one way your brain knows to reliveve those bad feelings. From your mammal brain's perspective, it relieves the threat, though the social rewards may prove more elusive.
@mbowen574mail-co Now replace computer games by porn.
Cheers! Mart
My starting point of 2 weeks is to set small manageable goals that are achievable. From there the next 2 weeks and so on. It can be a worry looking too far ahead. But as things progress,they’ll get better in increments and help to build motivation to keep making the changes you desire.
I concurr with most of whats been written here. I realized early on that this is more than just a sexual thing, the pleasure derived goes far beyond that. Its like a full body release thing. Only a few of you will relate to this statement. " This is the best, my toe/foot/hip, pick a body part, has ever felt" Go figure.
I realized early on that this is more than just a sexual thing, the pleasure derived goes far beyond that.
For me,the journey teaches us to become self aware,learning our bodies previously missed sexual capacity. The drive to reproduce via ejaculation takes top priority in men,and we miss everything else that we can do. It’s pretty cool.
You guys are awesome! I haven't been doing anything with the aneros in about a week. This happened at the best/worst time. I quit my job to find a new career. Which is why I had the time to see where this journey might take me. But because I hit the full stop button on a stressful career, which I have realized took its toll on many parts of my life, I found myself looking for something to fill the void. So I got a little obsessed with making the Aneros work. I was thinking about it pretty constantly, wondering which lucky guys in the world were enjoying the experience with it. It was trending in an unhealthy mental direction. And I was treating that with the porn addiction, because I used that to treat everything. So I'm doing rewiring in a number of areas simultaneously. I started down the porn addiction fight journey, which really was thanks to running across prostate stimulation/the aneros and reading guidance on here about erotic self stimulation. Then I started working on the job. As part of my fight against porn, I joined a gym and started eating right. Killing it with that right now, although I'm just a little over a week in. Getting some job interviews, have been working on my house, getting social again (another thing treating my stress with porn was hurting - I have come to believe I was delivering regular, barely-sustenance-level sexual and social interactions to my brain through porn, ruining both of those experiences in real life for myself), and prepping myself to quit smoking. I have been doing my kegels every day, meditating, trying to get in touch with my inner self seperate from the aneros. I don't want to fixate on that. I feel like this could be a total spiritual journey, unlocking my physical and spiritual capacity as a human being. I absolutely look forward to giving it a try when I have a bit more to occupy my mind otherwise. From all of your excellent accumulated guidance on here, I think it will be pretty much impossible to experience the possibilities while becoming fixated on them. I even reignited my romantic life to an extent, putting out some feelers, which has been dormant for a LONG time. And I even started discussing this with some close friends, and found out one has dabbled in some mental/spiritual stimulation of the male power center. And we both started to refrain from masturbation at about the same time, for unrelated reasons.
I plan to stay a part of the community, and hopefully can successfully start to unlock what many of you have experienced with this immensely powerful part. But I just want to say thanks once again not only for the warm welcome, but for all of the unintentional help. I feel like a real person again, making some of these big changes in my life. Who knew getting familiar with a prostate stimulation toy and the associated forum of information would lead down this path? Life is crazy sometimes.
Still a little jealous of the success stories, though. Ha!
Chia's knowledge of the inner workings of the human body is immense. I have started to incorporate a number of his recommendations into my daily life. The positive effects look to go far beyond maximizing the effects of the aneros. My hope is that pausing and then starting the journey into myself from a much better place mentally, physically and emotionally will yield better results. And if not, I can't complain at all about what I've gained from where I was 3 weeks ago, trying to force my stressed, partially depressed, porn-addled mind to make my prostate explode in pleasure. That mindset is obviously a non-starter, at least for me. It's like trying to have a restful sleep while starving, being detained in a prison cell with bright lights and loud music playing 24/7. The physical capacity is there, but the setting is completely wrong. At least that's my working theory.
Just a quick update. I picked it back up this afternoon, with some free time. Limited myself to an hour. Has been 2 days since I last masturbated and a week or so since I used the Aneros. Got pretty quickly relaxed and let it do its thing. Im not sure, but I think the p waves were stronger this time. But what really got me was the leakage. I'm a leaker normally when I'm turned on, but this was completely different. My penis rose and fell, I alternated between contractions and playing with my nipples, and sometime both, and I literally covered myself. I have never seen my penis leak like that. The sensations were of course amazing. And the precum seemed thicker than what normally leaks, like way more viscous or something. And when my timer went off, I got up, typing this now, and going to the gym. The butt buzz is a good bit less intense this time, too. So I'm making headway.
I know posting this seems kind of self serving, or like I'm oversharing, but I figured it might help some of you who are struggling like I was. The story might change back, but the other thing that's remarkable this time is that I feel like I am hitting some milestones on a journey rather than making an attempt at a high standard and not meeting it. Maybe I'm starting to learn how to let go. The kegels are probably helping, too.
It sounds like you're getting close. When I finally started getting close, that was when I would start getting erect during. Before, I was always flaccid it seems. And just like you, I started seeing a lot more precum. Good luck!
So I figured I'd be all self-important and update this at the one month mark, since I haven't been particularly active recently. I have been picking the Helix up occasionally, usually when I am of sound mind and low expectations, mostly free of stress. I did smoke a J while rafting yesterday and then several hours later give the Helix a ride to see if any aftereffects would help. In the past 5 sessions (I have only been getting it out every 3-5 days) I have had very little in the way of progress. In fact, the one session a couple of weeks ago is my peak so far. It was a random afternoon session, when I was free and everything lined up, right mindset and prostate seemingly urging me to pay it some attention. I got heavy leakage and involuntary erections. And then my 1 hour timer went off and I ended it. Since then, very minor p waves and leakage. I think the recent leakage is my normal arousal leakage. I have gotten a new job, starting this weekend. Less hours, more pay, and most likely way less stress. I have applied and been approved for a medical marijuana card to counteract my anxiety issues. I also secured some mushrooms, based on another post on here sparking interest in microdosing to cut down on some mind noise and become more productive (yet ANOTHER constructive life change introduced to me by this forum - my God you guys are awesome!). Haven't begun either regimen, though. I have been struggling with my porn addiction recovery process. I can sometimes go 3 days or so without an orgasm, and usually I end that with a Helix session. Linking the two may very well be increasing expectations, but I'm not able to go much longer and definitely feel that the sensations are better after 2 or 3 days. I have also begun a heavy prostate health regimen. Swedish flower pollen extract, saw palmetto and horny goat weed, taken as intended. But I'm not weeks in, more like days. Maybe that will help. As posted in another thread, I'm tall (6'3") and have had thoughts that the Helix just isn't quite the right fit. So I happened to see the flash sale when checking the forums yesterday and grabbed 3 more models - Progasm, MGX and Eupho. Also nabbed a few cheapy vibrating/rotating/stroking models from an off brand website. Just more to play around with. I have been working out daily, and doing an intermittent fasting regimen. In the past month I have dropped some weight and increased muscle mass and definition. 1.5 hrs in the gym per day. During my 35 minute cardio on the treadmill (4 mph speed walk at 15 degree max incline) I flex my PC about every step, so I think I'm handily fulfilling Dr. Chia's 300 kegels per day recommendation. My PC is getting rather strong. I can easily flex it independently from my sphincter. I have noticed as it becomes stronger, I seem to find less pleasure from the Helix. It sometimes feels like I'm ramming it against something rather than tickling. Anyone else find that the case? Have also been working on breathing with my diaphragm, and doing so while contracting the PC went from impossible to fairly easy.
Anyway, that's the update. I guess I just kinda wanted to vent, with the remote possibility that cataloging a not terribly successful first month but having some stick-to-it-ness may help others who get discouraged in the early stages like I was and, on some level, continue to be. I wouldn't describe myself as entirely discouraged at this point, more plugging along. I have discovered that the position that provides the most positive sensations seems to be different for me almost every session. Best experience was on my back with pillows and alternating between knees up and legs stretched out. Then the next session I get nothing from either one, but minor p waves from side with 1 leg stretched, or on my belly. Sometimes it's on my belly but nothing unless I thrust or gyrate my hips to reach a slightly deeper spot. This is where I'm hoping the other models may show some progress.
All in all, not ready to give up. Glad I found a new career that will allow me the money, time, and low stress levels to continue this venture. Believe it or not, this endeavor (and others I have encountered while active in this one) really helped to dictate what type of career I pursued this time. And a better work/life balance is yet another great side effect of a random attempt to stimulate my prostate that is tangentially connected but very, very momentous.
Good luck to us all!